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Concerts you plan on going to in the near future



  • edited May 2016
    The Menzingers and The Bouncing Souls are playing in Vienna in October. I definitely need to go to this. The Bouncing Souls are one of my favorite bands of all time and about two years ago I discovered The Menzingers for myself. Plus the day after is a public holiday so I don't even have to spend a vacation day.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Caravan Palace tonight, CW Stoneking a week from today.
  • A week ago, I'd have never expected to say this, but I spent the last two days in a park at a Japanese reggae festival.
  • My friend and I just got tickets to see Ninja Sex Party in Chicago October 1st. I'm so pumped. Side note, if anyone wants to meet up we're spending all day in Chicago and a guide would be much appreciated.
  • If I'm in the area that day, it might be fun.
  • ThatGent said:

    If I'm in the area that day, it might be fun.

    Cool I'll PM you my phone number
  • 1 month until Weird Al.
  • Apreche said:

    Devin Townsend on September 16 in NYC.

    OH man, that's a great lineup. I really dug his new single, composing with his entire band gave him a huge boost of energy.
  • Apreche said:

    Devin Townsend on September 16 in NYC.

    OH man, that's a great lineup. I really dug his new single, composing with his entire band gave him a huge boost of energy.
    I was very surprised that I was able to just buy a ticket no problem. Super cheap.
  • Just left the Dresden Dolls show and it was absolutely amazing. Altough I do admit an immense amount of nostalgia played into it.
  • Sonata Arctica & Dark Tranquility
    Swallow the Sun
    Leaves Eyes
    Omnium Gatherum
  • edited August 2016
    Oooh, Omnium Gatherum and Swallow the Sun?

    Though I was a little underwhelmed last time I saw StS. They really need a big venue to let their sound work. Where's this all going down?
    Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    Devin Townsend on September 16 in NYC.

    OH man, that's a great lineup. I really dug his new single, composing with his entire band gave him a huge boost of energy.
    I was very surprised that I was able to just buy a ticket no problem. Super cheap.
    I've seen Devin...3 times now? Including with BtBaM (on the Great Misdirect tour). Never once has the show been sold out.

    Another reason I love metal shows - you can almost always get tickets, and they're almost always hella cheap.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Oooh, Omnium Gatherum and Swallow the Sun?

    Though I was a little underwhelmed last time I saw StS. They really need a big venue to let their sound work. Where's this all going down?

    Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    Devin Townsend on September 16 in NYC.

    OH man, that's a great lineup. I really dug his new single, composing with his entire band gave him a huge boost of energy.
    I was very surprised that I was able to just buy a ticket no problem. Super cheap.
    I've seen Devin...3 times now? Including with BtBaM (on the Great Misdirect tour). Never once has the show been sold out.

    Another reason I love metal shows - you can almost always get tickets, and they're almost always hella cheap.
    I know. I just forgot because the previous show I went to, coincidentally in the same venue, was Babymetal. They are not cheap, and they sell out everywhere. They just sold out the first of two nights at the TokyoDome, which holds 55,000 people.
  • Ben Folds is doing another "just him and a piano" tour. Never gets old. I'm in.
  • Apreche said:

    Oooh, Omnium Gatherum and Swallow the Sun?

    Though I was a little underwhelmed last time I saw StS. They really need a big venue to let their sound work. Where's this all going down?

    Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    Devin Townsend on September 16 in NYC.

    OH man, that's a great lineup. I really dug his new single, composing with his entire band gave him a huge boost of energy.
    I was very surprised that I was able to just buy a ticket no problem. Super cheap.
    I've seen Devin...3 times now? Including with BtBaM (on the Great Misdirect tour). Never once has the show been sold out.

    Another reason I love metal shows - you can almost always get tickets, and they're almost always hella cheap.
    I know. I just forgot because the previous show I went to, coincidentally in the same venue, was Babymetal. They are not cheap, and they sell out everywhere. They just sold out the first of two nights at the TokyoDome, which holds 55,000 people.
    Right, like I said, metal shows don't sell out.

  • Right, like I said, metal shows don't sell out.

    You can be that guy, but then you're just missing out on this kind of shit for no reason.

  • Second that. Smaller venues in NY are only $10 or $15, though they usually sell out on the weekends and they're for bands you've only ever heard of if you're into the scene.

    Speaking of which, shows for me this month:

    Tuesday, 6th: He Whose Ox is Gored at St. Vitus
    Saturday, 24th: Weird Al at Radio City (hell yeah, @Matt!)
    Friday, 30th: Helms Alee and Russian Circles at Warsaw Brooklyn
  • I considered getting tix to that Weird Al Show, but it didn't happen.
  • edited August 2016
    Apreche said:

    I considered getting tix to that Weird Al Show, but it didn't happen.

    Way back in high school, I was in drama classes, and we had a class trip to see Sweeny Todd. I'd already seen it. Carefully selected to sit in the back row of the class seats, wore a Wierd Al shirt under my regular shirt, slipped out just a little into the first act because I "wasn't feeling well", and got caught sneaking into the just-starting Weird Al concert(Poodle Hat Tour) in the Ampitheatre two down the hall by my drama teacher. Because she had a ticket too, and was doing the same thing.

    I told her I'd already seen Sweeney Todd, we spoke about it, and we just agreed to both not tell anyone at school about it, and went into the show anyway.

    (A few years later, I actually cut out of a wedding reception to get to another Wierd Al concert, but that's a different story)
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Apreche said:

    Right, like I said, metal shows don't sell out.

    You can be that guy, but then you're just missing out on this kind of shit for no reason.
    New Inquisition is out, so I'm morally obligated to be trve and slay the false and shit, at least for the next month or until Metallica drops another single and I fanboy it up again.

  • If you live in North America and didn't see Boris on this most recent tour, you fucked up.

    If you live in Europe, you still have a chance, get on it.
  • Sail said:

    If you live in North America and didn't see Boris on this most recent tour, you fucked up.

    If you live in Europe, you still have a chance, get on it.

    That was a fantastic concert. :dizzy:

    Earth is not my favorite live band, but they set the stage pretty well for Boris. I just wish my earplugs would've done shit, they were both hella loud.
  • Yeah I actually went to another concert the same night beforehand and missed Earth just cuz I have seen em before and didn't need to again. The encore they did together was wonderful though.

    But yeah honestly Boris that night might have been one of the best rock performances I've ever seen, I absolutely can not stop thinking about it.
  • I saw that you got the Pink Eau Claire thunder, fantastic pedal. Way better deal than their previous pedal merch.
  • edited September 2016
    Yeah I was gonna buy it at the show but inexplicably the merch booth was cash only... I'm definitely not the sort of person to be carrying $300 around in their wallett just by chance. Luckily they had them online but I still wish I could've gotten the pink on pink colorway which I guess is exclusive to the shows.

    I'm blown away by this pedal though, I'm kind of surprised I hadn't heard of it before. I was thinking it might be a one trick pony but you can really get a wide variety of sludgy tones on it, and the 3 foot switches make it so that you can do some dynamic stuff for that on the fly while you're playing. I really want to check out the other Dwarfcraft effects.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You have the ECT already, so unless you want something heavier, the Silver Rose is not that high a priority. You're a bassist iirc, their Happiness filter is fantastic and worthy a look. Same with the ArF, if you want something trigger based instead of lfo based.

    One thing you would do better in waiting is on their pitch Shifter, the Wizard of pitch. It sounds great but has a noise floor that's not for everyone, not to mention is about to be upgraded come wintertime.

    I've owned most of their pedals at one point or another, so let me know if anything. :)
  • I know it's not an effect but I think I'm going to buy the Paraloop ASAP, the ability to blend two pedals or add a wet/dry to any pedal is
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