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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • edited June 2009
    DENTISTRY! Interview your uncle, Scott. :P
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • DENTISTRY! Interview your uncle, Scott. :P
    He's not really an interview-friendly kind of person.
  • edited June 2009
    DENTISTRY! Interview your uncle, Scott. :P
    He's not really an interview-friendly kind of person.
    I was kidding.
    Someone that shares your genetics not being friendly when questioned? Never.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Actually, they did a show on dentistry.
  • Hearkening back to that episode when Dave and Joel hosted Geeknights, next year on April Fool's Day I've got a great idea. Why don't a bunch of people who make premiere podcasts (such as this one) switch places with each other. Dave and Joel could do Geeknights, and vice versa. Ninja Consultant could host Anime World Order, and vice versa. And so on and son. Hey the newspaper comics do that all the time, so why can't that same principle be applicable to podcasts?
  • Try a show about the zune hehe... thanks
  • Gaming systems that FAILED and Why?: 3D0, Turbo Graphics 16, Jaguar, Nintendo Virtual Boy, Neo Geo, Sega CD or 32X, Apple Pippin,,,
  • Gaming systems that FAILED and Why?: 3D0, Turbo Graphics 16, Jaguar, Nintendo Virtual Boy, Neo Geo, Sega CD or 32X, Apple Pippin,,,
    Already been done with this.
  • Come on Scott, I meant an up to date view of Diamond Distribution, as we are heading to the end of another century, and since then other services like DCBS and Haven Distribution as alternatives. This is needed, especially after Diamond's recent cuts, price hikes and general assholery.

    Other show Ideas:

    The Adventures of Bear Grylls
    The Run Run Shaw Brothers
    Samo Hung and Steven Segal (two interesting ends, of a an ageing martial arts stick)
    Awesome Canceled TV Shows
    Best Game Enemies and Bosses
    Cosplay Do's and Don'ts
    Awesome Works of the Dead Peoples
    Urban and Popular Ghost Stories
    Crazy Old People
  • Correction: I meant The Shaw Brothers.
  • A show on inevitability, or things that will be unavoidable in the future? Or is that too close to immortality?
  • When you were mentioning shows about immortality, you totally shoulda mentioned Baccano! That show is different in that it shows characters who think that their eternal lives are awesome. There is very minimal Who Wants to Live Forever wangst. :)
  • edited July 2009
    I've definitely asked for this before but it needs some reinforcement: Do a Wednesday show on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Do a tuesday show on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.
    There's a flash video we need to find first. I've spent the better part of the last decade seeking it. Only when we have found it again can we do a show on TMNT. ^_~
  • There's a flash video we need to find first. I've spent the better part of the last decade seeking it. Only when we have found it again can we do a show on TMNT. ^_~
    What's in it?
  • There's a flash video we need to find first. I've spent the better part of the last decade seeking it. Only when we have found it again can we do a show on TMNT. ^_~
    What's in it?
    Michelangelo is a party dude.
  • This one?
  • If and when you buy it, do a show on Swallowing the Earth by Tezuka. That really deserves to be talked about.
  • How about a multi-part episode series on Phoenix? I think that series at least deserves one episode to be talked about as it is landmark in, not only Tezuka's career, but in the medium of manga as a whole.
  • For a Monday episode...Jailbreaking and the magnificent effects and possibilities it can give your iPhone/iPod Touch.
  • edited August 2009
    Hey Scrym, what days are you running low on ideas for at the moment?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Why not make a "Music" category in the forums as I've noticed most threads pertaining to music have "Everything Else" or something like that because of the lack of a Music category?
  • Why not make a "Music" category in the forums as I've noticed most threads pertaining to music have "Everything Else" or something like that because of the lack of a Music category?
    Tragically, those here that regularly discuss music are a small but vocal minority. While there are a few threads like the "metal" and "concerts" threads that get regular posts, they're few and far between.
  • Music fits best under the Art category, though I'll admit that Art is used most often for things related to the visual arts.
  • edited August 2009
    Music fits best under the Art category, though I'll admit that Art is used most often for things related to the visual arts.
    If one wanted to get pedantic about it, one could point out that the description for the Art! category is "Here is the place for artists to share their works."

    Does anyone actually pay attention to the categories? I know I haven't since I first joined the board, and was looking through the archives.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Art! is really just the general creativity section.
  • Black and White movies you should see.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2009
    Black and White movies you should see.
    Let's see....Casablanca, The Third Man, Citizen Kane, Paper Moon, The Maltese Falcon, and the list goes on. Seriously though, that is a very specific topic that is pretty much the same as the podcast: "Movies You Should See". But I'm just a punk kid who has a very tenuous grasp of the old movies I should see and I should have probably listed more, but what can I do?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited August 2009
    There are so many great B&W movies that the podcast would just be a list. Every one of them deserves an episode, and then it's just Movies You Should See With Rym and Scott, which I'm not really interested in.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • You know what, I never realized this until just now....there has never been an idea posted about a show on the FRC all. I know we are a big part of the show and often provide many of the awesome shows we listen to...yet there has never been a centralized show about it at all. Think of what show like that could be like!? Scrym could talk about what makes their forums awesome from others (maybe comparing a few unnamed ones that are infamous for constant and never-ending shitcockery), some of the awesome forumites that add so much to the forums, memorable threads, trolls that have come and gone (from flamming geek to Jen), memorable flamewars, and the list goes on....YEESH! I don't think any thought or research is required for this show and it can be done in a heartbeat, but that all depends on the level of tiredness and hunger of Scrym.
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