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Team Fortress 2



  • Isn't the server called "Fortress Row Crew (Real Men Play With Alltalk)"? I say Alltalk all the way!
  • Alltalk is fine, it's great, it fun, but when I'm scrimming I want to get serious and shouting orders or getting orders from teammates is part of that. Real men might play with Alltalk, but when it's war, playtime is over and Alltalk should go off.
  • Ideally you could have both.
  • I wish there were 2 transmit keys; one for Alltalk, one for TeamTalk only, in the same way you can in CHAT.
    Yes, that would be nice.
    I agree wholeheartedly. So... does something like this exist?
  • Just have each team in a Skype call or something then have an alltalk server, and everyone enable push to talk on TF2.
  • Just have each team in a Skype call or something then have an alltalk server, and everyone enable push to talk on TF2.
  • Yes, because double chat is definitely NOT annoying.
  • Yes, because double chat is definitely NOT annoying.
  • Doesn't Skype allow push to talk hotkeys? If not, you could always use a different voice chat program that does, like Teamspeak or Ventrilo.
  • OR we could just set the chat to team chat.
  • edited July 2011
    OR we could just set the chat to team chat.
    But it's so fun to hear you announce when you've seen a player so I figure out were YOU are and sneak up on you and kill ya.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • If somehow scrims shall use the Alltalk + teamspeak/whatever combo. This shall be the strategy in whatever team I end to.
    1. All but one member in our team shall turn off the voice chat in TF2 (can't talk talk, can't hear).
    2. During the match the one person in the team with access to Alltalk, shall blast loud music from there thus distracting the other team so we get edge.
    3. ???
    4. Profit (and victory)
  • I love playing when someone is blasting loud music!
  • edited July 2011
    Almost as crazy a running into a room at a LAN party with a lit flare. I so want to that.
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • I assume the music will be Rick Astley's Greatest Hits.
  • Just use PTT.
  • So I downloaded TF2, as it's free. Where in this thread does it say where I can join in some FRC forum matches?
  • So I was just playing some Payload, attacking. I was playing to win, so I was sniper, and I was sitting comfortably on top of the server, basically clearing the way for my team so we were making effortless pushes. We switch to defender, and I suddenly came to the uncomfortable realization I was literately carrying the team. When I was alive, we would push the cart back, I would be dropping a heavy about every five seconds, then work my way down other snipers, medics, mini-sentries, etc. They would make no progress at all. Then, some lucky crocket or a fast sniper would drop me, I'd come out the spawn, and find the cart ten meters forward and ubered heavies everywhere.

    What the hell, team?

    While being on the top of the server can be an ego boost, the realization that it might only be so because the rest of your team is so garbage as to leave you a lot of targets alive kinda... I dunno. Takes the fun out of it.
  • Am I the only one who thinks that even the best of these overdubbed MLP clips are hokey and annoying? Most of the time they just give me an urge to watch the original video.
  • edited July 2011
    Am I the only one who thinks that even the best of these overdubbed MLP clips are hokey and annoying?
    No, they suck.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Is it too late to jump in on this party? I have the feeling I'll just get mowed down if I try.
  • Is it too late to jump in on this party? I have the feeling I'll just get mowed down if I try.
    Don't worry, you're probably still better than I am.
  • Something I've been noticing is that a lot of players forget that have weapons other than whatever they rely on, especially snipers and spies. When I'm playing sniper, the machete probably accounts for about a fifth of my kills; not just careless spies who fail to notice my razorback, but I take out a lot pyros who expect me to go down immediately once I catch fire, and if I find myself getting flanked it's usually worth it to kamikaze in and chop down a medic or engineer rather than try to reposition and hope I don't get noticed.
  • I've been trying to go out and get some practice on other servers besides the FRC one, and while they aren't nearly as fun, the skill level seems to be, on the whole, closer to mine. With this increased experience, I think I can diagnose the main problems I'm having with you guys. Which is that when I shoot bullets at you, they don't hit. And when you shoot bullets at me, they do hit. =P

    I'm not sure how to remedy this.
  • I had more adventures in the public servers.
  • Anybody around to dive into the server for a little while?
  • Crafted myself a Degreaser, a Crusader's Crossbow and a Black Box today. Only really tried the Degreaser so far, and I really like it. Torch, Axtinguisher, CHOP CHOP.

    Queue Rym and Scott shaking their heads about crafting weapons.
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