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Concerts you plan on going to in the near future



  • I'm going to gauge them at somewhere over 9000.
  • Never thought they'd play anywhere near here but Caravan Palace is playing gigs in Calgary and Edmonton at the end of the month as part of their North American tour. They look so awesome to see live. My levels of "can not wait" are inestimable.
    I'm super jelly. Their show in Boston was 18+, but I really wanted to go.
  • edited July 2013
    Never thought they'd play anywhere near here but Caravan Palace is playing gigs in Calgary and Edmonton at the end of the month as part of their North American tour. They look so awesome to see live. My levels of "can not wait" are inestimable.
    I'm super jelly. Their show in Boston was 18+, but I really wanted to go.
    You really need a fake ID, bro.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Never thought they'd play anywhere near here but Caravan Palace is playing gigs in Calgary and Edmonton at the end of the month as part of their North American tour. They look so awesome to see live. My levels of "can not wait" are inestimable.
    I'm super jelly. Their show in Boston was 18+, but I really wanted to go.
    You really need a fake ID, bro.
    It's not worth the $100 plus ticket prices for one year's worth of entry into concerts. If I had had income, I would've done it after I got dicked out of that Hold Steady show sophomore year, but at this point there just aren't enough concerts left before I turn 18. All that money would be better spent on tickets afterwards.
  • oh, and I guess I should say it's amoral and illegal and shit, because the NSA likes it when I say that shit.
  • I'm starting a 3-night run of Phish tonight, so of course they drop what a lot of people are considering their best single piece in a decade, if not more, the show before. Yes, that's a single 37 minute song. If you're interested in why this band has the fans it does, might as well dive in rather than wading.

  • Seeing Black Sabbath tonight!

  • Catching GWAR on Thursday in Buffalo. Hell yeah!
  • Anyone here going to Bit Gen Gamer Fest this weekend?
  • I would if my time wasn't totally devoted to Otakon.
  • 8 Static Fest is tonight, I will miss a few opening acts but can't wait!
  • Just got back from The Hold Steady at The House of Blues. It was my first real rock n roll show (I'd been to arena shows before, but that's nothing like this). Amazing performance. Craig Finn has stellar and unique stage presence, Tad Kubler and Steve Selvidge are just as fantastic live as they are in the studio, and the crowd was alive and electrified like nothing I'd seen before. All in all, it only confirmed that I want to be a rock n roller professionally.
  • edited April 2014
    It's a hard way to the top if you wanna rock'n'roll.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Who said anything about getting to the top? I just want to be at the level where I don't need a day job. I think that's reasonable and possible, given enough time.

    Also, AJJ is coming to town on Jun 16, and it's an all ages show! Woo!
  • Praise Jihad.
  • Apparently there's going to be a bluegrass festival in Nagoya next month...and Japanese bluegrass is pretty darn good.
  • NIN concert in like July, with Soundgarden as opening act.
  • Not exactly a concert, but the guest lecture at Berklee today was definitely some sort of music event. It started out with a brief performance by DMC, followed by a brief discussion with Duane Parker. Then for about an hour or so, DJ Johnny Juice and Swiss Chris performed a history of rap from 1979 onward. At the end of that, DMC came back on, played a few songs, did some Q&A, and then did pictures and signings. Dude was a beast on the stage. Even when he was doing the Q&A, he was clearly putting all he had into it, giving what he was saying all his energy. It was fantastic.

    Also, got one of my dad's records signed. DMC thought it was super cool I had the vinyl.
  • Eluveitie, Metsatoll, and Try in October! So hype
  • edited August 2014
    Saw Rodrigo y Gabriela on Thursday. Fantastic time, they blew the house down. Played a lot of their newer stuff which was just flamenco guitar without any effects or even a metronome, but it was just incredible. The amount of different sounds they could get from their acoustic guitars was on a whole other level. And not only that, but it's all in rhythm. Just watch their playing here for a taste. Their highlights were playing Hanuman and Tamacun at the end.

    Also included that was the weirdest open act ever. A violinist/singer named Kishi Bashi who sang almost in an Japanese Folk sort of way but with high concept lyrics about creationism and nature with sampling, plucking, and even beat boxing. He was good, but it was weird as hell. Especially when his finale song was called "I Am The Antichrist."

    I'm sure everyone has a story about a weird opening act that wasn't advertised at all on the ticket but you happened to catch it anyway.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • edited August 2014
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Weird Al, where is your Mandatory Fun tour?
  • Went to Norma Jean last night. It was fantastic.
  • Titus Andronicus on Monday, Tom Petty at Fenway next Sunday, Gaslight Anthem in September, and Allen Stone in October.

    The weird part is that these are all all ages shows -- something that was scarce when it would've been needed.
  • Greg said:

    Titus Andronicus on Monday

    Is there actually a band called Titus Andronicus, or are you seeing the Shakespeare play?
  • There's actually a band called Titus Andronicus.
  • edited December 2014

    Social Distortion
    Against Me!
    Off with their Heads
    Frenzal Rhomb

    Fuck, I think I have to go there.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Devin Townsend and Animals as Leaders this Friday! This week is looking to be shitastic so it will be an excellent way to end it.
  • TMBG in Seattle, anyone?
  • I unfortunately won't be able to get to Groezrock. However, I think I found a suitable replacement, just across the border:
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