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  • Winter and Fall are far superior to Summer.
  • Fall means I can wear a blazer every day, and that's just peachy.
  • What's a "fall"?
  • What's a "fall"?

  • edited October 2012
    What's a "fall"?
    Still not familiar with the concept.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited October 2012
    Derp, wrong button.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • You Floridian bastard, you.
  • We've got at most 2.5 seasons: Hot, not so hot, and hot 'n' rainy. Honestly, I prefer having distinct seasons and will be moving somewhere that has them once I finish my master's.
  • edited October 2012
    Chicago has three: Saharan Summer, Arctic Winter, and Construction.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It's still pushing 80 degrees every afternoon here in Connecticut. We're very rapidly losing any semblance of Fall, here.

    Last year at around this time we were still recovering from a week long blackout, and 3 weeks away form another, both caused by aberrant weather events (combined with an aging and poorly maintained infrastructure).

    I'm really hoping Halloween isn't cancelled AGAIN this year by apocalyptic weather and subsequent medieval conditions brought on by that weather, like it was last year. My kids were super bummed let alone the surprising cost of running a household--that is designed to be run WITH power--for a week without power.
  • Chicago has three: Saharan Summer, Arctic Winter, and Construction.
    I didn't know I should count Construction. Orlando totally has that too, but that's more of a local climate than a state-wide thing.
  • Chicago has three: Saharan Summer, Arctic Winter, and Construction.
    I didn't know I should count Construction. Orlando totally has that too, but that's more of a local climate than a state-wide thing.
    Oh God I remember the one time we rented a car and left the Disney resort property....

  • Maine has 3 seasons: Arctic winter, regular winter, and arctic autumn.
  • 2 years ago we got 12 feet of snow in one winter. Roofs were collapsing. Roof rakes were a black market item.

    Last year it only snowed once. In late October, with leaves still on all the trees. 25% of the trees in the state fell, taking out power to something like 95% of all electrical customers.

    Connecticut Light and Power paid restitution only to people who had experienced an outage in the top 3% of duration.. or something like that. We and 97% or so of the state didn't qualify because our power came back on too soon by hours.

    Now we have a gas fired generator...
  • Oh God I remember the one time we rented a car and left the Disney resort property....

    It's drifted northeasterly since then. Construction moves very slow though, maybe half a mile a year.
  • Oh God I remember the one time we rented a car and left the Disney resort property....

    It's drifted northeasterly since then. Construction moves very slow though, maybe half a mile a year.
    I have never been so terrified on an interstate before. I could see for miles in every direction and it was all construction, everywhere. In CT the hills partition your vision at any given time so you don't have to take it all in...

    And we were in some ridiculous SUV because the rental place had been oversold on compacts (and the agent desperately and aggressively tried to upsell us to an SUV rental rate for 15 minutes before finally admitting that SUVs were all they had and we got the compact rate.)
  • FUCK I forgot to mention that we played Animal Crossing and talked about Totoro w/r/t Catbus and his balls.
  • Those were the best two things!
  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, I'll probably just cry and listen to The Smiths a lot if this doesn't turn into something nice.


    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • EDIT: We also discussed why (500) Days of Summer isn't actually a romantic comedy and it's bullshit that people hate Summer. Uncomfortably meta.
    I feel like the people who hate Summer are the same people who think Skylar's a bitch.
  • I really don't understand the Skylar hate. It really seems like such a simpleton response to the character. After all, Walt is the protagonist and Skyler keeps getting in the way of his heroics. ::rolleyes::
  • I find Skylar's dialog really irritating and bitchy, but I don't think her character is a bitch. This sort of "progressive female characters means bitchy dialog" is pretty common to even the best TV shows, The Wire and Game of Thrones being the only exceptions I've found.

    But, I agree with you. They're both just people in situations they don't want to be in, trying the best they can to get out without hurting anyone too badly. It sucks that people think that "female character with feelings = bitch," but it also makes for a handy litmus test as to who's worth talking to and hanging with.
  • I hate summer, but that's just because I like winter's aesthetic more.
  • I don't think that Skylar is any bitchier than Walt is. Probably less so.
  • I hate summer cause it gets fuck off hot and humid in VA. >_>
  • I definitely prefer Fall despite crippling allergies. Sucks for me because in my state Fall is disappearing and being replaced with an ever extending Summer.
  • EDIT: We also discussed why (500) Days of Summer isn't actually a romantic comedy and it's bullshit that people hate Summer. Uncomfortably meta.
    I feel like the people who hate Summer are the same people who think Skylar's a bitch.
    I remember disliking both Summer and whatshisnuts a whole lot.

  • EDIT: We also discussed why (500) Days of Summer isn't actually a romantic comedy and it's bullshit that people hate Summer. Uncomfortably meta.
    I feel like the people who hate Summer are the same people who think Skylar's a bitch.
    I remember disliking both Summer and whatshisnuts a whole lot.
    Because they were both SO FUCKING BAD at communication and self-awareness.

  • So two months in and Chris is taking me home to spend a weekend with his family.

    I was already a little wigged out by this; I mean regardless of time frame spending the weekend with your significant other's family (particularly for the first time) is going to be really awkward and stressful. But even then I wasn't really freaking out about it....
    Until I was talking to him about plans today and he admitted that his entire family will be there. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, the whole shebang. NOT TO MENTION his sort-of-recent-I-may-or-may-not-have-stolen-him-from ex, who was a friend of his in high school and apparently gets along well with his family. I should note that I am the ONLY other girl he has brought home to his parents aside from her.

    Trying to hide my panic I sort of tried to shrug it off to him and then he said something that made me cringe. Something along the lines of, "She'll at least be outwardly nice to you. She's the nicest person I know. And she's in textiles, you can talk fabrics. I feel like you'll really get along".

    ...awesome. I feel like that's the kind way of saying, "I really want you to get along and be friends for my sake and HEY LOOK YOU HAVE SOME SIMILAR INTERESTS". I know they broke up for a bunch of non-me related reasons, but there's still a certain amount that I know she will feel like I stole him and they apparently haven't hung out at all since the breakup. So on my part, there's a certain degree of guilt.

    It also bodes a certain intent of serious-about-this-relationship-ness that he's taking me home to literally everyone important in his life, and while that's my intention as well, I still... haven't quite figured out how to be in a relationship again.

    SO it's all rather overwhelming.
  • Stay cool. You're a clever lass. Just let him know how you feel about this and talk it out.
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