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  • Amendment 1:
    A bro is entitles to have sex with his Bro's ex if she inititates it, she is really hot, or his bro is out of town or in another room.
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with them, that is a definitive no (and this is coming from the guy who slepts with an ex's mom (and accidentally her cousin too)).
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • What. The. Fuck. You people are crazy.
  • Tick, that is a terrible thing to do for all parties involved. Just no.
  • Terrible events lead to terrible things. A bro will always have your back.
  • While I agree wholeheartedly with Mike/trogdor42, I think canine224 won this thread.
    (and accidentally her cousin too)).
  • Tick, due to your terrible interpretation of the bro code, you are hereby stripped of your bro status.

    Seriously though, dude, that's messed up.
  • It's better if you make her cry a little bit as you're kicking her out of your house, too.
  • I've found that trying to maintain a healthy, non-hating-each-other relationship with exes tends to yield much better results.
  • Yeah, but how is that possible to achieve? I was never able because my exes were expecting me to be happy for them without me being able to be happy.
  • I have found that never speaking to them again works much better.

    Look, sometimes a woman really screws you over. It is those times when you need a solid bro to go in and deal some retribution.

    For example, how would you feel if an ex dumped you but kept the $5K engagement ring you bought? Wouldn't you feel a little better to hear that your bro found her, fucked her and then scratched "I'm a gold digging whore" into the side of her car?
  • It wouldn't make me feel any better personally. Not that I'm against retribution, but it needs to be rather exact and usually over matters of greater importance than money.
  • That fact that one would purchase an expensive ring in the first place and get engaged implies more than money.
  • edited December 2011
    I have found that never speaking to them again works much better.

    Look, sometimes a woman really screws you over. It is those times when you need a solid bro to go in and deal some retribution.

    For example, how would you feel if an ex dumped you but kept the $5K engagement ring you bought? Wouldn't you feel a little better to hear that your bro found her, fucked her and then scratched "I'm a gold digging whore" into the side of her car?
    No. That's an immature and foolish way to handle it. If you gave her a present, it is hers, even if she is a horrible person afterwards. Also, if any ex wrongs you in financial ways you can turn to the legal system. Never had an ex, but my landlords took some money I did not believe they were entitled to. Did I begin a campaign of harrassment? No. I took them to mediation, got back a bunch (although not all) of the money, and left, if not on friendly terms, at least on neutral terms.
    Some breakups are messy, some are calm and the people remain friends. Even in the case of messy ones, emotional revenge is never a good thing. You need to be strong and just cut off that person. Sexual Violence is never warranted.
    Also, you should never sleep with someone you would not give your pin number to.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Also, you should never sleep with someone you would not give your pin number to.
    That's my policy, but I don't get laid much.
  • I think getting someone who is a great partner is worth waiting for.
  • That's what I'm hoping for.
  • I think getting someone who is a great partner is worth waiting for.
  • Sometimes people make mistakes when they date. I would never tell a bro to take retribution on an ex but I also wouldn't berates him for doing so if he did it on his own.

    When I got divorced a lot of my friends made retribution offers and i turned them all down. If someone had done something non-lethal I would have been impressed by his/her devotion to me.

    As for the legal system it can only help sometimes. Most women keep the ring, which is fine if the engagement is a long one. If it is very short or she breaks it off she should give it back.
  • That fact that one would purchase an expensive ring in the first place and get engaged implies more than money.
    Calling them a gold-digger makes me think it was about money.
  • edited December 2011
    Meh. Steve is a big boy he can handle any consequences or repercussions that may come from his actions.

    Overall, this is the type of stuff that happens in the normal dating/relationship world. While most of us here don't condone that sort of behavior, there are people out there that do things like this or worse.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Meh, gifts are just gifts. Once you can get over the person who gave them to you, it's just "something".

    I grew tired of searching and waiting, which is why I seek to be single. Then again, 10 years of waiting for someone to open his eyes has made me weary. I kinda despise girls who aren't able to stay single for a time, since they just look like they're spoiled, weak-willed and needy to me. I haven't had a real relationship, and I just don't feel the need to be in one. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so. Just makes me an independent woman, which down here, is viewed with suspicion.

    It's not that I don't want to date. It's just that I don't believe in love per se.
  • Sometimes people make mistakes when they date. I would never tell a bro to take retribution on an ex but I also wouldn't berates him for doing so if he did it on his own.

    When I got divorced a lot of my friends made retribution offers and i turned them all down. If someone had done something non-lethal I would have been impressed by his/her devotion to me.

    As for the legal system it can only help sometimes. Most women keep the ring, which is fine if the engagement is a long one. If it is very short or she breaks it off she should give it back.
    As I said, sexual violence is never warranted. It's creepy and makes you into the bad guy. The whole "eye for an eye" is stupid and barbaric, and instead of just one person being a dick you have double dickitude. I would mistrust a friend who would hurt one of my ex-friends for me, because if they would do something like that, what would prevent them from turning on me some day?
    Also, I have decided that instead of engagement rings, people should get each other practical things like engagement bicycles.

  • I kinda despise people who aren't able to stay single for a time, since they just look like they're spoiled, weak-willed and needy to me.
    It's not that I don't want to date. It's just that I don't believe in love per se.
    I believe in love, but I also think it's a lot rarer and more precious than a lot of people make it out to be. The idea that someone can be invested in another person without really knowing them irks me. Actually LOVING someone is about accepting and loving who they really are no matter what... even if it's not always great. I have trouble dating because the people who get hooked before getting to know the other person and then put on airs to impress them just makes me want to punch something.

    And yeah, I realize that you don't typically date someone you've known for awhile. But the societal conventions about dating just aren't really my style thus far.
  • Of course, Rym put on airs for me back when, and told me stuff like that he was fluent in French, but that is more just Rym being his inimitable self.
  • Remember this? Eddie is following the bro code here. Yeah, I know it's not dating related but he kidnapped the boss to exact some retribution.

    A bro always has your back, even if they are misguided...

  • Having sex with someone in order to exact some sort of emotional harm is rape. I mean, bros get their friends who have HIV to exact revenge on their exes by tricking them into having sex with them. That will teach the bitch to remember me and how she stole that ring.
  • Having sex with someone in order to exact some sort of emotional harm is rape. I mean, bros get their friends who have HIV to exact revenge on their exes by tricking them into having sex with them. That will teach the bitch to remember me and how she stole that ring.
    What is wrong with this world?
  • I've found that trying to maintain a healthy, non-hating-each-other relationship with exes tends to yield much better results.
    Sometimes it's not possible, even if you try really hard. I don't think you need to do anything negative to them, but...Cutting an ex out of your life (or being cut out of an ex's life) is sometimes healthiest for everyone, at least for a while.

  • Having sex with someone in order to exact some sort of emotional harm is rape. I mean, bros get their friends who have HIV to exact revenge on their exes by tricking them into having sex with them. That will teach the bitch to remember me and how she stole that ring.
    What is wrong with this world?
    You do understand that it was a sarcastic remark meant to show how fundamentally wrong the idea of having someone do revenge of a sexual nature is, right? Right...?

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