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  • Perhaps your cakes are not dainty enough?
  • Have you tried morris dancing? That usually gets people going.
  • He's Australian. Right? Wrong?
    British living in Australia was my understanding. Correct me if I'm wrong Churba.
    I MAKE the dainty cakes...
    I like tea and cakes...just sayin.
  • Damn kinky British. :P
    I'm telling you its all the tea that we drink. Coupled with a killer selection of cakes our ladies are off the chain when it comes to relations.
    Well, that certainly explains... wait, nothing. I drink way too much tea to get no action, by that logic.
    I'd have Elevenses with you anytime.
  • See making means you have to wait for some dashing gent to come and have an illicit affair. Helps if you dress as a serving girl.
    Does working in my friend's maid cafe count?
    Perhaps your cakes are not dainty enough?
    I'm working on the daintiness of my cakes. My roommate is very appreciative of my near-constant baking as of late, and says I'm the "quintessential woman"... which unfortunately only counts for so much when it's coming from a guy who is fundamentally uninterested in women, particularly when people have told me I'm too "man-ish" before.
    Have you tried morris dancing? That usually gets people going.
    It might be my total inability to dance. Damn. I don't know if you can fix lack of coordination.
  • Does working in my friend's maid cafe count?
    Yep though he will be a dashing cur.
    It might be my total inability to dance
    You have not seen morris dancing have you.
    I'd have Elevenses with you anytime.
    That is the startof a great chat up line.
  • I hope you know I'm just being silly at this point. And no, I haven't seen morris dancing.
  • edited August 2011
    Short break for morris dancing:
    Does working in my friend's maid cafe count?
    *Joins Viga at the kotatsu littered with bloody tissues.*
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • British living in Australia was my understanding. Correct me if I'm wrong Churba.
    He was Australian living in Britain, he has now returned to Australia.
  • *Joins Viga at the kotatsu littered with bloody tissues.*
    It's a good thing I work in a hospital; I just ran upstairs and had my nosebleed surgically repaired. Life-threatening hemorrhage, you know.
  • Tried that, blood just came out my ears instead.
  • I'm giving blood now just to stem the flow. Also, it helps those in need!
  • edited August 2011
    Oh shit, she smiled at us! Get the pumps going or we'll be knee deep in no time.

    I do hope Anrild doesn't mind us shamelessly mock-perving on her.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I do hope Anrild doesn't mind us shamelessly mock-perving on her.
    Considering the other day one of my friends told me he wished he could be my rabbit so he could sleep on my boobs, I've heard worse. That's not an invitation, but I'm sort of used to it.
  • Whatever gets you off, my friend, is the deal. If that is what you need for satisfaction, then that's what you need for satisfaction, and I'm not gonna judge you or have a go at you just because you don't fancy the idea of casual sex with a friend, or because you like to have a closed relationship over an open one, or whatever the hell is your business in that area, so to speak. While I draw the line at hurting others - at least, maliciously, if they get off on a bit of slap and tickle, that's a different thing to the hurt I'm speaking of - or at non-consent, uninformed consent, or that sort of thing. There is nothing wrong with the way you get your kicks, and there is nothing wrong with the way I get my kicks.
    tl;dr: Your kink is not my kink, but your kink is OK.

    Except when it's not. But that's a rare occasion. Just keep the excrement and children out of it.
  • edited August 2011
    Considering the other day one of my friends told me he wished he could be my rabbit so he could sleep on my boobs, I've heard worse. That's not an invitation, but I'm sort of used to it.
    I'm a model gentleman in person, really. Hence the invitation to Elevenses.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Considering the other day one of my friends told me he wished he could be my rabbit so he could sleep on my boobs, I've heard worse. That's not an invitation, but I'm sort of used to it.
    Rebecca Watson disapproves of your friend.
  • I hope you know I'm just being silly at this point
    Haha As am I. Everyone knows that you charm a woman through jousting.
    Considering the other day one of my friends told me he wished he could be my rabbit so he could sleep on my boobs, I've heard worse
    I saw a program where a girl wished she could be a backpack and follow her boyfriend everywhere.
    Short break for morris dancing:
    And now for something completely different. That is how you woo a lady.
  • Haha As am I. Everyone knows that you charm a woman through jousting.
    Also, the Feats of Strength.
  • Bear fighting, climbing mountains, braking horses, otter wrangling. Chicks did that shit.....or so I have been told.
  • edited August 2011
    I'm a model gentleman in person, really. Hence the invitation to Elevenses
    Hmm, this would be worth considering but requires travel and is therefore not doable currently. My apologies.
    Rebecca Watson disapproves of your friend.
    I tried to tell him that Thumper was Ryan's for 10 years before he was mine, so it would be 10 years of humping a guy before he'd get to sleep on my tits. This didn't deter him. I think that's the creepiest part.
    I saw a program where a girl wished she could be a backpack and follow her boyfriend everywhere.
    That sounds uncomfortable and awkward on every level. It also sounds highly metaphorical. "I WANT TO HAVE HIS STUFF SHOVED INTO ME SO I CAN CARRY HIS THINGS FOR HIM".
    Uh. Babies?
    I also don't think I'd ever want to go everywhere my significant other would go. Sometimes guys need "guy time" and I don't want to be around for all of that.
    Haha As am I. Everyone knows that you charm a woman through jousting.
    Also, the Feats of Strength.
    So afterwards they can take you home and tend to your wounds while you tell epic stories about your valor?
    ...I mean... what? Nothing. >_>
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Sometimes guys need "guy time" and I don't want to be around for all of that
    Int eh words of Oak 'Bitch be trippin' balls'.
    So afterwards they can take you home and tend to your wounds while you tell epic stories about your valor?
    ...I mean... what? Nothing. >_>
    Many a woman has gone week and the knees over some tales I have. Such as the time I fixed the sink. Got rid of that bat. Harnessed a brace of otters to tow my raft across the river Seven. Chopped some wood. Spayed a dragon.
  • Haha As am I. Everyone knows that you charm a woman through jousting.
    Also, the Feats of Strength.
    If feats of strength include cosplay, it would make my life make a lot more sense. And more hopeful. >_>
  • he wished he could be my rabbit so he could sleep on my boobs
    OK, but you have to be fair - that's a pretty awesome life right there. Not just your boobs specifically, though - I'm pretty sure being a rabbit whose major concerns in life are being cute and sleeping on boobs would be rather enjoyable.
  • Hmm, this would be worth considering but requires travel and is therefore not doable currently. My apologies.
    We could call it a raincheck until next summer. I handle my own travel expenses, in keeping with my gentlemanly principles.
  • Hmm, this would be worth considering but requires travel and is therefore not doable currently. My apologies.
    We could call it a raincheck until next summer. I handle my own travel expenses, in keeping with my gentlemanly principles.
    Most fancy, Mr. Gentleman.
  • I travel with a trunk containing my collection of waistcoats and smoking jackets.
  • I'm telling you its all the tea that we drink. Coupled with a killer selection of cakes our ladies are off the chain when it comes to relations.
    England is indeed a fascinating country when it comes to sexuality. It's astounding how many people are kinky, and very self-aware sexually, but it's locked down tight, kept all away to yourselves, something not discussed, but rather kept to the back room away from prying eyes.
    British living in Australia was my understanding. Correct me if I'm wrong Churba.
    You're wrong, but that's okay, I lived there for a fair while, so you're probably used to me living in England, and therefore it's only a short jump to the assumption of britishness.
    I do hope Anrild doesn't mind us shamelessly mock-perving on her.
    Hey, I'm not Mock-Perving at all. I never mock, it's impolite.
    Bear fighting, climbing mountains, braking horses, otter wrangling. Chicks did that shit.....or so I have been told.
    About 40% of the time, it works everytime.
    So afterwards they can take you home and tend to your wounds while you tell epic stories about your valor?
    ...I mean... what? Nothing. >_>
    I would, but I have never been with someone who had a better grasp of emergency medicine and first aid than I did, and everyone I know who does isn't that interested. Sure, dabbing disinfectant on hard to reach places is handy, but I've given myself stitches more than once.
    I also don't think I'd ever want to go everywhere my significant other would go. Sometimes guys need "guy time" and I don't want to be around for all of that.
    True business. No matter how much you love someone, sometimes you just need a bit of time to yourself.
    I travel with a trunk containing my collection of waistcoats and smoking jackets.
    This is how I roll.
  • You're wrong, but that's okay, I lived there for a fair while, so you're probably used to me living in England, and therefore it's only a short jump to the assumption of britishness.
    Cool. So you're Australian then? I just want to get it straight.
    This is how I roll.
    Ready for most situations then?
  • kept to the back room away from prying eyes.
    It is so true. We defiantly keep that stuff to ourselves, however odd it is.

    I also love the varying answers to questions, as if we were a group of children bombarding Churba with questions.
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