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  • Yeah, she doesn't want someone smarter than she is, I'm betting.
    Or she answered it wrong the first time, changed the answer later, but forgot to update her required responses. Don't attribute malice to what can adequately be explained with incompetence.

    Also, I totally couldn't tell that was red. Curse you colorblindness.
  • You should ask her.
  • I wouldn't. She might answer.
  • Or maybe she thought she was filling out the acceptable answers instead?

    I dunno. Whatever. She is either mean, dumb, or unable to follow basic instructions. Life's too short.
  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    Are you sure it's for real? Could be fake.
  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    If it's for real...
  • The only way to find out is to HIT ON HER BACK. Also, you should ask out Cute Jazz Girl.
  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    Are you sure it's for real? Could be fake.
    I like how this is your first instinct.

  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    Are you sure it's for real? Could be fake.
    I like how this is your first instinct.

    To be fair, it's the Internet. There's like an 80% chance that any given "female" actually has a penis.

  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    Are you sure it's for real? Could be fake.
    I like how this is your first instinct.
    This is the internet. All girls are guys until proven otherwise with pics.
  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    Are you sure it's for real? Could be fake.
    I like how this is your first instinct.

    I get hit on on Twitter constantly. 100% obvious fake spam accounts. Why not also Tumblr?
  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    Are you sure it's for real? Could be fake.
    Could be! Will just have to converse and see. Her blog is pretty great, though.
  • edited February 2012
    Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    Are you sure it's for real? Could be fake.
    I like how this is your first instinct.

    I get hit on on Twitter constantly. 100% obvious fake spam accounts. Why not also Tumblr?
    I think the funniest one I've had is being "Hit on" by the same account, to both my tumblr accounts(which don't show any link to each other, or give any indication of being owned by the same person) simultaneously. Clearly spam, but at least it was amusing.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Ummm, I am being hit on via Tumblr by a cute geeky girl whose blog I started following last week. I did not expect this at all.
    Are you sure it's for real? Could be fake.
    Could be! Will just have to converse and see. Her blog is pretty great, though.
    If she's together enough to have a great blog, there's a good chance she's at least a real person. Look for how she posts on women's issues, if her posts tend to be intelligent she's either a girl or a guy with good gender politics.
  • If she's together enough to have a great blog, there's a good chance she's at least a real person. Look for how she posts on women's issues, if her posts tend to be intelligent she's either a girl or a guy with good gender politics.
    I'm going to start taking a drink every time Linkigi mentions women's rights in a conversation that has absolutely zero to do with the issue.
  • If she's together enough to have a great blog, there's a good chance she's at least a real person. Look for how she posts on women's issues, if her posts tend to be intelligent she's either a girl or a guy with good gender politics.
    I'm going to start taking a drink every time Linkigi mentions women's rights in a conversation that has absolutely zero to do with the issue.
    Prepare for

  • edited February 2012
    Prepare for
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited February 2012
    Sorry, it's been on my mind a lot. Well, my roommates and I have conversations involving gender politics around once per day, and I'm not the one initiating them most of the time.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Ah, silly boy with his Ivy League schools. At RIT, we just talk about video games all the time. And science. Lots of science.
  • edited February 2012
    Well, that was a whirlwind. We made friends on FB, chatted for a while, and now I guess we have tentative plans to hang out when she comes home during her spring break?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ah, silly boy with his Ivy League schools. At RIT, we just talk about video games all the time. And science. Lots of science.
    Also dicks.
  • edited February 2012
    Also dicks.
    Everybody talks about dicks.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Well, that was a whirlwind. We made friends on FB, chatted for a while, and now we have tentative plans to hang out when she comes home during her spring break?
    Pics or she isn't real.

  • edited February 2012
    Normally I'd say eff you, it's personal, I don't have to prove anything to you, but:


    Oh well.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Great if it's real, but I'll give one advice. Meet her for the first time in a very public place with many people around. That is the way to stay safe meeting any Internet stranger for the first time.
  • Great if it's real, but I'll give one advice. Meet her for the first time in a very public place with many people around. That is the way to stay safe meeting any Internet stranger for the first time.
    Very sound advice, though I know that rule very well.

    Also, I am familiar with Luke's infamous online dating story.
  • Great if it's real, but I'll give one advice. Meet her for the first time in a very public place with many people around. That is the way to stay safe meeting any Internet stranger for the first time.

    Invite them to the most dangerous place you can find. Wear a dark cloak. Make sure it's at night. That's how I like to meet strangers. That way you know if they're going to try to stab you right away, and you never have to second guess yourself later.
  • I hope it isn't too infamous. That was over ten years ago though, back when it was possible for someone not to show up on google at all, even if they were real.
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