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  • You are weak of stomach, I'm never taking you for a ride in my car.
    Not me. I have no problem. But many other people...
  • Society just has an obsession with sex, because of history and biology.
    My only obsession with sex is that is feels FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. I have never or probably never will have the same endorphin explosion when playing board games. I can almost guarantee it.
  • edited November 2010
    Society just has an obsession with sex, because of history and biology.
    My only obsession with sex is that is feels FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. I have never or probably never will have the same endorphin explosion when playing board games. I can almost guarantee it.
    Even with the fact that I have never had sex, I would willingly give up roller coasters and board games if it meant being able to have sex everyday.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited November 2010
    Society just has an obsession with sex, because of history and biology.
    My only obsession with sex is that is feels FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. I have never or probably never will have the same endorphin explosion when playing board games. I can almost guarantee it.
    Because of that, you can't really compare other hobbies to sex. The only hobby I could think of to come close is, well...
    Even with the fact that I have never had sex, I would willingly give up roller coasters and board games if it meant being able to have sex everyday.
    There is a such thing as too much of a good thing.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Boardgames vs sex? If you pick boardgames, you aren't doing the sex right.
  • edited November 2010
    Boardgames vs sex? If you pick boardgames, you aren't doing the sex right.
    Something tells me that Scott just isn't having sex with the right people. Dude needs to go get his pipes cleaned. :D
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • Something tells me that Scott just isn't having sex.
  • Something tells me that Scott just isn't having sex with the right peopleanybody
  • It's not that sex isn't vastly more biologically pleasurable than say, playing a board game. It's that I'm not a pleasure seeker. Seeking biological pleasures is a very low priority. Notice I'm not drinking the alcohol, or even the caffeine.
  • Boardgames vs sex?
    Must it always be vs? Can we not combine these two things?
    Sex is fun and feels good. The same is true for board games, video games, and roller coasters.
    Yes, and those are all very different specific feelings. "Feels good" is very very broad. A steak tastes good and a burger tastes good, yet they are both different dining experiences. Why limit yourself to just one of those options?

    Even within video games, there are a variety of different experiences. Sure, you can pull a me and boil things down to the silly solipsistic end, but that removes all the extraneous, subjective, and ill-defined "fun" that defines the human experience.

    Good sex with the right person is an experience that cannot be replicated through other media. Maybe it just doesn't interest you, and that's fine, but saying "it's just like everything else" is a gross oversimplification. I'm the king of boiling things down to their bare un-fun essentials; don't pull that shit on me sonny boy.
    There is a such thing as too much of a good thing.
    Especially when that thing is done correctly.
  • I once would have agreed with Scott. And I can still see a partial point of his. While the physical aspects of kissing are definitely pleasurable, a lot of it comes from the shared feelings for me. If Scott didn't feel anything for this Becky girl, or any other girl who's flirted, then yes, the kissing would potentially not be enjoyable. However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't actively seek it out, because if you can find someone you do have feelings for, then the kissing will be almost guaranteed to be more enjoyable than average activities you're used to doing on a daily basis. Trust me. I still love all my geeky venues, but making out with my girlfriend is way more enjoyable because she is my girlfriend, and that makes it enjoyable.
  • We need to design a sexy boardgame. The mental challenge of Puerto Rico with the physical challenge of...
  • We need to design a sexy boardgame. The mental challenge of Puerto Rico with the physical challenge of...
  • We need to design a sexy boardgame. The mental challenge of Puerto Rico with the physical challenge of...
  • We need to design a sexy boardgame. The mental challenge of Puerto Rico with the physical challenge of...
    You must call this game Island of Awesome.
  • You must call this game Island of Awesome.
    *slow clap*
  • *slow clap*
  • Karmasheetra (NSFW?), though it isn't much of game nor is it mentally challenging.
  • edited November 2010
    There is a very simple game, actually, that some friends of mine have come up with and played with our respective partners. There is no name for the game, yet, but the rules are simple.

    Two players. One says a number - preferably one that is not too large. The other must figure out the prime factorization of that number, while the first person...distracts them. Terms of distraction are determined before the game, but the standard is, of course, sexual contact. You could set a timer, you could just leave it open-ended, whatever works for you. The premise remains the same, however - do math instead of sex.

    PROTIP: Find a 3-digit prime number before playing.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Why, exactly, is it that people feel the need to get Scott laid?

    If Scott wants help getting laid, I will gladly help him look out for a lady friend. I do not, however, feel any personal loss in my life because Scott does not feel that sex has more value than a board game at any given time. Is there something about Scott not needing to stick his penis in a lady(or man) at regular intervals that makes other people feel threatened? Hmmmmmm?
  • Hmmmmmm?
    Well, my mom and grand mother want grand and great-grand children. As for the rest of the people, I think they just like bothering me. It's no different than Rym adding the date to the beginning of the show.
  • I don't feel threatened. I'm just not sure I understand. Sex is awesome. Even just kissing and hanging out is great! Hanging out in bed, even better. I like to do it as much as I can, which is why I've slept with half a dozen people this year.

    I understand about not wanting a girlfriend, because they really do take up time and money and attention. Earlier this year I still really needed time by myself, and couldn't spare a whole lot of time and attention for someone else as significant as a girlfriend. That's changed now, of course, and I have a girlfriend.

    But there is a difference between a long term girlfriend, and finding someone to go on dates with, and maybe hook up a few times. Not every contact with the opposite sex has to end in a relationship. And it doesn't have to end in sex. Maybe it'll just end with someone to hang out with while playing Civ or Sims, and kissing now and then.
  • EDIT: In Scott's defense, he may not have noticed. I still have no idea what is the line between flirting and just being friendly.
    I just flirt with pretty much everyone. Not in a sleazy way, just in a fun, light-hearted way. If someone responds, I simply do as before, but more of it.
    IDEA! Lets kidnap him during PAX East, drive down to Rhode Island, and take him to a whorehouse in Providence.
    We'll take my car.
  • I once would have agreed with Scott. And I can still see a partial point of his. While the physical aspects of kissing are definitely pleasurable, a lot of it comes from the shared feelings for me. If Scott didn't feel anything for this Becky girl, or any other girl who's flirted, then yes, the kissing would potentially not be enjoyable. However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't actively seek it out, because if you can find someone you do have feelings for, then the kissing will be almost guaranteed to be more enjoyable than average activities you're used to doing on a daily basis. Trust me. I still love all my geeky venues, but making out with my girlfriend is way more enjoyable because she is my girlfriend, and that makes it enjoyable.
    You've been playing this game for two weeks, maybe less. You're coming off as overly enthusiastic to be the dating guru.

    Just saying.
  • I am threatened, every day he is single he could potentially steal a girlfriend from one of his friends :-p (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahaha) sorry, yea I just like to give Scott a hard time.
  • yea I just like to give Scott a hard time
    That's what...he?...said.
  • Scott just needs a girl as arrogant and geeky as him. They exist; I personally know a few.
  • edited November 2010
    Scott just needs a girl as arrogant and geeky as him. They exist; I personally know a few.
    They would bicker during sex, that's not good, bicker sex? Really?
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Scott just needs a girl as arrogant and geeky as him. They exist; I personally know a few.
    They would bicker during sex, that's not good, bicker sex? Really?
    Isn't that the Island of Awesome?
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