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  • I asked a girl out over Facebook chat one time. The chat "malfunctioned" for half an hour, then she came back on and said we should just be friends. The moral is that any interpersonal decisions should probably be made face-to-face, even if they're only a little emotionally charged.
  • edited September 2011
    If they can't even handle discussing whether or not they want to go out with you, that's not really the kind of person you want to be in a relationship with anyway. In my opinion, at least.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • If they can't even handle discussing whether or not they want to go out with you, that's not really the kind of person you want to be in a relationship with anyway.
    To be fair to the girl none of you will ever talk to, there was a lot of emotional conflict on both sides. I might have waited half an hour anyway if I'd asked her in person.
  • edited September 2011
    I was more referring to these other girls that totally ghosted WUP and Linkigi. Your girl at least gave you a straight answer.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited September 2011
    I was more referring to these other girls that totally ghosted WUP and Linkigi. Your girl at least gave you a straight answer.
    You know the worst part? I'm going to see her at a school club this Thursday and it's going to be really awkward if she never responds.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Ok so I mentioned previously about how my friend may be in an abusive relationship and I think she might have feelings for me. Well today me and my other friend decided it would be funny if we put "in a relationship" on Facebook to freak some of our friends out. Well like the moment we did, the friend from before instantly IM'd me and seemed pretty upset. I ended up telling her it was a joke and she said she knew it was, but I'm not so sure. I talked to the girl who I'm "In a relationship with" and she said that the other girl definitely has feeling for me...I'm just confused.
  • Spent the day and night on a boat with two gorgeous dutch girls.
  • I approve.
  • Spent the day and night on a boat with two gorgeous dutch girls.
    Did you ever think you'd be on a boat?
  • Spent the day and night on a boat with two gorgeous dutch girls.
    Did you ever think you'd be on a boat?
    Is it a big blue watery road?
  • Let's cut to the chase here, did you fuck a mermaid?
  • Let's cut to the chase here, did you fuck a mermaid?
    C'mon, dude. It's Churba we're talking about.

    ...Probs like seven of those sea-bitches.
  • edited September 2011
    Nothing untoward happens, lads. It was just all friendly. As it was, I was on the clock, so I couldn't do anything much more than chat, be charming, and drive the boat around anyway.

    As for mermaids, I would not fuck anything that came out of bribie passage. Jaysus.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Let's Just Be Friends

    Funnily enough, a few weeks ago I wrote a live version of the song I wrote for Axel which kinda follows a similar story to the above music video. Not exactly the same, mind you. It's still written from the point of view of a 14 year old virgin.
  • Did you ever post that song? I forget. If not, I really want to hear it.
  • edited September 2011
    Did you ever post that song? I forget. If not, I really want to hear it.
    Man, I'm good at Google.

    Edit: I REMEMBER THIS NOW. It's the one where Luke sounds like Weird Al.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Right. So good. Luke, you have teh mad skillz.
  • Did you ever post that song? I forget. If not, I really want to hear it.
    I only ever posted an mp3 version, not any kind of video. If you want I can record a version of me singing the whole thing at a piano. On Sunday I'm performing a piano set at a comedy club, so I might do the song then. Or I might do my most recent song, about not remembering someone's name when you meet them.
  • I did find the mp3, but if you decide to post a video, I would love it, knowing that I inspired it (sorta).
  • Let's Just Be Friends
    That was eight kinds of awesome.
  • Let's Just Be Friends
    That was eight kinds of awesome.
    I counted nine, but whatever.
  • My room mate is going hiking with the mountain club for the weekend so my girlfriend will be staying over Friday night. :D
  • Fuck, I think I might have broken the number one dating rule...
  • the number one dating rule...
    No cheating?
    Don't stick your dick in crazy?
    If you do, do so at her place so she doesn't know where you live?
  • Fuck, I think I might have broken the number one dating rule...
    I told you to ask for I.D.
  • Fuck, I think I might have broken the number one dating rule...
    Never go ass to mouth?
  • Don't stick your dick in crazy?
    Bingo. Worst part is that she doesn't know where I live, she knows where I fucking work. These Facebook messages, they are between the lines of scary and hilarious.
  • Screencaps pls?
  • Screencaps pls?
    I would if the content would not reveal more than what I would have wanted released on the Internet.

    But basically it's along the lines of her commanding me to take her in as her only partner ( even after I specifically said that I was not ready for commitment again) and that grave social consequences will befall me if I don't, those implications involve basically her telling on my friends and Santeria. I'm not sure if I should just not answer or answer without letting her know how hard I'm laughing my ass off at her childish banter. Yet I know that whatever I do it's going to get out of hand if I don't tread carefully.

    Best quote: "and every1 u know will know your such a fuckwhore." Fuckwhore, I need to use this insult more often.
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