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  • On the first of May, in parts of western Germany, it is a tradition to cut down a birch tree, tie ribbons on it, and then tie it to the front of your girlfriend's house. As a sign of love, or something. My German girlfriend always wanted one from me, but for the first few years we either weren't at home on the first of May, or I had some other excuse.

    Then one year I decided to get her a May Tree, but instead of cutting down a tree, I decided to buy one in a pot, to put in the yard. That way it wouldn't die after a few weeks or some, and its continuing greenery would be a sign of our ever lasting love. So goes the saying: if you love someone, don't buy them flowers, buy them an oak tree. In my case, the tree lasted longer than our relationship.

    Oh well!

    Yesterday, in my back yard, I told someone that very story, pointing out the tree. Later I had sex with them. On my ex-girlfriend's couch.

    (Actually in my bed. The running joke doesn't really work.)
  • Sheep? That's some heavy stuff right there. The purchase of life is a sign of major commitment. I'm going to stick with buying my lass death for now. Dead animals to consume, dead flowers, the like.
  • That's such a cute geek gift. If you girl like jewelry, check out MadAristocrat's Etsy.
  • She doesn't wear a lot of jewelry so I don't think she is but I've bookmarked that link so I'll keep it in mind! Thanks! =D
  • On Thursday night, after a few glasses of wine, some guests decided to set me up an Ok Cupid account. Maybe this is the route to real love?
  • edited May 2011
    Menage a trois?

    Also, my first gift for my gf of a few weeks now arrived today...

    Post edited by Axel on
  • I want those flowers!

    But Jed buys me real flowers now and then. I...can not really complain. I'm in love! We're in love! It's so awesome! I'm just going to rub in! HA HA HA I'm being a bitch!

    I don't really mean to be. I'm sorry. T_T
  • I want those flowers!

    But Jed buys me real flowers now and then. I...can not really complain. I'm in love! We're in love! It's so awesome! I'm just going to rub in! HA HA HA I'm being a bitch!

    I don't really mean to be. I'm sorry. T_T
    Its okay! I will join in! Andrew bought me lovely pink roses for Vday. He also buys me lots of sparkly fru-fru orange juice. :D He is such a good bf >^_^
  • XP

    Thanks guys. Unless I'm wrong and that wasn't directed towards me...

    No, seriously, it's fine.
  • XP

    Thanks guys. Unless I'm wrong and that wasn't directed towards me...

    No, seriously, it's fine.
    Oh I just got excited and responded to her post. Sorry >_>
  • XP

    Thanks guys. Unless I'm wrong and that wasn't directed towards me...

    No, seriously, it's fine.
    Oh I just got excited and responded to her post. Sorry >_>
    No, it's fine. I really wasn't sure if her post was directed at me at all.
  • If a futon counts as a couch, then I also have a fucking couch.
  • Just broke it off with someone. It ended up being relatively easy because we hadn't spoken for two weeks and she seemed to have gotten the same idea. It's strange, because I really didn't have much invested emotionally in this relationship and I had already mentally moved on weeks ago, yet I still feel a little emptiness now that it's officially done.
  • Sorry to hear that, man.
  • edited May 2011
    No, it's really ok. The whole relationship was pretty unfulfilling. She's a cool person and fun to hang out with, but not much about her personality or interests really intrigued me in the end.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • XP

    Thanks guys. Unless I'm wrong and that wasn't directed towards me...

    No, seriously, it's fine.
    Oh I just got excited and responded to her post. Sorry >_>
    No, it's fine. I really wasn't sure if her post was directed at me at all.
    No. I was just being a silly bizznatch for fun. I'm not trying to be a meanie at you.
  • edited May 2011
    No, it's really ok. The whole relationship was pretty unfulfilling. She's a cool person and fun to hang out with, but not much about her personality or interests really intrigued me in the end.
    Maybe it's just me, but I've never broken it off with someone because they were not interesting... Where do you find people like that? Non-interesting girls that is.. I mean they have breasts :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I mean they have breasts :-p
    They felt like bags of sand.
  • I mean they have breasts :-p
    They felt like bags of sand.
    That sounds gross.
  • edited May 2011
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Third date with nerd girl. Really fun! We just hung out at her place, drinking tea and chatting about art and stuff. Awesome time. But oh my fucking god, she is the nerdiest geek I've ever met. I left when two guys came round to play some pen and paper role playing game. A game that they have been playing for 17 YEARS! And she's been playing the same character all that time. She showed me the character's diary, which she kept for years, mostly hand written in a style of writing she learned and developed just two write this diary. And as she is an artist, it's all decorated and illustrated beautifully.

    For me to compete with that level of nerd I'd have to break out really esoteric juggling notation stuff, and that's just not interesting any but a tiny handful of other juggling nerds.
  • edited May 2011
    I left when two guys came round to play some pen and paper role playing game. A game that they have been playing for 17 YEARS!
    That's fucking awesome. Also, one of us, one of us...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Also, one of us, one of us...
    I'm not sure what you actually mean by that.
  • A game that they have been playing for 17 YEARS! And she's been playing the same character all that time.
    I am not sure if it counts but we run in games in the same world and run into our characters from 17 years ago occasionally....
  • It just reminds me of the "Farador!" video. Same characters for all that time, once a week for 15 years, level 76 Paladin and 86 Warrior.
  • edited May 2011
    Also, one of us, one of us...
    I'm not sure what you actually mean by that.
    It's from this movie called Freaks.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Yeah, but I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. Who is the non-freak in this situation, and who is chanting?
  • Yeah, but I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. Who is the non-freak in this situation, and who is chanting?
    In the film, there's this normal lady who is dating a dwarf and the "freaks" have decided to accept her as one of them. You are the lady. Unnamed geeky girl is the dwarf. We are the freaks.
  • Okay. Just so you know, I consider myself one of the "freaks" already. I'm not into the same geekeries to the same depth as most people on this forum, but there's a reason why I've been chatting here for the last 3 years. My interpretation of the comment was I was the dwarf, and you were the freaks, and you wanted her to join the forum.
  • I find myself curious what this esoteric juggling notation looks like.
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