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  • Last time I got really drunk I spent something like 5 solid hours calling this girl a cunt who kept wandering around the party at my buddy's house, telling everyone she was going to sleep with him and break him up with his fiance, along with a detailed itinerary for when and how it was all supposedly going to go down (it was complete bullshit and all in her head.)

    She eventually left, largely because of me, and wrote my buddy a long, scathing email about what a bastard I was and how I made her cry.

    Me drunk means I'm even less diplomatic than usual. Muppet + even more candor = mutually assured destruction levels of conversation.
  • edited October 2012
    We will see what happens. It's still two months away.
    My only advice is to relax and stop planning so much. Go out for drinks, try lots of different things, stop when you want to stop (not when your friends want you to stop). If you end up getting more drunk than you want to be, keep a positive attitude and it will be fun. If (science forbid) you vomit, stand up with a smile on your face, it's the joy of being shitfaced.

    ...And don't drive anywhere. >_>
    Me drunk means I'm even less diplomatic than usual. Muppet + even more candor = mutually assured destruction levels of conversation.
    I want to drink with you someday.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • You ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?
  • Clearly we need to get a whole crew of "personalities" in a comfortable room with infinite booze and see what happens.
  • edited October 2012
    You ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?
    Yes. I lived in England for a year.
    Never been blackout-drunk, don't plan on it.
    The thing about blacking out is that you never plan to. In your head, you think you're drinking normally, and then suddenly you are somewhere else with no recollection of how you got there.
    Clearly we need to get a whole crew of "personalities" in a comfortable room with infinite booze and see what happens.
    PAX East.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • PAX East.

  • PAX East.
  • edited October 2012
    Fuck it, I'm buying a bottle of Laphroaig for PAX East. If we're doing this, we're doing it and doing it and doing it well.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Wine a great way to enjoy a good evening. Two or three glasses should be enough to make even a large fellow quite merry, and there are good drinkable wines for every possible pallet and price range.
  • I recall a particular New Year's Eve, right after my first wife cheated and took off, where I got so drunk that I was hallucinating (couldn't "see" two walls of the living room my friends and I were in) and eventually passed out on the floor while they watched "Evolution" (which was a horrible movie). Julianne Moore looks a lot like my ex-wife, so that depressed me even further, at least while I was still conscious.

    But no, you never deliberately pass out.

    At some point around 4 am I was woken up by pounding on the door to my buddy's apartment (they were all asleep in various places). His neighbor (who was a cute, petite female stripper) was looking for more champagne, as she had run out. My buddy happened to have some peach flavored "champagne" in the freezer, which had turned to slush because the alcohol content was so low, and we ate peach champagne slush out of solo cups together and watch the sun come up.

    I'm told I vomited on the carpet. Luckily I wasn't awake for that part. Serves my buddy right, I had to physically stop him from drowning in his own vomit on my dad's lakehouse couch 2 years prior.
  • Fuck it, I'm buying a bottle of Laphroaig for PAX East. If we're doing this, we're doing it and doing it and doing it well.

  • edited October 2012
    Also gonna bring some corn belt White Lighting, because who wants to live forever?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I had a particularly drunken night at PAX East the 2nd, at the Pokecrawl. I have a sort of "challenge accepted" mode... and I had already lost the 50 lbs. I mentioned earlier. I completed all the challenges... but I also should not have completed all the challenges. Luckily a couple decent fellow PAXers got me out of the worst of it.
  • edited October 2012
    My buddy Mitch's entire plan for PAX is to drink and play board games until he runs out of brain cells one way or another.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Isn't that the whole point?
  • If I lose the next 50 (which I would like to) I'll probably be unable to handle more than a pint. :P
  • I still have pants in my closet that I will have to lose 100 lbs to wear again. I have obviously not yet given up the dream.
  • I can't keep weight on right now, which is actually a pretty big problem w/r/t my clothing budget.
  • I know it's cliche and annoying to people with this problem to hear this, but I would like that problem for awhile. :-P

    Practically every Crohn's patient in the known world loses weight, except for me.
  • Fuck it, I'm buying a bottle of Laphroaig for PAX East. If we're doing this, we're doing it and doing it and doing it well.
  • I find it remarkable that drinking is left so late in the USA. I first got drunk in a pub aged 12. It was quite an experience, and I was too young to do anything stupid except get so blotted I had to be carried home. But I was just 12, so that wasn't a problem for anyone. Since then I've only been blind drunk in safe conditions, having learned when young.
  • Oh, this is the dating thread. On my 25th birthday, my girlfriend got so drunk she vomited over me. She didn't hit me with vomit, but after we'd gone to bed she leaned her body over me and vomited into the bin on the other side of the bed. It was pretty grim.
  • We here in America like to wait until you have experience driving before letting you get intoxicated. That way you have the option of making the wrong choice.
  • I mostly dislike drinking, but when I do I always somehow end up playing filthy songs on an acoustic until ungodly hours of the night.

    Suffice to say, I've somehow memorized way too many drinking songs. XD

  • Fuck it, I'm buying a bottle of Laphroaig for PAX East. If we're doing this, we're doing it and doing it and doing it well.
    I am so looking forward to this geek room experience.

    And dammit, my finals end around the day after Axel turns 21, so I won't be able to be in Rochester to help teach him the wonders of alcohol. It's sad.
  • Merp. Lame.
  • Of course, it may not even be a sure thing that I'll be in Rochester for Christmas. In fact, it's probably unlikely. But I'll see how things turn out.
  • Yeah, you might head to Floridaland, right?
  • Yeah, you might head to Floridaland, right?
    Even if we don't have a house there by then, the old one has no furniture anymore. We may wind up heading to the Adirondacks.
  • I haven't been there in forever...
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