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  • If your goal is to get Rym and/or Scott angry over dinner conversation, perhaps you should target what's for dinner and not the conversation.
  • You would also have to wait until after they have forgotten about this conversation. Otherwise they will be on the look out and not give in.
  • You also need to stop mistaking "anger" as portrayed by tweets or for effect in a show for actual anger.
  • Affect not effect? Not actually sure myself depending on how you meant it in that sentence.
  • If your goal is to get Rym and/or Scott angry over dinner conversation, perhaps you should target what's for dinner and not the conversation.
    Oh god, not a discussion of where/what to eat.
  • It is meant how it is written.
  • If your goal is to get Rym and/or Scott angry over dinner conversation, perhaps you should target what's for dinner and not the conversation.
    Oh god, not a discussion of where/what to eat.
    I am reminded of a certain family chili from South park.
  • Tolerating another person's drama comes down to how that other person is willing to confront the drama and not let it consume them.

    -People who can handle drama will vent about it for a bit, because they want that bit of understanding/comfort/audience for the time. It may linger because that's normal or more time because it's a really serious trauma. That's understandable.
    -People who cannot handle their drama will do nothing but vent about it, and then turn the conversation around just so they can play into the trap of "You are the cause for this; you all hate me because I'm a whiny bitch." Not only that, but they will do little to solve the drama because they don't want to take the effort to really examine themselves.

    And there are lots of people on the Internet like that...
  • The reason I started chatting on this forum was that another forum I frequented swapped from Vanilla to some phpbb-style. Suddenly there was drama. It kinda confirms what Rym and Scott say about mechanism design and all that stuff.

    If you design your life to where your interactions don't produce or isn't conductive to drama, that can solve a lot of problems before they even arrive.

    Avoiding most of the internet is a good place to start that.
  • So uh... what about getting laid and/or not-laid? There's too much goddamn drama in this thread. :p
  • So uh... what about getting laid and/or not-laid? There's too much goddamn drama in this thread. :p
    Not getting laid, but would like to be.
  • We could change the name of the fucking thread to that.

    There are other things that are in this thread, but that's most of it.
  • We could change the name of the fucking thread to that.

    There are other things that are in this thread, but that's most of it.
    I concur.

    I also empathize.

  • I could trivially make Rym upset, however he knows me too well to not believe any of the stupid shit that came out of my mouth.
    It's still wrong.
  • It's still wrong.
    I just checked, their is nothing wrong.

  • *checks Andrews post*
    *slowclaps Anderws post*
  • *checks Andrews post*
    *slowclaps Andrews post*
  • Ah, there's that quality Georgia Tech education.
  • Ah, there's that quality Georgia Tech education.
    Well, it's still Georgia.
  • Ah, there's that quality Georgia Tech education.
    By the time you're in college, you should already have basic writing & punctuation skills. Colleges shouldn't have to teach remedial English. (Most English 101 classes ARE remedial English, though.)

  • Isn't the double negative an integral part of southern dialect?
  • Ah, there's that quality Georgia Tech education.
    By the time you're in college, you should already have basic writing & punctuation skills. Colleges shouldn't have to teach remedial English. (Most English 101 classes ARE remedial English, though.)

    Well, it's still Georgia.
  • Isn't the double negative an integral part of southern dialect?
    Maybe, but I still think it fails to match the sheer mind-altering majesty of "Yeah Nah."

  • Isn't the double negative an integral part of southern dialect?
    Maybe, but I still think it fails to match the sheer mind-altering majesty of "Yeah Nah."

    I giggled for at least 2 minutes because I get people who answer questions like this in consults.

    Me: "So Mr. Smith how has the pain relief medication assisted Fluffy's arthritic behaviour, could you describe how she moves in the mornings?"

    Mr. Smith: "Yeah Nah, the pain is good."
  • I agree with Rym's "public outrage"/tweeting business. When I used to drive around Rochester with friends, I'd hurtle over-the-top insults at other (bad) drivers on the road, to much comedic effect. On the tweeters and in real life I'll use mock outrage and Seinfeldian complaining a bit, but it's mostly for fun. I don't really get bent out of shape or actually mad about most things.

    Also, bringing the discussion back around to dating, if you see someone with "I hate drama" (or similar phrases) in an OKCupid profile, avoid them like the plague. People that put that out there seem to generally be the same people who will dwell on drama and create more of it. Genuinely cool, drama-free people just assume this doesn't need to be stated, because obviously.
  • I agree with this. People who say they hate drama in notable public domains (especially in regards to building relationships with other people) only say that because in their experience, everyone around them winds up not wanting to be around them due to "drama." This is a likely indicator that they may be a cause of lots of said drama, and may just be a person who likes to sit around and blame others.

    Trust me, I've been around them. Be equally wary of girls who say things like, "I only have guy friends. Girls are just so catty and bitchy!"
  • If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
  • So yeah, that didn't work out so well.

    I had lunch with Allison yesterday and as we were walking back to our cars, I basically told her: "the day that we spent at the Magic Kingdom was one of the most fun days of my life, partially because you know, Magic Kingdom, but mostly because I got to spend the entire day with you. I say this because I like you, but if you don't like me back, I care too much about our friendship to pursue it any farther."

    She responded with "I really cherish our friendship too, but I'm not looking to be in a relationship right now." Her ex-boyfriend was sort of Gideon Gordon Graves level evil-ex, so I totally understand that.

    I'm just glad that I have my depression mostly under check and had a day off yesterday, because the Magic Kingdom was calling me after that. I'm fine about it, it just means that this prince will have to wait a bit longer for his princess.
  • Awesome way to do it dude. Clap, clap, clap!
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