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  • Having sex with someone in order to exact some sort of emotional harm is rape. I mean, bros get their friends who have HIV to exact revenge on their exes by tricking them into having sex with them. That will teach the bitch to remember me and how she stole that ring.
    What is wrong with this world?
    You do understand that it was a sarcastic remark meant to show how fundamentally wrong the idea of having someone do revenge of a sexual nature is, right? Right...?
    Yes, but what's wrong is that's probably happened.
  • Having sex with someone in order to exact some sort of emotional harm is rape. I mean, bros get their friends who have HIV to exact revenge on their exes by tricking them into having sex with them. That will teach the bitch to remember me and how she stole that ring.
    What is wrong with this world?
    You do understand that it was a sarcastic remark meant to show how fundamentally wrong the idea of having someone do revenge of a sexual nature is, right? Right...?

    Although honestly? If the girl is willing to turn around and sleep with her ex-fiance's close friend, she's probably looking for revenge too. She's just as sick and stupid for agreeing to it.
    Unless she didn't, in which case...
  • Having been there, it's a vulnerable state for both sides. It's easy to fall prey to sexual advances.
  • When you're upset and on the rebound, shit happens. It's bad to take advantage of that. It's also bad to act rashly out of malice and do something you might regret later.

    It's also silly to get all worked up over obvious trolling. ;P
  • edited December 2011
    It's also silly to get all worked up over obvious trolling. ;P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • There is a difference between rape and grudge/revenge sex. I would never support rape.
  • Just be nice to everyone all the time, you guys :(

    Also, revenge is stupid.
  • My wife just said you need to put that up on iTunes so she can buy it.
  • I'm planning to record all my piano songs next year and release it on Band Camp or something. Maybe I'll do a recording of "Don't put your dick in the crazy girl" for YouTube too.
  • There is a difference between rape and grudge/revenge sex.
    Not nearly as much as you want there to be. Revenge is, in any case, not a particularly good idea.

    I've managed to stay on speaking terms with my ex, although I barely see her anyways. Staying on good terms (if possible) with someone is nice, especially if there's a crossover between your friend groups. Otherwise, bad things can happen.

    Can I complain about my problems for a moment? Namely, I seem to have fallen for the president of my school's sci-fi club. She doesn't want to be in a relationship. I need to get over her by the end of winter break so that I won't just be depressed when I start hanging out with her again. Any suggestions?
  • edited December 2011

    EDIT: Scotch is an acceptable substitute.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on

  • Can I complain about my problems for a moment? Namely, I seem to have fallen for the president of my school's sci-fi club. She doesn't want to be in a relationship. I need to get over her by the end of winter break so that I won't just be depressed when I start hanging out with her again. Any suggestions?
    Drunken sex with her friend?
  • Other options:

    -Don't get into a relationship with her. Hit it and quit it, as the saying goes.

    -Masturbate furiously.

    -Turn your almost-depression into useful and productive endeavors - developing your skills while ensuring that you are not overwhelmed by negativity. Take up a hobby, or write a song, or paint some miniatures, or build a really huge sky castle in Minecraft.

    -Whine like a little girly-girl.
  • -Suggest a casual relationship.
  • Things are going with with my lady-friend. Although her parents seem to do an unusual amount of hovering. She took me to her room for a few minutes, with the door open, and her Mother stuck her head in the door. Also her Mother insisted that her house be the host to a movie we planned to watch unless absolutely necessary. She is 19 so maybe I understand a little of that... but it's too much. She is an adult, after all. Hopefully this is just a beginning of relationship thing that will pass.
  • edited December 2011
    Once you get out of school your dating pool becomes an ocean. I don't date anyone from within my circle of friends.

    When I break up with someone the likelihood of me ever running into them again is extremely low. Thus making breakups final Is simply easier.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Other options:

    -Turn your almost-depression into useful and productive endeavors - developing your skills while ensuring that you are not overwhelmed by negativity. Take up a hobby, or write a song, or paint some miniatures, or build a really huge sky castle in Minecraft.
    Hey wait a second...I did that...

  • Other options:

    -Turn your almost-depression into useful and productive endeavors - developing your skills while ensuring that you are not overwhelmed by negativity. Take up a hobby, or write a song, or paint some miniatures, or build a really huge sky castle in Minecraft.
    Hey wait a second...I did that...

    You broke up with your woman?

  • edited December 2011
    Hm. So, I met this girl at RIT a few years ago. We sort of dated for a few months, then became too busy. By "sort of dated," I mean we spent nearly every waking moment together. We never got tired of each other's company, and could talk for hours on end (among other activities). Afterwards, the sheer emotional impact (since I wouldn't call it love) she had on me wouldn't be felt with almost anyone else for a long time.

    Last year, she moved to California to work for Apple. We would exchange brief pleasantries, but we lived so far apart that we never hung out. Well, we did today.

    I met up with her and we spent the day in Palo Alto and San Francisco. We walked by places I used to live, and hung out in San Francisco's Japantown, where I had spent most of my free time in high school. Lots of nostalgia and memories.

    After driving back to the place I'm staying (over vacation), we continued talking for two hours. She and I still have an astounding rapport, and the conversation hadn't died all day. We could have talked all the way to tomorrow morning without getting tired.

    I don't know how I feel about her, or what I'd classify our relationship as. She knows me better than anyone else, yet we see each other too rarely for me to think of her as my "best friend." And she arouses incredibly complex and strong emotions in me, but I don't love her, romantically. I guess the closest thing I can think of is a muse?

    Have you guys had any relationships like this? How did they turn out? Right now I'm kind of a roux of emotions, built on the sizzling butter of nostalgia and a floury cloud of "what if?"'s.

    FUN FACT #1: We both were influenced to go to RIT by different members of the FRC.

    FUN FACT #2: She's the reason I started smoking.

    EDIT: "Muse" is too one-sided. She feels similarly about me, and also doesn't know how to classify our relationship.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited December 2011
    I guess kind of I have a friend like that. We went on a trip together to visit another friend a few years ago, during which we cuddled twice. After we got back home, for the weeks following we'd just stay up all night talking, and about a lot of stuff I'm pretty sure we both had never told anyone before. I don't see her much due to her insane school schedule and a large number of family trips, but almost everytime I do, it's amazing. I'm not interested in her romantically per se, but I do feel energized around her, and I guess I do sometimes entertain the idea of being with her. I don't know if that's what you're feeling. The use of the word "muse" confuses me, I more think of that being reserved for some kind of unrequited love that inspires creativity.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I'd say "soul sister" or something, since you don't hold any romantic feelings for her.

  • Yeah, the word "muse" doesn't cover it, but has a similar emotional resonance, I think. "Blood brothers"?
  • edited December 2011
    She's a ladybro, dude.

    I recently started backpacking through Europe, with one of my goals being to forget all the fucked-up girl problems that I got put through first semester. It's worked for one girl; I'm still feeling something (dunno what) for this other utterly insane girl I know. Stupid brain chemistry. It'd be nice if that company from Eternal Sunshine was real.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It'd be nice if that company from Eternal Sunshine was real.
    Make that two of us. There's people I've managed to forget, but there are others who are still stuck in this twisted mind of mine!
  • I don't know about that in general dudes don't cudldle.... however I have found over the years a little sexual chemistry can make a powerful friendship as long as it is handled right many women I have had à thing for in the past have become great friends because the underlying attraction adds another level of intensity to the friendship. Usually these never becomea relationship dueto outside factors. However sometimes they do once thefactors align.

  • edited December 2011
    I don't know about that in general dudes don't cudldle.... however I have found over the years a little sexual chemistry can make a powerful friendship as long as it is handled right many women I have had à thing for in the past have become great friends because the underlying attraction adds another level of intensity to the friendship. Usually these never becomea relationship dueto outside factors. However sometimes they do once thefactors align.

    This looks like a drunk post, but I'm going to agree with what part of it I understand. I'm in this situation with one of my best friend's girlfriends, in fact. We're open about the fact that we're attracted to each other, and we're great friends, but everyone in the equation is so honest and loyal that I can't see any drama coming from it. It's a nice place to be.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • heh, it was a tablet post. I was having a bitchy time typing out a long response :-p
  • I don't know about that in general dudes don't cudldle.... however I have found over the years a little sexual chemistry can make a powerful friendship as long as it is handled right many women I have had à thing for in the past have become great friends because the underlying attraction adds another level of intensity to the friendship. Usually these never becomea relationship dueto outside factors. However sometimes they do once thefactors align.

    This looks like a drunk post, but I'm going to agree with what part of it I understand. I'm in this situation with one of my best friend's girlfriends, in fact. We're open about the fact that we're attracted to each other, and we're great friends, but everyone in the equation is so honest and loyal that I can't see any drama coming from it. It's a nice place to be.
    I think it is fine to have friends you are attracted too, as long as you are mature enough to handle it. There is no binary of attracted/not attracted. There is lots of room for attracted-but-do-not need-to-date. I mean, don't you want to hang around with a bunch of smart, good-looking, and funny people of the opposite gender?

  • Yeah, with no commitment or formalization in it.
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