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Cremlian's Inbox (Those Stupid Politicial E-mails his Parents Send Him)



  • I've been sparing you all E-mails that my dad forwards but not anymore since it's election time!
  • I look forward to them! ^_^
  • Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Champ, I mean Mr. President. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them unalienable rights.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Words mean things! Something can be one thing and another thing at the same time! A notion and a promise and an INalieable Right are not mutually exclusive and furthermore oh dear i seem to be bleeding from the ears
  • This one is really dumb...

    Born in one country...raised in another

    I was born in one country, raised in another. My father was born in another country. I was not his only child.

    He fathered several children with numerous women.

    I became very close to my mother, as my father showed no interest in me.

    My mother died at an early age from cancer.

    Although my father deserted me and my mother raised me, I later wrote a book idolizing my father not my mother.

    Later in life, questions arose over my real name.

    My birth records were sketchy.

    No one was able to produce a legitimate, reliable birth certificate.

    I grew up practicing one faith but converted to Christianity, as it was widely accepted in my new country, but I practiced non-traditional beliefs and didn't follow Christianity, except in the public eye under scrutiny.

    I worked and lived among lower-class people as a young adult, disguising myself as someone who really cared about them.

    That was before I decided it was time to get serious about my life and embarked on a new career.

    I wrote a book about my struggles growing up.

    It was clear to those who read my memoirs, that I had difficulties accepting that my father abandoned me as a child.

    I became active in local politics in my 30's then, with help behind the scenes, I literally burst onto the scene as a candidate for national office in my 40's.

    They said I had a golden tongue and could talk anyone into anything.

    I had a virtually non-existent resume, little work history, and no experience in leading a single organization.

    Yet I was a powerful speaker and citizens were drawn to me, as though I were a magnet and they were small roofing tacks.

    I drew incredibly large crowds during my public appearances.

    This bolstered my ego.

    At first, my political campaign focused on my country's foreign policy...

    I was very critical of my country in the last war, and seized every opportunity to bash my country.

    But what launched my rise to national prominence were my views on the country's economy.

    I pretended to have a really good plan on how we could do better, and every poor person would be fed and housed for free.

    I knew which group was responsible for getting us into this mess.

    It was the free market, banks and corporations.

    I decided to start making citizens hate them and, if they became envious of others who did well, the plan was clinched tight.

    I called mine "A People's Campaign."

    That sounded good to all people.

    I was the surprise candidate because I emerged from outside the traditional path of politics and was able to gain widespread popular support.

    I knew that, if I merely offered the people 'hope', together we could change our country and the world..

    So, I started to make my speeches sound like they were on behalf of the downtrodden, poor, ignorant to include "persecuted minorities".

    My true views were not widely known and I kept them unknown, until after I became my nation's leader.

    I had to carefully guard reality, as anybody could have easily found out what I really believed, if they had simply read my writings and examined those people I associated with. I'm glad they didn't.

    Then I became the most powerful man in the world.

    And then the world learned the truth.

    Who am I?








    If you were thinking of SOMEONE ELSE, you should be scared, very scared!
  • Adolf Hitler wasn't really the most powerful man in the world, though, was he?
  • Important, read the bottom part Re: PS: and let it sink in. A lot of voters forgot about that.


    John G. is 63 years old and owns a small business. He's a life-long Republican and sees his dream of retiring next year has all but evaporated. With the stock market crashing and new taxes coming his way, John assumes now that he will work to his dying day.

    John has a granddaughter. Ashley is a recent college grad. She drives a flashy hybrid car, wears all the latest fashions, and loves to go out to nightclubs and restaurants. Ashley campaigned hard for Barack Obama. After the election she made sure her grandfather (and all other Republican family members) received a big I told-you-so earful on how the world is going to be a much better place now that her party is taking over.

    Having lost both roommates, Ashley recently ran short of cash and cannot pay the rent (again) on her 3 bedroom townhouse... Like she has done many times in the past, she e-mailed her grandfather asking for some financial help.

    Here is his reply:

    Sweetheart, I received your request for assistance. Ashley, you know I love you dearly and I'm sympathetic to your financial plight. Unfortunately, times have changed. With the election of President Obama, your grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic plan of our own...."The Ashley Economic Empowerment Plan." Let me explain.

    Your grandmother and I are life-long, wage-earning tax payers. We have lived a comfortable life, as you know, but we have never had the fancier things like European vacations, luxury cars, etc... We have worked hard and were looking forward to retiring soon. But the plan has changed. Your president is raising our personal and business taxes significantly. He says it is so he can give our hard earned money to other people... Do you know what this means, Ashley? It means less for us, and we must cut back on many business and personal expenses.

    You know the wonderful receptionist who worked in my office for more than 23 years? The one who always gave you candy when you came over to visit? I had to let her go last week. I can't afford to pay her salary and all of the government mandated taxes that go with having employees.... Your grandmother will now work 4 days a week to answer phones, take orders and handle the books. We will be closed on Fridays and will lose even more income.

    I'm also very sorry to report that your cousin Frank will no longer be working summers in the warehouse. I called him at school this morning. He already knows about it and he's upset because he will have to give up skydiving and his yearly trip to Greenland to survey the polar bears.

    That's just the business side of things. Some personal economic effects of Obama's new taxation policies include none other than you. You know very well that over the years your grandmother and I have given you thousands of dollars in cash, tuition assistance, food, housing, clothing, gifts, etc., etc. But by your vote, you have chosen to help others -- not at your expense -- but at our expense.

    If you need money now sweetheart, I recommend you call 202-456-1111 202-456-1111 202-456-1111 202-456-1111 . That is the direct phone number for the White House.. You can also contact the White House here: ;...

    You yourself told me how foolish it is to vote Republican... You said Mr. Obama is going to be the People's President, and is going to help every American live a better life. Based on everything you've told me, along with all the promises we heard during the campaign, I'm sure Mr. Obama will be happy to transfer some stimulus money into your bank account. Have him call me for the account number which I memorized years ago.

    Perhaps you can now understand what I've been saying all my life: Those who vote for a president should consider the impact on the nation as a whole, and not be just concerned with what they can get for themselves. What Obama supporters don't seem to realize is all of the money he is redistributing to illegal aliens and non-taxpaying Americans (the so-called "less fortunate") comes from tax-paying families.

    Remember how you told me, "Only the richest of the rich will be affected"? Well guess what, honey? Because we own a business, your grandmother and I are now considered to be the richest of the rich. On paper, it might look that way, but in the real world, we are far from it..

    As you said while campaigning for Obama, some people will have to carry more of the burden so all of America can prosper... You understand what that means, right? It means that raising taxes on productive people results in them having less money; less money for everything, including granddaughters.

    I'm sorry, Ashley, but the well has run dry. The free lunches are over... I have no money to give you now. So, congratulations on your choice for "change." For future reference, I encourage you to try and add up the total value of the gifts and cash you have received from us, just since you went off to college, and compare it to what you expect to get from Mr. Obama over the next 4 (or 8) years. I have not kept track of it, Ashley. It has all truly been the gift of our hearts.

    Remember, we love you dearly.... but from now on you'll need to call the number mentioned above. Your "Savior" has the money we would have given to you. Just try and get it from him.

    Good luck, sweetheart.

    Love, Grandpa
    P. S.

    hat Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine."—
  • This tells the whole story, why Bush was so bad at the end of his term.
    Don' t just skim over this, it' s not long, but read it slowly and let it sink in. If in doubt, check it out!

    The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007, the
    day democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress.

    The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.

    For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush ' s Fault", think about this:
    January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress.
    At the time:
    The DOW Jones closed at $12,621.77
    The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
    The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
    George Bush ' s Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB GROWTH!

    Remember the day...
    January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd
    took over the Senate Banking Committee.
    The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?

    Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans
    on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!
    Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky
    for the US economy.

    And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!
    And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
    OBAMA and the Democrat Congress

    So when someone tries to blame Bush..REMEMBER JANUARY 3rd, 2007.... THE DAY THE DEMOCRATS TOOK OVER!"

    Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress
    since January 2007 is the Democrat Party.

    Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011.
    In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending,
    when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.

    For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions
    to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus
    spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets.

    And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these
    massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009.

    If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets.
    That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending.
    After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.

    If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.
    In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is "I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold
    since January 20th."

    There is no way this will be widely publicized,
    unless each of us sends it on!

    "Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about w
  • Bush's economic successes or failures are moot to me. The social, political, and diplomatic damage he did to this country during his tenure should have him up on charges. He's a war criminal and a traitor.
  • Ahh, the GOP. The "Getting Old Party."
  • edited August 2012
    I'm leaning towards the republicans will be better off when everyone currently 60+ is dead. Because I keep encountering what can only be complete ignorance to anything but what they get on E-mail.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I'm leaning towards the republicans will be better off when everyone currently 60+ is dead. Because I keep encountering what can only be complete ignorance to anything but what they get on E-mail.
    I used to think that but after participating in /r/politics for awhile I'm no longer convinced.
  • I'm leaning towards the republicans will be better off when everyone currently 60+ is dead. Because I keep encountering what can only be complete ignorance to anything but what they get on E-mail.
    I used to think that but after participating in /r/politics for awhile I'm no longer convinced.
    Well, there's your first mistake right there. What a fuckin' cesspool.

  • I'm leaning towards the republicans will be better off when everyone currently 60+ is dead. Because I keep encountering what can only be complete ignorance to anything but what they get on E-mail.
    I used to think that but after participating in /r/politics for awhile I'm no longer convinced.
    Well, there's your first mistake right there. What a fuckin' cesspool.

    What I mean is, there's no shortage of young neocon morons.

  • Yea but there is still an overall % less, on the internet a small minority can make a big impact of douchy.
  • Yea but there is still an overall % less, on the internet a small minority can make a big impact of douchy.
    Yeah, on the whole, Reddit is super liberal. It's just in /r/politics, basically, and a few smaller, similar subreddits like /r/ronpaul - a small, loud and stupid group will make a huge fuss, and always seem like a larger group than they are.

  • Actually, I think things are only going to get worse because the young conservatives tend to be more extreme, I think. It's only a recent development that we've gotten the "Anti abortion, no exceptions" in the mainstream of the party, for example.
  • Actually, I think things are only going to get worse because the young conservatives tend to be more extreme, I think. It's only a recent development that we've gotten the "Anti abortion, no exceptions" in the mainstream of the party, for example.
    But, those views are falling further and further from mainstream, and conservative youths are a pretty small minority in most places.

    The abortion issue is wounding the Republican freshmen deeply, but they won't feel it for another few election cycles. By then, it will be too late.

  • I think what we're seeing here is a few interesting things. The first I'm just going to call "furry syndrome". Furry Syndrome results from when a view is so universally assailed that the only response the group can have is to lock ranks, allowing them to survive in the short term while falling away from all the other groups in the long term.

    The second is even simpler: We're seeing people now getting elected and coming in to power who grew up, in terms of a republican candidate, believing the things Bush said to get elected (The anti-smart, "east coast liberal" stuff).

    ... What's that old chinese curse? "May you live in interesting times"?
  • edited August 2012
    I think what we are seeing today in politics is the "Dinner Party Ass Rape Conundrum." Let me explain.

    When discussing what to have for dinner it is easy to compromise. You want carrots as a side dish and I want corn? We can compromise easily and mix the too or go with a third vegetable choice. When talking about getting your ass raped their is no "I'll only stick it in half way" compromise, either your ass is being raped or it is not.

    What we have is certain issues are seen by one major party as arguments over what to have with dinner while the other party sees it as an ass raping. When the dinner party side starts trying to compromise with the ass rape side both sides get pissed because their is no compromise possible.

    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • This is why I find very sad people who have friends with whom they pointedly avoid discussing certain topics like politics or religion. Treading on eggshells or letting ludicrous assertions stand in conversation are two things I deeply dislike.
  • I used to be like that. It's largely a reflection of the persons self confidence; as i got more and more sure of myself, that habit vanished.
  • This is why I find very sad people who have friends with whom they pointedly avoid discussing certain topics like politics or religion. Treading on eggshells or letting ludicrous assertions stand in conversation are two things I deeply dislike.
    Friendship isn't even required for this 'tactful' stupidity. Reddit is rife with it. Post something derogatory about a dumb parenting decision in /r/Parenting being advertised as "cute", in the most diplomatic possible language and with citations and sources, and then prepare to dodge pitchforks.

    On reddit they call it the "hivemind" but it's just tribalism + cowardice.

  • I've started using the Japanese "well, some people might feel that way." Whether the non-Japanese person realizes that it's a slight insult tells volumes about the numbness of their thumbs. ;^)
  • Trolling local comment threads on the statement that drives me nuts is "Liberals don't pay taxes so of course they want other people to pay them". FUCK YOU DUDE, I PAY SOMEWHERE BETWEEN 20% to 30% of my income in taxes.
  • Liberals are dirty indigent hippies. But they're also wealthy liberal elite. Got it.
  • In my opinion, most of the ignorant wingers posting on are lost causes and your time and breath is better spent elsewhere.

    The GOP's new (last two decades) strategy of pandering to the stupid and paranoid has paid off big time. Half the country is thoroughly brainwashed and half of those are lost forever. I don't know what, if any, resolution there is, unless the morons screaming about civil war when Obama is re-elected actually try it. And that's not much of a resolution.
  • edited August 2012
    Liberals are dirty indigent hippies. But they're also wealthy liberal elite. Got it.
    Near as i can tell the "crazy republican" viewpoint is that there are two types of liberals

    Type A: Rich Elitist types who think they know whats best for everyone and want to run all out lives

    Type B: Lazy "welfare queens" who drain the communities resources while contributing nothing to society.

    Theoretically, type A supports type B by lobbying for social programs that allow type B to continue their lifestyle, while type B votes for type A in order to keep the money coming. By doing so type B's give type A's more and more power which type A's can use to further their "Evil leftist agenda".

    That way they can claim liberals are dirty hippies and wealthy fops at the same time and still be internally consistent (and consistently crazy).
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • So the entire middle class is conservative. WAY TO GO GUYS, YOU'VE WON OR SOMETHING.

    I quit paying taxes forever :D Yay liberalism!
  • I don't get these emails because Gmail actually does its job with the spam filter.

    Also part of it is some rich people don't want to be accused of the stuff they get accused of, so they start accusing other rich people of the stereotypes to deflect them away from themselves. Thus we get the Type A's who will point an accusatory finger at their fellow 1%'ers and enable to Type B's just so they don't have to have their widdle feelings hurt.

    I'd say its probably a good split between conservative and liberal in the middle class, considering they typically are in suburbs and inner cities.
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