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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • The only thing I remember him mentioning is taking a short kung fu class at RIT.
    As a black belt in Isshinryu karate, I think I can say that taking 10 or so weeks of classes does not qualify as really significant martial arts qualifications.
    That said, Rym would still beat me in a fight on account of being in better shape.
  • edited February 2011
    A lot of people who claim to have martial arts training are really talking about taking fake tae kwon do or karate classes for a couple of weeks so I like to get clarification.

    As for my own clarification I'm a Graduate 4 in Krav Maga and an unofficial Vzrosliy Razryad in Sambo.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • Rym is very good at kendo...
  • Rym is very good at kendo...

    Muahahahahahaha. My video returns!
  • Im going to be a show when I grow up.
  • edited February 2011
    I just listened to GeekNights 20060628 - Osamu Tezuka's Experiment on your legacy feed, and it seems you guys were intending to review more of these and do some final thoughts. Did that happen? Based on my search results, it did not.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You guys could try to get the Extra Credits guys for an interview. That would be really cool.
  • You guys could try to get the Extra Credits guys for an interview. That would be really cool.
  • Daniel Floyd should be a PAX so it would be a good time to interview him.
  • I think that Ergo Proxy episode is long over due :)
  • Considering you've mentioned My Little Pony twice in your Meta Moments, I think it's about time for a Wednesday show.
  • Best/Worse Last Episodes or Last Episode WTF's!?!?!

    I just finished X'amd. Good show. Moving ending. I still have some WTF!?!?! style questions. EX: WTF!?!?! How and why are THEY still alive?
  • How about some Haruhi Suzumiya or Chobbits, do you guys have any opionion on those? Should i watch it?
  • Chobbits
    I stopped watching that show after the first episode. As soon as I found out that the on/off switch was in her cooch, I found out that I hade just gotten everything I was going to get out of that show.
  • Chobbits
    I stopped watching that show after the first episode. As soon as I found out that the on/off switch was in her cooch, I found out that I hade just gotten everything I was going to get out of that show.
    Chobits gets a lot of shit for that, but it's first set of episodes are quite well done comedy especially if you watch the dub which is very good. In the second half, it gets really serious and backtracks on its thematic content, so if you like comedies with a little bit of dirty mind Chobits is alright.

    Haruhi Suzumiya, on the other hand, is a very good show. It has some comedy, some drama and some affectionate critisims of the moe fad that's been going on in Japanese fandom. The first season is probably going to be remembered as one of the defining anime of the '00, avoid the second series and the movie unless you really, really like those characters.
  • What are your thoughts on theremins?
  • Is there a deckbuilding game episode. If not do so!
  • edited March 2011
    They did one on Dominion a few monthsyears ago.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • They did one on Dominion a few monthsyears ago.
    Yeah, but I'm talking in general. There's others besides Dominion. How about some Ascension!

    BGG shows 20-30 deckbuilding card games. That genre is exploding. Puzzle Strike has been getting a lot of buzz as well but I didn't see more than 1 copy at PAX East, so I have yet to play it.
  • Yeah, I checked BGG yesterday for others. I just wanted some talk about them, ya know.
  • How about some Ascension!
    They (or at least Rym) haven't played it yet.
  • Yeah, I checked BGG yesterday for others. I just wanted some talk about them, ya know.
    Yeah. I was agreeing with you there. The link was to show there's definitely enough of a genre now to warrant a whole topic.
  • How about some Ascension!
    They (or at least Rym) haven't played it yet.
    I'm bringing it to AB if you aren't, Neito.
  • I am still waiting for them to praise on the Ice Cold Beer arcade game. More people need to know the epicness of that game.
  • How about some Ascension!
    They (or at least Rym) haven't played it yet.
    I'm bringing it to AB if you aren't, Neito.
    Will's bringing our groups copy.
  • Yeah, but I'm talking in general. There's others besides Dominion. How about some Ascension!
    BGG shows 20-30 deckbuilding card games. That genre is exploding. Puzzle Strike has been getting a lot of buzz as well but I didn't see more than 1 copy at PAX East, so I have yet to play it.
    Even though the genre is exploding, Dominion is the one that is the dominant leader hands down.

    Ascension is great because of the simple set up/tear down, Thunderstone is alright, but overall I'd stick with Dominion.

    I think the only thing that can be said about card collecting games is what sort of strategy to use. The basic strategy is to basically get cards that help you with more card draw and purchasing power, also to to get cards to thin out your deck in the beginning to maximize your deck in the beginning. Also watch what your opponents are doing. If you are going for the same strategy, make sure you get the strategy off first. If you see too many people going for the same strategy, figure out a different/opposite strategy and get it start ASAP.

    I don't know if I will be interested in anymore deck building games. There is another expansion to Dominion coming out this year and I'm pretty sure we'll be getting that. I'll have to look into them.
  • A long time ago you two mentioned a show on different types of electronic dance music. I would be interested in hearing it.
  • Hey, Rym and Scott. After hearing you discuss the competitive group puzzle solving game Spot It, maybe you should release a podcast about some similar types of games. You know, like Set and Ricochet Robots!
  • Another vote for Set.
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