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  • I didn't even think about it until after the fact. I was running about 30min late to a lab meetup. I texted her as much.

    Still waiting; who knows what's up. Also, I only drink my coffee black.

    Probably fucked this up.
    She probably doesn't respond to texts while at work, or needs to check with a friend about plans first. Your extreme anxiety is gonna fuck it up before anything else. Take a deep breath. Talk to her like a lab partner and fake confidence until you have some.

  • So far, texts sent are, "Hey, let's get barbecue tomorrow," and, "Also, sorry I was in a rush when I got coffee, I was 30min late to a lab group meet." Not sending anything else until she hits me back; she's left work so hopefully I hear back later tonight.

    This was all so much easier when I had a Xanax script. :p
  • God, this whole "will they text me back?" game is another reason why I'm happy I no longer have to play that game.
  • The twist: he's been texting THE WRONG GIRL ALL ALONG.

    -M. Night Shamalamalamamamababa
  • You guys only play it with SOs. My mind does it to me with regular friends.
  • You guys only play it with SOs. My mind does it to me with regular friends.
    When I was your age I had ONE friend. It was still a little nerve wracking.
  • edited October 2012
    God, this whole "will they text me back?" game is another reason why I'm happy I no longer have to play that game.
    Yeah, it's a brutal form of communication. I prefer phone calls, except voice calls are for weirdos, old people, and business nowadays. So, I wait and watch the Presidential Fistfight, and then go grab an Old Fashioned with the mates, all while exercising tremendous willpower to not smoke the eighth cigarette of the day.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • God, this whole "will they text me back?" game is another reason why I'm happy I no longer have to play that game.
    Yeah, it's a brutal form of communication. I prefer phone calls, except voice calls are for weirdos, old people, and business nowadays. So, I wait and watch the Presidential Fistfight, and then go grab an Old Fashioned with the mates, all while exercising tremendous willpower to not smoke the eighth cigarette of the day.
    I remember $560 cell phone bills from chatting up girls back before free minutes were a thing and when "roaming" meant you left the general area of the interstate.
  • God, this whole "will they text me back?" game is another reason why I'm happy I no longer have to play that game.
    Yeah, it's a brutal form of communication. I prefer phone calls, except voice calls are for weirdos, old people, and business nowadays.
    See though, I like it, because when I get a call I know to treat it with importance and assume that it's something time-sensitive. I'm probably part of the problem, but I get a little annoyed when people call to relay small, trivial pieces of information, because I'll usually have gone out of my way to pick up or call them back ASAP. Exceptions are when someone I haven't spoken to in a while just wants to shoot the shit and I also think calling to make plans is always acceptable because it's often more efficient than text.
  • edited October 2012
    Post edited by Sail on
  • God, this whole "will they text me back?" game is another reason why I'm happy I no longer have to play that game.
    I'm glad I never had to play that game. Though even if I did, I would still prefer waiting on texts than doing voice. Even though I've never really had a bad phone conversation, my stupid brain just can't help but get anxious about it.
  • She got back to me at 1:30am to apologize for the delay and let me know she has too much class today to do lunch. That's a thing that happened, I suppose.
  • edited October 2012
    She got back to me at 1:30am to apologize for the delay and let me know she has too much class today to do lunch. That's a thing that happened, I suppose.
    So, wait a couple days or a week and then be all like hey let's try that lunch again.

    Unsolicited advice: for dating success, stop smoking. Smoking + habitual coffee drinking = dude, you don't even smell how bad your breath is, and the perpetual scent of mints isn't much of an improvement.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Woke up this morning with no urge to smoke, but thanks for the advice! I'll probably just switch back to tea for my habitual drink of choice.
  • Confidence is honestly the only secret to dating. That and not getting too invested, too soon, but that's really just about confidence, too. Just be chill.
  • Attention all females on earth who like mecha anime. You have my phone number.
    This is true. I do have your phone number. It is right here on my phone. How did you do that?
  • Attention all females on earth who like mecha anime. You have my phone number.
    This is true. I do have your phone number. It is right here on my phone. How did you do that?

  • That looks JUST LIKE Scott.
  • I think you mean Rym.
  • I know what I mean.
  • It's ScRym's spawn.
  • I got friend zoned on my birthday, and then a little kid thought that I was Superman because of the shirt I was wearing, and I am Ok with that :D
  • Grizzly Bear Girl hasn't replied. I'm just kind of inured to this sort of thing by now.
  • Grizzly Bear Girl hasn't replied. I'm just kind of inured to this sort of thing by now.
    This seems to be a running theme.
  • edited October 2012
    PSY has some advice for you people. Considering tens of thousands of people show up to see him, I think you should heed his words.

    Go to 28:33, apparently time coded links don't embed properly. Basically, he tells you how to give compliments without being totally creepy.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited October 2012
    Grizzly Bear Girl hasn't replied. I'm just kind of inured to this sort of thing by now.
    This seems to be a running theme.
    No fucking shit. I don't know what the deal is. It's cool if someone doesn't want to do something, but just be a decent person and be like, "Hey, actually, I'm not interested."

    What's especially weird is that she's a friend of a friend; we're going to see each other at probably every party until the end of the year. She's just making things weird.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • No response is always worse than negative response. It's true of pretty much everything.
  • No response is always worse than negative response. It's true of pretty much everything.
    This is why I politely respond to things, even if it's "I'll have to get back to you on this later" or "I can't look at this just yet."
  • No response is only worse than negative response when you're laden with anxiety and prone to over-analysis.

    She did tell you she couldn't make the lunch date you proposed, right? What's it been since that contact, like, 20 hours?
  • No response is only worse than negative response when you're laden with anxiety and prone to over-analysis.
    Hmmm, what group of people does that sound like? Might it be geeks? Bah, surely none of them frequent this forum!
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