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  • You trollin.
    I ain't even.
  • Maybe you're right, I would be surprised, but honestly, she's not gonna seek me out because I made it clear to her that being good friends with her is stunting my ability to move on from our relationship.
    Maybe this is why she is doing it? I don't know her, obviously, but its possible that she is distancing herself from you because she knows you are still attached to her in a more-than-friends way. Maybe she hopes that by being indifferent, that you will take time off from her, like you said. (Or maybe she's not sure how to handle this and is subconsciously treating you the way you describe.) And then when you get over her during the summer or whatnot, you guys can hang out like normal friends again. Maybe she really does care about you and wants you to heal? I know you didn't ask for advice, but I'm just trying to put a positive view to the situation. :) On the upside, at least you are taking the steps to get over her and will feel better once that happens.
  • You guys should sign up as hosts.
  • Well, it seems I have to take back all my complaints about how relationships suck, and add a Boo-yah on top of it.

    I managed to meet and befriend a really nice and geeky girl in Columbia's Archaeology department through a mutual friend, and we worked up a good friendship after a few meetings. Last night, just after leaving a party, she texted me and told me that she didn't have time to sleep before work the next morning, and was watching Rocky Horror instead. Since I was planning to work all night anyways, I joined her, and we watched Rocky Horror, and afterwards, well...
  • edited May 2011
    Dag yo. Well played.

    However, I now hate you forever. ;)
    Post edited by Axel on
  • You guys should sign up as hosts.
    Best 30 seconds of your life? That's how I felt last night too!
  • Dayum, dawg.

    Did she let you wear your chain and turtleneck sweater?
  • Did she let you wear your chain and turtleneck sweater?
    Indeed, I thought it was really nice of her.
  • Did she let you wear your chain and turtleneck sweater?
    Indeed, I thought it was really nice of her.
    Do you think she might-a been a racist?
  • Did she let you wear your chain and turtleneck sweater?
    Indeed, I thought it was really nice of her.
    Do you think she might-a been a racist?
    Doesn't matter; he had sex.
  • ...we watched Rocky Horror, and afterwards, well...
    And people still wonder why I like this movie.
  • ...we watched Rocky Horror, and afterwards, well...
    And people still wonder why I like this movie.
    Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.
  • ...we watched Rocky Horror, and afterwards, well...
    And people still wonder why I like this movie.
    Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.
  • Quick note to the forum: Thanks Nerds!

    Today I had a kinda-date in the park, and I arranged it so I met her where us jugglers meet every day. But there were no other jugglers, so we sat in the sun and I played some songs on my guitar, but then she had to leave after only an hour.

    But the first juggler type person to turn up while we were there was a girl (or lady, if you want a better description) who swung a staff. And once my original date left she came over to sit with me, and said she liked my songs, and we chatted on and off over the course of the afternoon. After juggling with friends like normal, about 4 hours later I was going to leave, she told me she wanted to meet for a drink later. It turned out the better plan was to both leave together right then to get some food. So for the last few hours we've been sitting in a cafe drinking tea, and just chatting.

    Now here's the part where you guys come in. She is a TOTAL geek and nerd, well beyond my range and depth in almost every way (everything except science fiction literature). Normally I am the geeky one, but how can I compete with someone who was an active LARPer for 15 years? Someone who teaches graphic design at the video game school here in Berlin? Someone who learned English by watching anime that only had English subtitles rather than German?

    Thankfully, via this forum and Geeknights, I've picked up enough references and knowledge via osmosis to not be totally out of my depth.

    I just got home, and I'm going to have a shower and put on some more appropriate clothes for the evening, and then we're meeting up for more drinks in... 23 minutes.

    Update later. Maybe.
  • One of us. One of us.
  • I'm not sure what the "part where you guys come in" is. You're probably at just the right place to be. Enough knowledge to keep up with the conversation while still being interested, and bringing other interests and information to the table.
  • If you need advice, go to the bathroom and post here. We will provide nerdy help as the night goes on.
    Good luck!
  • Update: Holy shit! I'm drunk, and there's a naked lady in my bed! Fuck knows why I'm sharing this on the forum...
  • Update: Holy shit! I'm drunk, and there's a naked lady in my bed! Fuck knows why I'm sharing this on the forum...
    I'll take "Because you're drunk" for a 1000, Alex.
  • Update: Holy shit! I'm drunk, and there's a naked lady in my bed! Fuck knows why I'm sharing this on the forum...
    I'll take "Because you're drunk" for a 1000, Alex.
    Believe you just won the daily double, Churbs.
  • One of us. One of us.
  • One of us. One of us.
    You have sexed her! You have sexed her!
  • Update: Holy shit! I'm drunk, and there's a naked lady in my bed! Fuck knows why I'm sharing this on the forum...
    heh, Luke had (possible) casual sex with a nerd!
  • One of us. One of us.
  • Well, it was certainly sex. Not sure how casual it was. I guess the future will tell in this case.
  • Holy shit! I'm drunk, and there's a naked lady in my bed!
    I have this same response every time this happens. Actually, I think "HOLY SHIT NAKED LADY" every single time there's a naked lady in my bed.

    It's like Christmas over and over again.
  • Actually, I think "HOLY SHIT NAKED LADY" every single time there's a naked lady in my bed.
    So THAT'S what that look is.
  • Okay, truth time!

    She wasn't in my bed, she was on my couch. The couch is the couch of many awesome sexy times in the past year. It's a big hit with the ladies, and I even got a message the other day saying "I want to come over again for some fun on the couch!" It's a big couch! Here's a photo from a blog post I wrote called "Where I Write", with me on the couch for scale:


    So far so good, right? It gets better! The couch isn't mine. It belongs to my ex-girlfriend. She wanted a big couch, and only spent her own money when she bought it, because I wasn't that bothered about a couch of that size. And now she moved out, and it's one of the only things left in the apartment that still belongs to her. And in the last week I've had sex on the couch three times with three different young ladies.

    That couch is awesome.
  • I must say,

    I really fucking want a couch like that.
  • I really want a fucking couch like that.
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