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Team Fortress 2



  • Looks fricken' awesome.
  • So it's going to be TF2 Killing Floor.

    I'm interested.
  • My weiner is trying to high-five the ceiling.
  • My weiner is trying to high-five the ceiling.
  • I am moist with anticipation.
  • Great short. The game itself looks kinda silly, but I'll play anyway.
  • What I feel is excite. I am excite.
  • My special area is tingling. This sensation is so new to me. I don't know what to do.

    I know what we are doing after ATW9K on Thursday.
  • Might have to reinstall TF2.
  • As much as I rag on TF2, 5 player co-op against (literal) bots is something I gotta play.
  • edited August 2012
    What I feel is excite. I am excite.
    I am Excite Bike, feels good man.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited August 2012
    From the sounds of it, it's more like Killing Floor: there are some persistent bonuses, but mostly things come from buying them with money after killing shit in the game.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • As much as I rag on TF2, 5 player co-op against (literal) bots is something I gotta play.
  • Gimmie a break, I couldn't find one that said "Except Andrew."

    Anyway, here's the full MVM website.
  • edited August 2012
    All the text on that site reads in the voice of Cave Johnson to me.

    Also, the trailer is shot in an aspect ratio almost no-one plays games in.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I'm going to reinstall TF2 for this mode.
  • edited August 2012
    As part of the new tf2 hype wagon, I cannot resist posting this source film maker movie here. Great piece of entertainment, and making use of the kinect to enhance animation work.

    Post edited by lifecircle on
  • Should we get some groups together for some games?
  • Scott, since you're recording with us this Thursday, you want to join us on this? I'm not sure if Kevin will stick around so we may need a 5th.

    Team AWT9K +1 FTW!
  • Scott, since you're recording with us this Thursday, you want to join us on this? I'm not sure if Kevin will stick around so we may need a 5th.

    Team AWT9K +1 FTW!
    Is this thing even out yet?
  • edited August 2012
    The video says 08/15/2012. So tomorrow.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Holy zombie jesus. I'm on this like white on rice on a paper plate with a glass of milk in the middle of a snowstorm.
  • I feel like this will be a nice midway point between something like Dota (the first MvM map was described as having "Lanes") and TF2.

    Apparently, there's no class limits, and every class is going to have "something to do". Rumors are abound, as well: Spies will be able to sap robots, turning them in to walking bombs, engies will get instant teleporters, and such.
  • I want to make my Bonesaw Medic a thing. We'll see.
  • They should do a TF2 moba mode where it's red vs blue but with your bots. One player per class. That would be cool!
  • Wait... that sounds rather similar to Monday Night Combat/SMNC?
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