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Concerts you plan on going to in the near future



  • I can totally see that. Their ridiculous concept makes your brain expect maximum cheese. It's so unlike anything else, that it must be a parody. But no. They are honestly trying to be a metal band that isn't a joke.

    And while the music isn't top tier, it's not the worst. Some of the songs are catchy as hell. Most importantly in all the videos I see on YouTube the crowd is having a crazy good time.

    I'm really curious about what the crowd demographics will be like in NY. I'm hoping for half metalhead and half weeaboo.
  • I'd say they're like KISS: their music isn't a joke but their personas certainly are.
  • edited April 2016
    St. Vitus in Greenpoint, Brooklyn has been putting on some excellent shows for a couple years now. Next one I'm going to is for Yautja (see Songs of Lament on Bandcamp at on May 28th.

    Yautja is not an obscure Norse band name like I thought it would be... it is just what Predators call themselves in their native tongue.
    Post edited by GroverBomb on
  • When waiting for the British Consulate in Lisbon for my temporary passport, I saw Muse post on Twitter:

    And I thought "Hey, I'm in Lisbon!" Even though I already have tickets to see them in Berlin in a month, I checked if anyone had a spare single ticket for cheap, and now I have solid plans for the evening!
  • edited May 2016
    Apreche said:

    Only just recently did I realize, they are completely legit.

    They were a child pop group whose producers wanted to find a gimmick for them. They had never heard any metal until their producer played it for them (when they were pre-teens), all of their music is written for them, their dances are choreographed for them, and they are just another produced pop creation. I would argue they have a lot more cheese than most other metal bands.

    Edit: That being said, I plan to see the Spice Girls in concert on their next tour, so...

    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Apreche said:

    Only just recently did I realize, they are completely legit.

    They were a child pop group whose producers wanted to find a gimmick for them. They had never heard any metal until their producer played it for them (when they were pre-teens), all of their music is written for them, their dances are choreographed for them, and they are just another produced pop creation. I would argue they have a lot more cheese than most other metal bands.

    Edit: That being said, I plan to see the Spice Girls in concert on their next tour, so...

    The Spice Girls still tour?
  • Apreche said:

    The Spice Girls still tour?

    They have a reunion tour later this year.

  • Apreche said:

    The Spice Girls still tour?

    They have a reunion tour later this year.

    That's kinda awesome.
  • edited May 2016
    Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    The Spice Girls still tour?

    They have a reunion tour later this year.

    That's kinda awesome.
    Iknowight?! [Part of me is very ashamed of my love of the Spice Girls. Another part of me doesn't give a single fuck and just wants to dance.]

    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited May 2016

    Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    The Spice Girls still tour?

    They have a reunion tour later this year.

    That's kinda awesome.
    Iknowight?! [Part of me is very ashamed of my love of the Spice Girls. Another part of me doesn't give a single fuck and just wants to dance.]

    My fuck field has long been barren.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    The Spice Girls still tour?

    They have a reunion tour later this year.

    That's kinda awesome.
    Iknowight?! [Part of me is very ashamed of my love of the Spice Girls. Another part of me doesn't give a single fuck and just wants to dance.]

    My fuck field has long been barren.
    I still have many fucks, but I usually only give them to myself and those I love.

    Wow. That statement.
  • The Stones/Dylan/Who/McCartney/Neil Young super concert is official. Does anyone care?
  • Greg said:

    The Stones/Dylan/Who/McCartney/Neil Young super concert is official. Does anyone care?

    Nobody under 50.
  • Apreche said:

    Greg said:

    The Stones/Dylan/Who/McCartney/Neil Young super concert is official. Does anyone care?

    Nobody under 50.
    Speak for yourself, Rubin. :-D
  • Apreche said:

    Greg said:

    The Stones/Dylan/Who/McCartney/Neil Young super concert is official. Does anyone care?

    Nobody under 50.
    Speak for yourself, Rubin. :-D
    I actually really like all of them, but going to see that concert? No thanks.
  • Thank you kitsune-sama.
  • Apreche said:

    Thank you kitsune-sama.

    Was it fun?

  • Apreche said:

    Thank you kitsune-sama.

    Was it fun?
    Yeah, it was wild. Pretty much exactly what I expected from watching other concerts on YouTube, except for two things.

    The crowd was even more diverse than I expected. I was thinking it would be just weeaboos and metalheads. They were there, of course, but maybe only took up half? The other half looked like you just let people in off the NYC sidewalk. Obviously skewing younger, (show is 16+), but I still saw some graybeards and even some suits. I also saw a non-significant contingent of Japanese megafans who came from around the world.

    That made for some really interesting events I don't think you could see anywhere else. The most memorable was this Japanese dude cosplaying as Mori Hayashi crowdsurfing over some bros, a giant metal viking dude, and some KPP fangirls. The security at the front helped him down just like everyone else, but it was just hilarious to see a non-bro up there.

    Secondly, it was way short. There is no opening band. There's not much talking or interaction or breaks between songs. It's a sprint. The set was 14 songs, and it was over in about 90 minutes. It felt almost like they were trying to get it over with quickly on purpose. They don't want to let you savor anything, so you're just left wanting more.
  • edited May 2016
    Aaaaaand, someone made fanart of the scene I just described.

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I would definitely have gone if I weren't on the tail end of convalescence AND the weather hadn't been awful.
  • I don't remember that being on the tour schedule.
  • edited May 2016
    Apreche said:

    I don't remember that being on the tour schedule.
    It's a random extra thing I guess. That lineup is eclectic to say the least.
    Post edited by SuperPichu on
  • Apreche said:

    I don't remember that being on the tour schedule.
    It's a random extra thing I guess. That lineup is eclectic to say the least.
    I don't know. Their other festival dates are officially listed as part of the tour. It does make sense, though, since they'll be in Chicago on the previous day.

  • Apreche said:

    Chicago open air festival

    Oh shi- I'm already going to that!
  • Apreche said:

    I don't remember that being on the tour schedule.
    It's a random extra thing I guess. That lineup is eclectic to say the least.
    Answer found. It's not a random extra thing. It's the Alternative Press Awards show. Tix are $50-90. Can't expect more than one or two songs at an awards show.
  • Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    I don't remember that being on the tour schedule.
    It's a random extra thing I guess. That lineup is eclectic to say the least.
    Answer found. It's not a random extra thing. It's the Alternative Press Awards show. Tix are $50-90. Can't expect more than one or two songs at an awards show.
    Welp probably not going to go then.
  • You guys aren't going to the live show with Baby Metal opening for Hoobastank and The Verve Pipe at the Chili's on Ledo Ave in Albany?
  • SWATrous said:

    You guys aren't going to the live show with Baby Metal opening for Hoobastank and The Verve Pipe

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