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Team Fortress 2



  • A virtual plethora of TF2-compatable Pony sprays.
    I use the Rainbow Dash flying one in CS:S
  • A virtual plethora of TF2-compatable Pony sprays.
    I use the Rainbow Dash flying one in CS:S
    Source engine. Makes sense. My favorite is to go to some pubdork server with my pony spray, listen to them call me gay, etc., then be the top one on the server. I've only done it once or twice, but it works wonders.
  • Dear Ro:
  • My new play schedual for TF2 seems to be to join a random server, play until I'm at the top 3 on the server, then disconnect.
  • If I did that, I would starve to death before I disconnected.
  • edited July 2011
    I dunno if it's the influx of new players or what, but I've been shooting up the charts on most servers I join. I've been favouring Puff and Sting Pyro and it's been almost sad how nobody checks their flanks; I can get four or five by diving into bunches of guys with the flamethrower than just wailing with the axetinguiser until nothing is moving anymore. It's particularly brutal on Payload maps obviously, but the general inability of players to check their surroundings means that I have plenty of cannon fodder to sink into. The downside is that other pyros muder me dead because I've got the degreaser and the flaregun, but it's a small price to pay and most W+M1 pyros can usually be delt with by backblasting them and then running for bigger, scarier teammates so they can take care of it. If a server is particularly pyro heavy I switch to Direct Hit Soldier with an equalizer; the direct hit throws most players (myself included) off on backblast timing and if I catch fire the equalizer comes out and I usually take the son of a bitch with me.

    Also, protip. If you chase a pyro around a corner, he is almost definately waiting right there to light you on fire. Gets em every time.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited July 2011
    My new play schedual for TF2 seems to be to join a random server, play until I'm at the top 3 on the server, then disconnect.
    I've been pretty much doing the same thing.

    There seem to be quite a few new players on most servers. I can run around and flare gun the piss out of a group of them. Two days ago, there were 6 blues, and I killed 4 with a flare to the face before my team got there and killed the other two. I got a 5:1 KD as a sniper with 32 headshots the other day. Sheesh. I'm not really very good. X_X L2COUNTER-SNIPERS.
    Also, protip. If you chase a pyro around a corner, he is almost definately waiting right there to light you on fire. Gets em every time.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • There seem to be quite a few new players on most servers. I can run around and flare gun the piss out of a group of them. Two days ago, there were 6 blues, and I killed 4 with a flare to the face before my team got there and killed the other two. I got a 5:1 KD as a sniper with 32 headshots the other day. Sheesh. I'm not really very good. X_X L2COUNTER-SNIPERS.
    Also, L2SNIPE for some of them, I've taken on quite a few snipers on public servers, as a scout, with just the pistol or maybe a Backstop(I think that's what it's called) and beat them quite tidily, simply by having them not GTFO when someone is sitting there taking pot-shots at them.
  • It's sometimes disappointing how easy it is to get on top on the scores in TF2. Couple days ago I played as a Scout on payload server. Only thing I did was that I run to the cart and stayed close to it as long as possible shooting enemies that I saw, but focusing more on the whole moving cart thing. In some rounds I felt like I was the only one moving the cart at all. Got me lots of points thought.
  • edited July 2011
    A good strategy is to have a scout at the start who sits on the cart while the rest of the team clear ahead and switch to a pyro when things get slower so they can clear the tracks of mines and generally keep people coming round the cart.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Man, it was real great the first few days of all of us playing, I used my typical "use the less tread paths to sneak attack" now everyone's using them and I have to rely on actual skills instead of trickery... damn it.
  • I just played on one of the valve servers, and was getting about 5-8 backstabs per life as a spy. NOBODY spychecks on the pubs.
  • All, I would like to practice my target shooting against you all again this evening. Please try to stand still. kthxbai
  • All, I would like to practice my target shooting against you all again this evening. Please try to stand still. kthxbai
  • After Connecticon, I'm going to be uploading some of the new (semi-gimmick) maps and making a MapPack Download for the server so people don't have to download maps as they change (that's one of the reasons why I only have two non-standard maps in rotation).
  • I played on a public server last night and I saw something so terrifying that I will provide a link to it so you can all be terrified, too.
  • lol VSH mod.
  • I played on a public server last night and I saw something so terrifying that I will provide a link to it so you can all be terrified, too.
    Ah, the Saxton Hale mod. Good stuff.
  • I played on a public server last night and I saw something so terrifying that I will provide a link to it so you can all be terrified, too.
    that's one hell of a birthmark
  • edited July 2011
    that's one hell of a birthmark
    That's chesthair. In the shape of Australia.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • that's one hell of a birthmark
    That's chesthair. In the shape of Australia.
    I know. Joke.
  • Alright. For the scrim, do we want Alltalk (that is, everyone's mic goes to everyone on the server, not just their team) on (for better trash talk) or off (for better team coordination)?
  • Off. Definitely off.
  • Team coordination.
  • On, alltalk should never be off.
  • Also, I've been realizing more and more how awesome the pistol is for distraction scouts. Most people can't resist rushing a scout that seems defenseless, so they'll often ignore much more dangerous targets if I peg them from across the map.
  • edited July 2011
    I wish there were 2 transmit keys; one for Alltalk, one for TeamTalk only, in the same way you can in CHAT.

    PS TorontoKev = CrouchingMonkeyHiddenLlama = AtomicTriviaKev
    Post edited by TorontoKev on
  • I wish there were 2 transmit keys; one for Alltalk, one for TeamTalk only, in the same way you can in CHAT.
    Yes, that would be nice.
  • Off, otherwise it's not a scrim.
  • Aww, but I like talking to everybody.
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