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  • edited November 2010
    George, this was obvious flirting.
    It was a slow pitch, right down the center from what I hear, and the batter did not even see it to swing at it. Strike!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Becky, right? That skinny one?
    Yeah, we really didn't have anything to talk about. It was like so we have anime in common and... nothing else.

    Although it was pretty awesome when she got me an entire display case of Cadbury eggs with her leftover debits.
  • Wow, he really is an idiot.
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah, we really didn't have anything to talk about. It was like so we have anime in common and... nothing else.
    That's why you make out with her! Who needs to talk when you can kiss!I would think anime is a decent start.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited November 2010
    Fuck this absolutely true flow chart.
    You are just bitter because it describes how you flirt.
    There have been numerous girls who have hit on you and you just go *ignore!*
    A good friend of mine (female) told me that I do this relatively frequently. Not on purpose, obviously; I just don't even notice. I'm with Scott on this one.

    Although it was pretty awesome when she got me an entire display case of Cadbury eggs with her leftover debits.
    Never mind.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah, we really didn't have anything to talk about. It was like so we have anime in common and... nothing else.
    I agree that having things in common is a good thing, but are you really sure that was the only thing you had in common? You can talk about summer vacations as a kid, and help her with computer stuff (teach her like you do me), discuss books you like. Introduce people to bands you like, show them the films you think are cool. Okay, so you can't talk in-depth tech, but neither can Rym and I. Was her personality odd or something? She didn't sound like she was the drug addled naked elf drawing type.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • A good friend of mine (female) told me that I do this relatively frequently. Not on purpose, obviously; I just don't even notice.
    Yeah. There was a girl who apparently stared at me every day in my English class last semester, and I ended up being the only one in class who didn't notice.
  • Who needs to talk when you can kiss!
    If all I wanted was kissing, and such, I could have all I want. It isn't particularly hard to get, as most people on earth seem to have figured it out. Unlike almost every other person on earth, kissing is an extremely low priority for me.
  • edited November 2010
    A good friend of mine (female) told me that I do this relatively frequently. Not on purpose, obviously; I just don't even notice. I'm with Scott on this one.
    This is why you have to have constant vigilance in regards to being single. You have to have the notion of thinking that every moment with the sex you are attracted to is a possible chance of making a connection either physical or emotional.

    My coworker and I would talk about this when we were younger in our late teens and early 20's, and joke about always having this (sex and other things) on our mind.

    I go to him, "Corey, first thing I do when I get up, I think Dick dick dick dick dick, how will I get dick today?" (I'm being silly. Don't shun me.)

    Then he would laugh and reply that he was was the same way but thought about females and not male genitalia.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Unlike almost every other person on earth, kissing is an extremely low priority for me.
    Don't you think about being in love and sex? Don't you feel lonely sometimes?
  • Unlike almost every other person on earth, kissing is an extremely low priority for me.
    Don't you think about being in love and sex? Don't you feel lonely sometimes?
    His callous attitude is just a way of hiding the truth.
  • Don't you think about being in love and sex? Don't you feel lonely sometimes?
    Damn this fucking thread and making me feel lonely.
  • Unlike almost every other person on earth, kissing is an extremely low priority for me.
    Don't you think about being in love and sex? Don't you feel lonely sometimes?
    Why would I be lonely? I have a shitton of friends and family everywhere. I also have hobbies and a job. There's also an entire world of shit I haven't even had the chance to check out yet due to lack of vacation days. The rare case where I'm alone, I got shit to do! If I had kissing to do, that would be less time to do my shit, which is much more important.
  • Why would I be lonely? I have a shitton of friends and family everywhere. I also have hobbies and a job. There's also an entire world of shit I haven't even had the chance to check out yet due to lack of vacation days. The rare case where I'm alone, I got shit to do! If I had kissing to do, that would be less time to do my shit, which is much more important.
    Kissing and sex time will NEVER be time wasted.
  • Why would I be lonely? I have a shitton of friends and family everywhere. I also have hobbies and a job. There's also an entire world of shit I haven't even had the chance to check out yet due to lack of vacation days. The rare case where I'm alone, I got shit to do! If I had kissing to do, that would be less time to do my shit, which is much more important.
    Oddly, this fits with me extremely well. The only times I do feel lonely are when I haven't seen any friends in a couple weeks, but that's very rare. All of my friends (and lots of new people I tend to meet) are amazed at my lack of girlfriends since they all see me as the type to have a bunch. Truth is I'm just apathetic about the whole thing and I'd rather spend my time getting things done.
  • I think Scott is monosexual.
  • I think Scott is asexual.
  • Oddly, this fits with me extremely well. The only times I do feel lonely are when I haven't seen any friends in a couple weeks, but that's very rare. All of my friends (and lots of new people I tend to meet) are amazed at my lack of girlfriends since they all see me as the type to have a bunch. Truth is I'm just apathetic about the whole thing and I'd rather spend my time getting things done.
    I have friends around every corner, so I'm even better off than that.
  • edited November 2010

    I think we need to get Scott laid. It would mellow him out a bit, I think.

    IDEA! Lets kidnap him during PAX East, drive down to Rhode Island, and take him to a whorehouse in Providence.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited November 2010
    Pandora thought I needed cheering up.

    Fuck you Pandora.

    EDIT: Now Tom Petty - Free Fallin', FUCK YOU PANDORA!

    EDITEDIT: it's been playing nothing but love songs for the last 15 minutes.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Unlike almost every other person on earth, kissing is an extremely low priority for me.
    Don't you think about being in love and sex? Don't you feel lonely sometimes?
    Why would I be lonely? I have a shitton of friends and family everywhere. I also have hobbies and a job. There's also an entire world of shit I haven't even had the chance to check out yet due to lack of vacation days. The rare case where I'm alone, I got shit to do! If I had kissing to do, that would be less time to do my shit, which is much more important.
    I have to admit I kinda envy an attitude like that. When I was single I was the total opposite wishing I was more like that. Besides, if you don't feel like you need an other, why get one.

    Then again, sex. Hmmm, FWB?
  • edited November 2010
    Scott is pretty much this guy... Which is why I love the show and in some secret non-sexual way, Rubin
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I have to admit I kinda envy an attitude like that. When I was single I was the total opposite wishing I was more like that. Besides, if you don't feel like you need an other, why get one.
    I do agree with this. It's a great attitude to have, but I have yet to have any sexual type experience to where I feel there was time wasted to where I could have been doing something better. I hope this never happens either.
    Then again, sex. Hmmm, FWB?
  • Becky, right? That skinny one?
    Yeah, we really didn't have anything to talk about. It was like so we have anime in common and... nothing else.

    Although it was pretty awesome when she got me an entire display case of Cadbury eggs with her leftover debits.
    Scott is pretty much this guy.
    Have you seen the episode where Sheldon gets a "girlfriend?" That's pretty much how I imagine Scott's ideal relationship.

    Also, you're not going to find all the deep things you have in common with someone right off the bat. You've gotta take the plunge a little bit.
  • edited November 2010
    Sex is fun and feels good. The same is true for board games, video games, and roller coasters. Why is any more important than the others? I guess sex is also exercise, but video games and board games are exercise for the brain. Roller coasters exercise the digestive tract.

    Society just has an obsession with sex, because of history and biology.

    Also, parents have an obsession with having grandchildren, also probably because of biology.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Roller coasters exercise the digestive tract.
  • Roller coasters exercise the digestive tract.
  • Roller coasters exercise the digestive tract.
    You are weak of stomach, I'm never taking you for a ride in my car.
  • Sex is fun and feels good. The same is true for board games, video games, and roller coasters. Why is any more important than the others?
    Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahhaaaaaaaahahahahha hahaha haha.



    Fnnnt. Snk.

  • Sex on a roller coaster however would just be too much fun...or death.
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