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  • Can there be a real place in this world with the name Bone Zone? Because this place must exist.
  • Can there be a real place in this world with the name Bone Zone? Because this place must exist.
    Most popular section of the dinosaur museum. Also most popular section of the pet store.
  • Can there be a real place in this world with the name Bone Zone? Because this place must exist.
    It's where most of my bonitis is from.
  • Can there be a real place in this world with the name Bone Zone? Because this place must exist.
    It could be a section in a particularly we stocked library of graphic novels.
  • Stop being paranoid.
  • I'm more fond of Pound Town.
  • I tend to end up in either Intercourse, PA or Blue Ball, PA
  • Never Fucking, Austria?
  • Never Fucking, Austria?
    No way, too many poisonous things live in holes down there.
  • Austria don't sound so bad...

    In other news, the girl at the gas station store I frequent seems to have a thing for me... I guess that's cool, or like, whatever.
  • Never Fucking, Austria?
    No way, too many poisonous things live in holes down there.
  • Thought he said Australia.
  • Thought he said Australia.
    No no, down here we have Iron Knob. We also have Boyland(if that's what you're into), Cock Wash, Mount Buggery, Rooty Hill, Tittybong, Woody Woody, Chinaman's knob, Yorkie's Knob, Bald Knob, Blue knob, Spanker Knob, Tom Ugly(poor tom), Fannie Bay(amusingly, the road leading to it is Dick Ward Drive), West Intercourse Island, Bumbang, Blowhard, Mount Mee(Which I've climbed, meaning I've mounted mount mee), Along with Mount Pretty Sally.

    Just remember to wear a Condon(NSW), so that you don't Noggerup(WA).
  • Just remember to wear a Condon(NSW), so that you don't Noggerup(WA) Innaloo(WA).
  • I can't help but think that we've a lot of places that were named at 4:45 PM on a Friday right before everybody knocked off and went down the pub.
  • image

    Juliane and I visited this town just to say we used a condom in Condom.
  • So I went to the girl with actual plans for our date, and she actually responded. Unfortunately it was with a "I have plans that night" but it was a response!

    Just as a note, the paranoia thing is from my anxiety which is tied to my depression. I was not using my techniques to combat the depression, so my anxiety was running wild.
  • Always present two options. :)

    You might have spooked her with your earlier response a bit, but it's nothing you can't recover from. Even if you don't, take it as a learning exercise and apply it to the next opportunity. There will be several.

    One of the best ways to sabotage yourself is to make this single opportunity the barometer of your lifelong likelihood of success. That'll spike your anxiety like nothing else.
  • edited October 2013
    Early on in a new endeavor, failure is often a better long term outcome than success.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • She changed her mind. She doesn't want to date me. Fuck.
  • Sorry, Li.
  • The hell... oh well sorry to hear.
  • I'm sorry, dude. I know that feeling. It hurts. Just fight through the pain and you'll come out on the other side eventually.
  • I'm coming out the other side swinging. I had my night of wallowing in self pity, so I'm done. Moving right the fuck on.
  • Yeah GMFBST homie.
  • Shit happens, one day you'll be on the other side too.
  • Grab My Fist Because Sucky Times?
  • Yeah, seriously, what's GMFBST? Google yields nothing but a dutch twitter account.
  • It's an acronym from my favorite comic about presidents of all time:


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