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  • Shut up with your true pictures.
  • Shut up with your true pictures.
    Tch... Cowards.
  • Your relationship is at zero anyway if you haven't asked her/him out yet. You literally have nothing to lose. There is always the chance of rejection, but it's a small rejection and the only way to learn how to deal with it is to experience it. Fear of rejection is what kills the confidence needed to succeed at relationships.
  • We need some Courage Burrage up in here.
  • Courage Burrage when super drunk and the other side of the world from your girlfriend isn't always the best combination.
  • Courage Burrage when super drunk and the other side of the world from your girlfriend isn't always the best combination.
    But sometimes it IS the best combination.
  • Cooking a girl dinner tomorrow night. Could become nothing, could become something awesome. We'll see.
  • Cooking a girl dinner tomorrow night. Could become nothing, could become something awesome. We'll see.
    Either way, it will become a delicious dinner, so it's a win/win.
  • Don't cute girls know they're not allowed to get really sick the day before a pseudo-date? I has a sad.
  • I've only ever dated one person ever, but we're still together. Does that make me good at relationships, or terrible at them. I can't tell.
  • Spent the night with my lady-friend. At this point we have mostly completely given in to acting like a couple. Once her personal issues are all dealt with, we plan on going official. But even without them being official, I'm happy where we are.
  • I've only ever dated one person ever, but we're still together. Does that make me good at relationships, or terrible at them. I can't tell.
    Who knows, Relationships are an Art.
    Spent the night with my lady-friend. At this point we have mostly completely given in to acting like a couple. Once her personal issues are all dealt with, we plan on going official. But even without them being official, I'm happy where we are.
    heh, Facebook official?
  • Spent the night with my lady-friend. At this point we have mostly completely given in to acting like a couple. Once her personal issues are all dealt with, we plan on going official. But even without them being official, I'm happy where we are.
    heh, Facebook official?
    Yeah. We're also just not referring to each other as boyfriend/girlfriend. In time, I'm sure.
  • Why do you have the put a label on it? I hate being labeled.
  • edited October 2011
    I hate being labeled.
    I'm gonna make a game out of secretly putting post-it notes on you. :P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Hey everyone, what's the furthest base you've gotten to?
  • Hey everyone, what's the furthest base you've gotten to?
    Or have you even seen the field. :P
  • We don't have to label it, but it's territorial. She wants to "own me" (like she already doesn't XD). The waiting is simply for her parents, because they need time to get used to the idea of me. They're pretty strict and nosy.

    But no, I don't require labels. I just like things to be in a good, happy place, and right now they are, which is why I don't bother pressing the bf/gf thing.

    Also, third base, roughly.
  • Also, third base, roughly.
    I'd suggest gently to start.
  • She wants to "own me" (like she already doesn't XD).
    Suggest a collaring ceremony.
  • edited October 2011
    She wants to "own me" (like she already doesn't XD).
    Suggest a collaring ceremony.
    Eh. She already has a furry friend who wears cat ears and a collar. I think she's good. XD
    I'd suggest gently to start.
    Eh, I've been going back and forth between rough and gentle. She likes it both ways.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • She wants to "own me" (like she already doesn't XD).
    Suggest a collaring ceremony.
    Eh. She already has a furry friend who wears cat ears and a collar. I think she's good. XD
    That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

    Also, before you look it up, I was being facetious. Unless you're into that, in which case, collar away, my friend.
  • I'm not gonna bother looking it up.
  • edited October 2011
    I'm not gonna bother looking it up.
    Suffice it to say, Axel, it's a BDSM thing, sort of a commitment ceremony. Just skim over this here, shrug, and call it good enough for now.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Oh, that's all? Well yeah, I get that it's BDSM, jeez. I thought you just meant something else.

    Actually, she admitted she was kinda turned on by the idea of light bondage. She's VERY dominant, and she said she would enjoy having the guy tied up and unable to do anything while she had her way with him.

    In over my head? Mebbeh a little.
  • edited October 2011
    In over my head? Mebbeh a little.
    No better time to figure out how to start swimming.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm not gonna bother looking it up.
    Suffice it to say, Axel, it's a BDSM thing. Just skim over this here, shrug, and call it good enough for now.
    I lol'd.
  • In over my head? Mebbeh a little.
    No better time to figure out how to start swimming.
    True enough.
  • In over my head? Mebbeh a little.
    No better time to figure out how to start swimming.
    True enough.
    Buy some fuzzy handcuffs and start the party.
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