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  • edited November 2010
    Sonic, dude,If I was a guy, I'd totally cop your moves. Awesome!
    What moves? /__\?

    I appreciate the compliments but, honestly, you guys are too much. If someone else was reading this, they'd think I was Steve McQueen from what you guys are saying. I'm not that awesome and, if I am, I learned from all of you wonderfully charismatic people. A good measure of a man is the people he surrounds himself with, so if you really think I'm that awesome, then pat yourselves on the back.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • If someone else was reading this, they'd think I was Steve McQueen from what you guys are saying.
    If I didn't know you, I wouldn't think that. But that's only because there's only one Steve McQueen.
  • What moves? /__\?
    That's what I'm wondering. Telling a girl your intentions and then complimenting her isn't that crazy. Good on you for having the balls to say it straight up without sounding awkward, but it doesn't seem to me like you were puttin' moves on her. :P
  • What moves? /__\?
    That's what I'm wondering. Telling a girl your intentions and then complimenting her isn'tthatcrazy. Good on you for having the balls to say it straight up without sounding awkward, but it doesn't seem to me like you were puttin' moves on her. :P
    It's not common, which makes it seem odd and probably why she reacted the way she did.

    It's pro and people should be more upfront to cut out all that dating BS.
  • It's not common...
    Isn't it? I just thought that was what people should learn to do as they grow up. Being romantically blunt about relationships has been my policy for a couple years now.
  • It's not common...
    Isn't it? I just thought that was what people should learn to do as they grow up. Being romantically blunt about relationships has been my policy for a couple years now.
    People should, and most couples do share their feelings/thoughts when they are in relationships.

    I'm referring to the courting part of dating/relationships. Victor just laid out all his cards out on the table. That takes balls because most people are afraid to do that because of rejection.
  • edited November 2010
    What moves? /__\?
    That's what I'm wondering. Telling a girl your intentions and then complimenting her isn'tthatcrazy. Good on you for having the balls to say it straight up without sounding awkward, but it doesn't seem to me like you were puttin' moves on her. :P
    It's not common, which makes it seem odd and probably why she reacted the way she did.

    It's pro and people should be more upfront to cut out all that dating BS.
    Odd? but she straight up asked me what I liked about her. What kind of answer is normal for that question?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • What moves? /__\?
    That's what I'm wondering. Telling a girl your intentions and then complimenting her isn'tthatcrazy. Good on you for having the balls to say it straight up without sounding awkward, but it doesn't seem to me like you were puttin' moves on her. :P
    It's not common, which makes it seem odd and probably why she reacted the way she did.

    It's pro and people should be more upfront to cut out all that dating BS.
    Odd? but she straight up asked me what I liked about her. What kind of answer is normal for that question?
    This kind.

  • ^_~ That's more of a third date response, me thinks.
  • I'm referring to the courting part of dating/relationships.
    So was I. I get the feeling that learning not to fear rejection is an important part of getting older, and it surprises me to hear that more people Victor's age don't lay their cards out on the table like that.
  • I'm referring to the courting part of dating/relationships. Victor just laid out all his cards out on the table. That takes balls because most people are afraid to do that because of rejection.
    You get rejected as much as I have, you kinda get over it. And it's like what I heard from the amway business tapes my dad used to make me listen, "Every 'No', every rejection, is just one more person closer to the one who'll say 'Yes'."
  • edited November 2010
    Odd? but she straight up asked me what I liked about her. What kind of answer is normal for that question?
    I'm probably not making much sense, so I apologize.

    In my experience, I've never been asked that question nor have asked that question during the dating relationship. You even said it seems she never had anyone tell her those sorts of things. You said she was also nervous as well.

    Your answer was great. It's above normal. Most guys that aren't as awesome wouldn't say the things you said.
    So was I. I get the feeling that learning not to fear rejection is an important part of getting older, and it surprises me to hear that more people Victor's age don't lay their cards out on the table like that.
    I agree 100%. But most people really don't understand this concept. It's not the end of the world if you get rejected. Most people on the forums aren't like this, but I'm referring the greater populace out there. I refer to them as "The Normies".
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • So was I. I get the feeling that learning not to fear rejection is an important part of getting older, and it surprises me to hear that more people Victor's age don't lay their cards out on the table like that.
    It's pretty simple Gunter, the guys who haven't learned are not in relationships... Once you learn those things it's hard to stay single ;-p
  • edited November 2010
    It's pretty simple Gunter, the guys who haven't learned are not in relationships... Once you learn those things it's hard to stay single ;-p
    On a related note, being home schooled in a rural part of the bible belt sucks pretty hard when it comes to ladies. Most of the girls I've met as a teenager aren't even aloud to date. :P
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Courtesy of George:

  • Courtesy of George:

    Fuck this absolutely true flow chart.
  • Fuck this absolutely true flow chart.
  • That chart is so middle school. Gahd!
  • That chart is so middle schoolgirls who are shy/dumb/cock teases. Gahd!

    I was like this. I probably still am at times if I were the single type.
  • That chart is somiddle schoolgirls who are shy/dumb/cock teases. Gahd!

    I was like this. I probably still am at times if I were the single type.
    I was direct, but in a sexy way. I had mixed results and only used it it when it wasn't a relationship I was looking for. *smirk*
  • edited November 2010
    Fuck this absolutely true flow chart.
    You are just bitter because it describes how you flirt.
    There have been numerous girls who have hit on you and you just go *ignore!*
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited November 2010
    There have been numerous girls who have hit on you

    EDIT: In Scott's defense, he may not have noticed. I still have no idea what is the line between flirting and just being friendly.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited November 2010
    There have been numerous girls who have hit on you

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • There have been numerous girls who have hit on you and you just go *ignore!*
    None of them looked enough like Rym.
  • There have been numerous girls who have hit on you and you just go *ignore!*
    Like who?

    Here's a hint to all the peoples, man or lady, try plain English. Don't be like the anime characters!
  • EDIT: In Scott's defense, he may not have noticed. I still have no idea what is the line between flirting and just being friendly.
    I am talking about the batting of the eyelashes, stereotypical flirting. Rym can back me up on this.
  • Like who?!
    Like that girl in college who wanted to make out with you, or that waitress.
  • edited November 2010
    Like who?!
    Like that girl in college who wanted to make out with you, or that waitress.
    Oh shit! And Scott declined? Was she not his type?
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I am talking about the batting of the eyelashes, stereotypical flirting. Rym can back me up on this.
    Again, that's really subtle and easily missed if you aren't paying attention.
  • Like that girl in college who wanted to make out with you
    Becky, right? That skinny one?
    I still have no idea what is the line between flirting and just being friendly.
    Flirt back and find out. Often, the line is blurry. It's up to you to cross that line.

    I was just making a joke earlier today about poor biosafety practices. I said something like, "Yeah, you know me. I've personally licked every surface in this lab at least 4 times." My QA manager called out, "Not me, you haven't!"

    Now, see, that was intended as a smartass remark, but it's also just out there enough that in the right mood, I could turn that to flirting trivially. Granted, that's hideously inappropriate in the workplace, but that's an example of blurry tongue-in-cheek flirtish remarks. You see if someone takes the bait and go from there.

    That's also a more obvious and gratuitous example than you often see in day-to-day life, but I find that the lab tends to be a little raunchier than real life.
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