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  • edited November 2010
    So don't set yourself up in a situation that's practically custom-designed to generate them. Our thoughts reflect our circumstances.
    Or, y'know, just trust a person.
    Without rehashing a LONG discussion on this topic. While a flawed theory as a whole there are bits and pieces that help explain flawed relationships and one of those areas is the aforementioned Cuddle bitch. I know because I have been one.
    Yep. I know because I've been one too.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • ALSO look up what a Cuddle Bitch is.. YOU ARE THIS.
    I realized this for a while. It was when she told me "I liked you for a little while" that I got confused again. Now I realize I'm basically just a cuddle bitch, and she's either consciously or subconsciously saying things like that to keep me as her cuddle bitch. I'm fine with cuddling, I'm just confused about her intentions is all.
  • Now, you need to be a little standoffish and passive-aggressive to de-bitch yourself. Don't be cold and uncaring, but be nonchalant about almost everything. The only response her anecdotes should elicit from you is, "It happens."
  • Oh, yeah, send even more mixed signals. That's just what this situation needs.
  • Next time, I guess I'll use the green text. ~_^
  • D'oh. Poe'd.
  • Next time, I guess I'll use the green text. ~_^
    Depends what your goal is of course you might want to cause more drama ^_^ Drama might make you happy ^_^
  • Next time, I guess I'll use the green text. ~_^
    Depends what your goal is of course you might want to cause more drama ^_^ Drama might make you happy ^_^
    Yeah, get her to hate you and catch the High Speed Ferry to the Island of Awesome.
  • Going back to a previous page of this thread, I once had a long distance internet relationship with someone who turned out not to exist. It was all a prank that got way out of hand. I had to laugh at it, but it did affect my life in real ways, and not all of them for the better.
  • Are you talking about God?
  • Bwahahahahahahaaahaha.
  • Granted, the word "internet" is a little out of place, but the rest worked so well I couldn't help but laugh myself.
  • Protip: if you know you're going to get laid in within a week or so, under no circumstance eat asparagus. Oh, by Cthulhu the results of that make me cringe. DX
  • Going back to a previous page of this thread, I once had a long distance internet relationship with someone who turned out not to exist. It was all a prank that got way out of hand. I had to laugh at it, but it did affect my life in real ways, and not all of them for the better.
    I had college friends pretend to be a girl I liked over IM my freshmen year... man that sucked.
  • I'm gonna be making a move on a girl within the next couple of weeks. Stupid holiday on the day of a once a week class.
    Sonic, how many weeks go by without you makin' a move on a girl?
    Not a day. Sonic's like Ice-T's tweets: "Moooooovin'."
    Haha, well, the more important the girl is to me, the longer I wait. I've been waiting a while with this girl. I broke the touch barrier a couple of weeks ago and I'm waiting on a report back from a mutual friend to see if she's available (She doesn't use Facebook so I have to do it the old fashioned way).
  • Haha, well, the more important the girl is to me, the longer I wait. I've been waiting a while with this girl. I broke the touch barrier a couple of weeks ago and I'm waiting on a report back from a mutual friend to see if she's available (She doesn't use Facebook so I have to do it the old fashioned way).
    Crouching in the bushes outside her window?
  • Protip: if you know you're going to get laid in within a week or so, under no circumstance eat asparagus. Oh, by Cthulhu the results of that make me cringe. DX
    What? Nothing happened to me and asparagus. Or does it make going down on chick taste weird or something? So confused!
  • Protip: if you know you're going to get laid in within a week or so, under no circumstance eat asparagus. Oh, by Cthulhu the results of that make me cringe. DX
    What? Nothing happened to me and asparagus. Or does it make going down on chick taste weird or something? So confused!
    Well, It's like this - Some people yes, some people no, and it's not either gender in particular.

    However, here's the odd thing - While asparagus produces a particularly strong odor in the urine as an almost universal trait, not everyone has the autosomal genes you need to actually smell that particular smell - in fact, only twenty-something percent of the population have the required genes, if I remember rightly.
    I can't tell you if it extends to any other excretions, but one suspects that if you can eat asparagus and not smell the funny smelling urine, then your partner is fine to eat asparagus beforehand.

    However, I point out as always that your mileage may vary, and that you might want to experiment with your own partners before making any decisions - I have literally no data on the issue, and can only suppose.
  • M'kay. Things are better now. She admits that there is something non-platonic about this cuddling, and we're going to see where it goes in a more explicitly non-platonic, but also non-committal at first way. We're taking it slow and seeing how things go, and I'm okay with that. Cool.
  • M'kay. Things are better now. She admits that there is something non-platonic about this cuddling, and we're going to see where it goes in a more explicitly non-platonic, but also non-committal at first way. We're taking it slow and seeing how things go, and I'm okay with that. Cool.
    Good luck, kiddo. Be careful.
  • M'kay. Things are better now. She admits that there is something non-platonic about this cuddling, and we're going to see where it goes in a more explicitly non-platonic, but also non-committal at first way. We're taking it slow and seeing how things go, and I'm okay with that. Cool.
    Good luck, kiddo. Be careful.
    I know, I will be. I'm just glad that we finally both admit non-platonic feelings at the same time.
  • I have notice that when you are less emo you stop using "like" on your sentence, and that is a good thing :P
  • I have notice that when you are less emo you stop using "like" on your sentence, and that is a good thing :P
    Damn. I did not notice that correlation. I have noticed that I use "like" way too often, but not that it relates to my mood. You might be on to something...
  • Misanthropy for the win. But on a more serious note, working Fist of the North Star into a dating thread: Son, I am pride.
  • Highly relevant to this thread:
    Everyone here is welcome to visit anytime.
  • [Dubious joke about both activities involving decay.]
  • "My dear, you look positively radiant this evening."
  • Haha, well, the more important the girl is to me, the longer I wait. I've been waiting a while with this girl. I broke the touch barrier a couple of weeks ago and I'm waiting on a report back from a mutual friend to see if she's available (She doesn't use Facebook so I have to do it the old fashioned way).
    Crouching in the bushes outside her window?
    Jukebox blaring "Under Pressure".
  • Haha, well, the more important the girl is to me, the longer I wait. I've been waiting a while with this girl. I broke the touch barrier a couple of weeks ago and I'm waiting on a report back from a mutual friend to see if she's available (She doesn't use Facebook so I have to do it the old fashioned way).
    Crouching in the bushes outside her window?
    Jukebox blaring "Under Pressure".
    You rang?

    I didn't know where else to put this, but I need to vent. Bare with me?

    I've been very upset lately. At first, I was just mopey, then it started interfering with my school work, and now it's messing up my creativity, and now I just sleep a lot. That's why NaNoWriMo and the Pokemon Audio Drama have been so hard for me. I sit down to try and write, and nothing comes out. Or I sit down and try to Alg 2, and nothing comes out. It's incredibly frustrating.

    But, this one girl takes that all away. You may remember her from the last time I posted, she was the girl I saw Resident Evil with. Things became good over Halloween. She invited me to a Halloween party, and when I walked up to her, her face lit up. To be entirely honest, I forgot what it was like to see someone do that in response to my existence. So, we had loads of fun, and all was good.

    This past weekend, I had a breakdown. I was crying, and it was awful. Needing someone to tell me they cared, I texted her. I didn't wanna call, because I didn't want to wake her, but I also did kinda want her attention, so I decided texting was the next best thing. The next morning I got the nicest series of texts I've had in a long time, which made me incredibly happy. So, I thought, this Monday was a day off from school in my district, so I invited her over since we had nothing better to do. We played Brawl and watched Full Metal Alchemist, and she basically learned how to turn me into a silent, pleasure-filled mess. Not a jizz-in-my-pants way, but... oh, nevermind. Either way, I'm very happy while I'm around her.

    I can't tell her, though. She's someone who will feel awkward knowing that, no matter how I phrase, or how lightly I put it. And I feel I need to thank her. I mean, I'm actually working on stuff now! I feel less empty! I feel she should know that she makes me really happy, but I don't think telling her is a good idea.

    /vent, thanks for listening. :P
  • Don't worry, that's also a place a lot of us have been to. I remember I literally ran away from the scene in shame the first time I told someone how I felt about them. Then I wanted to when I ask my last ex-fiancée. The trick is charging head on into it and put yourself into a situation you can't back out off, of course, once you're sure.
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