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  • edited February 2012
    Ah, silly boy with his Ivy League schools. At RIT, we just talk about video games all the time. And science. Lots of science.
    Journalist. We just drink.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Public Ivy. No bullshit, 20+ Nobel prize winners, tons of vidya, science, and booze flowin' like waterfalls.
  • edited February 2012
    Sorry, it's been on my mind a lot. Well, my roommates and I have conversations involving gender politics around once per day, and I'm not the one initiating them most of the time.
    That's roughly the ratio with my mom. It comes up a lot. I can see why, because gender and patriarchy is very ingrained in a LOT of aspects of our society, but it's not always the bit I want to focus on in the conversation. Sometimes I do like having a rousing conversation about feminism.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited February 2012
    On the thread's original topic, I recently realized that I've been denying my feelings for someone I have everything in common with and have seen on a biweekly basis for the past two years. This is magnified by the fact that I tried to forget about said feelings due to a stupid perceived conflict of interest...And that I'm now several thousand miles away from her. I'm stuck like this till June, just hoping she doesn't start dating anyone.

    Well. This blows.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2012
    Great if it's real, but I'll give one advice. Meet her for the first time in a very public place with many people around. That is the way to stay safe meeting any Internet stranger for the first time.
    Very sound advice, though I know that rule very well.

    Also, I am familiar with Luke's infamous online dating story.
    Talk to my sister. Between the two of us, we can arm you to the teeth with all manner of defensive and offensive non-firearm-based weaponry.
    EDIT: Oops, wrong text box.
    EDIT 2: Wait, no that works here too.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • An adorable female friend of mine expressed a desire to "build a shrine to [me]" in the house she and the rest of my crew are moving into next year, and to "sit in front of it and pretend you're still around."

    I don't know whether to be creeped out, flattered, amused, or intrigued.
  • creeped out
    Yeah, this is the one.

  • edited February 2012
    WUB: All four.

    Also, in two days it'll be awesome girlfriend spring break hangouts (she's coming to the city for a week or so), and I'll finally be able to give her Valentine's Day gifts: An 1898 edition of Facetious Nights of Straparola, a 1930's Ronson (looks like this, but will have her name engraved) which I restored myself, and a silver snuff box with a love note inside (we have a horribly cute joke involving the show Snuff Box). I think I did pretty well.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • An adorable female friend of mine expressed a desire to "build a shrine to [me]" in the house she and the rest of my crew are moving into next year, and to "sit in front of it and pretend you're still around."

    I don't know whether to be creeped out, flattered, amused, or intrigued.





  • What anime is that from?
  • edited February 2012
    What anime is that from?
    I need to know as well...
    Post edited by magnusrex on
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2012
    Looking through the thread, I was inspired to sign up for OKCupid and give online dating a try. I answered a lot of the questions that it provides on the sites and it matched me up with a girl who sounds like someone I could get along with and does not live too far away from me. I can't say that I don't have reservations, but I'm gonna take a chance on her. Who knows? Something good could come out of it!

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Gah, since everyone's trying out OKCupid nowadays, I guess I might give it a shot one of these days. There's still a girl in the sci-fi club who I want to try hitting on first, though.
  • OKCupid can work. Or not. It did for me, but that doesn't mean it will? I dunno. It's just a way to talk to people that aren't in your normal daily schedule.
  • Gah, since everyone's trying out OKCupid nowadays, I guess I might give it a shot one of these days. There's still a girl in the sci-fi club who I want to try hitting on first, though.
    If you're in college, OKC probably isn't needed yet.
  • Gah, since everyone's trying out OKCupid nowadays, I guess I might give it a shot one of these days. There's still a girl in the sci-fi club who I want to try hitting on first, though.
    If you're in college, OKC probably isn't needed yet.
    Probably. It wouldn't hurt to have it as well though.
  • @Apreche Yeeeeah no. I mean, I get the joke, and I understand WHY it would be funny, but the real joke is that the roles are actually reversed. Amy has been going after the Blue Blur since Sonic CD, much to his chagrin.
  • The actual real joke is that your response implies that you had a Sega CD.
  • edited March 2012
    The actual real joke is that your response implies that you had a Sega CD.
    Look at my user name. What do you think? ^_~

    Also, Echo the Dolphin was a bastard.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • The actual real joke is that your response implies that you had a Sega CD.
    Look at my user name. What do you think? ^_~
    I think you've lived a life of disappointment since 1996.

  • edited March 2012
    The actual real joke is that your response implies that you had a Sega CD.
    Look at my user name. What do you think? ^_~
    I think you've lived a life of disappointment since 1996.
    Well from 1996-2001 (Sonic Adventure 2), and then from 2001-2005 (Shadow the Hedgehog), and finally from 2005-2010 (Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations). We're on a high note, so I'm feelin pretty good now. Just waiting for the next Dreamcast Collection when they'll release Sonic Adventure 2, Shenmue, and Jet Grind Radio for PC... eventually...

    Yeah, they're never gonna do that, but I can hope.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Just waiting for the next Dreamcast Collection when they'll release Sonic Adventure 2, Shenmue, and Jet Grind Radio for PC... eventually...

    Yeah, they're never gonna do that, but I can hope.

    Well, maybe not all of it, but there is hope for at least one of those titles, my young padawan.

  • edited March 2012
    After a painfully unsuccessful outing with my roommate and his female friends, I have decided that bars and nightlife-y places are not my forte for meeting women. Gotta reassess my dating strategies. Almost at the point where I'll post my ridiculous breakup story to the forum...
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • After a painfully unsuccessful outing with my roommate and his female friends, I have decided that bars and nightlife-y places are not my forte for meeting women. Gotta reassess my dating strategies. Almost at the point where I'll post my ridiculous breakup story to the forum...
    Go to craft events. You'll meet more interesting women - they actually have personalities and hobbies other than drinking.

  • Gah, since everyone's trying out OKCupid nowadays, I guess I might give it a shot one of these days. There's still a girl in the sci-fi club who I want to try hitting on first, though.
    I acquired a steady girlfriend through OKCupid. But it is a bit of a slog to get responses.
  • I got a kick out of this.

  • I think I'm flirting with an old high school crush by a weird system of likes and comments on Facebook relating to our mutual struggles with depression, wars against sleep deprivation, and love of The Antlers?

    I'm not sure, but I think that's what's happening.
  • edited March 2012
    Okay, I'm going to lay out a scenario for you all.
    Imagine there is this movie. As you watch it for the first time, you love every minute of it. But at the end, the character you loved the most dies. The end.
    Now imagine you're watching that movie for a second time. You still love every minute of it, but it's tainted. In the back of your mind, as your favorite scenes pass by, there is this constant thought, "He's gonna die. He's gonna die."

    The experience of the second viewing describes my current relationship perfectly. My girlfriend (for a few months now) is leaving to go home to Japan in two weeks. Tonight, we had a wonderful date. Dinner at a great cafe with great food, then we went to see Arrietty. Not a moment of stagnant conversation or awkward pauses; the conversation flowed perfectly, with laughter and stories from both of us the whole way through.

    But whenever I looked at her, really look at her, that terrible voice from deep down inside of me came calling, "She's leaving in two weeks. She's leaving in two weeks."

    I hate this. I hate this more than anything else in the world.

    And the problem is I knew that this was how it was going to end from the very beginning. I knew and I invested anyway. What is wrong with me...
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Great if it's real, but I'll give one advice. Meet her for the first time in a very public place with many people around. That is the way to stay safe meeting any Internet stranger for the first time.
    The first time I met someone from the internet, they were in my house and I was 15 years old.

    I died that day.
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