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  • For me, I don't really celebrate my birthday, but I enjoy holidays where people dress up and/or take to the streets. Halloween and New Years really bring out the best in New York.
    Two excellent holidays.
    Wait what, now you are willing to say that shit like Halloween is excellent holiday. Or arbitrary end of the year?

  • I'm not a fan of Valentines Day at all, but you know how I get around that? Ignore the world for a day and watch violent movies and play video games. It makes me level for the day and allows me to have some fun.

    Also, cheap candies the day after. Hells yeah.
  • First non-single Valentines Day in a while - feels good, bro.
    First Valentines Day with friends who don't bitch about the holiday (single or no) - feels really fucking good, bro.
  • Bought the girlfriend nice Zelda-related gifts for V-day. Excited to exchange gifts later tonight.
  • Excited to "exchange gifts" later tonight.
  • edited February 2012
    He got her Zelda themed sex toys.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • He got her Zelda themed sex toys.
    Well that makes not think of the Triforce the same way ever again.

  • He got her Zelda themed sex toys.
    Well that makes not think of the Triforce the same way ever again.
    I think I just ruined Master Sword for myself.

  • He got her Zelda themed sex toys.
    Well that makes not think of the Triforce the same way ever again.
    I think I just ruined Master Sword for myself.

    Nayru's Love could also work in this situation.

  • C'mon guys. Magic hammer? "You can use it to pound other things too?"
  • Majora's Gimp Mask.
  • C'mon guys. Magic hammer? "You can use it to pound other things too?"
    I didn't want to go for the obvious, but since you did: Cane of Boneya.

  • My mind immediately went to the hookshot... What the fuck is wrong with me...
  • edited February 2012
    oops, wrong thread.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Relationships suck =(
  • They only suck if you suck at it.
  • Or If the one person isn't fully backing it.
  • My girlfriend has bronchitis. We rescheduled our date to Friday though so it isn't all bad.
  • Had an interesting misunderstanding with my girl friend. She told me (after three days of being pissed) that I had changed. Once I finally got her to tell me how I changed (my kiss) I was able to explain. My kiss changed because three days ago she almost bit my tongue off!

    We could have avoided some tension if she had been direct rather than dropping subtle hints that I didn't get.
  • Oboes have reeds, Violins are stringy, If I buy you a meal, will you play with my thingy?

  • Oboes have reeds, Violins are stringy, If I buy you a meal, will you play with my thingy?

    The fact that you named two instruments I play is... well... interesting.
    I don't really know how to take that.
  • edited February 2012
    Oboes have reeds, Violins are stringy, If I buy you a meal, will you play with my thingy?

    The fact that you named two instruments I play is... well... interesting.
    I don't really know how to take that.
    Purely coincidental, since I don't think I was aware you played both oboe and violin till right now. Fond of you as I am, I don't really know terribly much about you.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Guys, I got her two sets of Zelda earrings and a keychain of a Chibi Sheik.
    And she gave me a piece of her heart.
  • Purely coincidental, since I don't think I was aware you played both oboe and violin till right now. Fond of you as I am, I don't really know terribly much about you.
    Oh myyy.
    Well, that's definitely an interesting coincidence, considering you could have picked plenty of other reedy or stringy instruments.
    I was going to be a music major for awhile there, and I played both oboe and violin in a fairly prestigious regional community group (with Duke University).
    I don't think I know terribly much about anyone on the forums, honestly. Maybe that's because I like to know people much more personally than I tend to get from the forums. Perhaps that's also due to my lurking nature here.

    In any case, thank you. I'm pretty fond of you too. :D
  • me: I'm trying to think how to introduce myself to someone on okcupid
    Peter: Hi, I'm George. Your profile looked interesting, and I'd like to chat.
    me: that seems entirely too easy
    I'm going to brood over this and make it a much bigger thing than it is
    Peter: Sounds like a solid plan.
  • Pete is a wise man. Just make sure if/when she responds back to know what about her profile is interesting so you can continue to have a conversation with her. =P
  • Just make sure you sound more like a human. I get bot messages almost exactly like that on skype every once in a while.
  • Pete is a wise man. Just make sure if/when she responds back to know what about her profile is interesting so you can continue to have a conversation with her. =P
    I would recommend actually mentioning what you found interesting in her profile in the initial message. There is nothing worse on a dating site than having to delete a million "Hi gurl, you're a gurl and I want to date one of those!" messages. Just showing that you are a real person who read her profile before sending a message makes you a top contender.

  • That's advanced conversation mechanics. I'm trying to get George to say "hi."
  • @Nuri
    George: me: I'm trying to think how to introduce myself to someone on okcupid
    Sent at 1:33 PM on Friday
    Peter: Hi, I'm George. Your profile looked interesting, and I'd like to chat.
    me: that seems entirely too easy
    I'm going to brood over this and make it a much bigger thing than it is
    Peter: Sounds like a solid plan.
    me: hahaha
    petes right
    just be upfront and honest
    if they bite they may ask what looked interesting and thats when you reply with what you liked
    perhaps in the first message be like I saw you like a certain and and go onto stating your interest in it, but keep it short then say i hope we can chat sometime
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