I was once exchanging pleasures, one of my first encounters, and she said "I can't take it any more!". I immediately stopped thinking the consent had been revoked. I was really worried until she explained it properly!
Date number 4. Any ideas? We've done a walk by the canals in the city, a walk by the canals in the country and a dance in a fancy night club with a band. Each time we had a meal too.
Ah, those were the days.
You know what's greater? Sending the mercenary Goths to do the same while the army stays home (and listens through the door).
Most importantly, when we go back, we end up at my place.
Cinema? Maybe I could cook a meal.
George, is Pence your partner?
Nah, he's with a different (more feminine) Chris, and I'm with Anthony who should probably post here but doesn't. :P
But in another universe...