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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • I actually read about half already.
    Go Scott go! I'm counting on you. You can do it. etc etc. ;-).

  • He's only had, like, 2 years.
    I believe we were back in Beacon when we got the package.
  • He's only had, like, 2 years.
    I believe we were back in Beacon when we got the package.
    So you're telling me that Scott takes a long time with his package?

  • So you're telling me that Scott takes a long time with his package?
    Most women view this as a plus.
  • edited February 2012
    So you're telling me that Scott takes a long time with his package?

    I dunno, I heard different during a game of Taboo. Rym and Scott give TMI clues.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I'd like to hear a show about how geeks can best make use of cities and towns of different sizes. Are the things to look for for a healthy social life different depending on the size of the community?
  • I'd like to hear a show about how geeks can best make use of cities and towns of different sizes. Are the things to look for for a healthy social life different depending on the size of the community?
    Don't live in the sticks.
  • Geeknights is against the usual "superhero bullshit" So I wanted to know if Peter Milligan's X-Statix run has ever been discussed. If not, get on it! It's been collected.
  • How about a show where Scott has to watch/read something that Rym thinks he should but has refused to do so, and vice versa. Then have a show on both their reactions.
  • How about a show where Scott has to watch/read something that Rym thinks he should but has refused to do so, and vice versa. Then have a show on both their reactions.
    Firefly :)

  • No, Scott should watch Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I'm sure he won't so it doesn't matter.
  • Scott has watched Firefly iirc, he just doesn't like it.
  • How about a show where Scott has to watch/read something that Rym thinks he should but has refused to do so, and vice versa. Then have a show on both their reactions.
    I think there are significantly fewer (possibly zero) things that Scott wants Rym to watch and he hasn't.
  • How about a show where Scott has to watch/read something that Rym thinks he should but has refused to do so, and vice versa. Then have a show on both their reactions.
    I think there are significantly fewer (possibly zero) things that Scott wants Rym to watch and he hasn't.
    There are things I haven't watched due solely to lack of time. I haven't finished Hokuto no Ken or a couple of other shows, but not due to lack of desire.

  • How about a show where Scott has to watch/read something that Rym thinks he should but has refused to do so, and vice versa. Then have a show on both their reactions.
    I think there are significantly fewer (possibly zero) things that Scott wants Rym to watch and he hasn't.
    There are a ZILLION of them, are you kidding? They just aren't popular nerd things like Firefly, so it doesn't generate any outrage.

    Rym hadn't seen the Usual Suspects when I met him, and it took a very long time to get him to watch it. He still hasn't seen Dark City, despite years of trying to get him to watch it.

    Also, remember again that I am the honest one and Rym is the lying one. He has a strategy where he will say he is going to watch something eventually, and it might be true or it might be him saying he will never watch it. He won't say he'll never watch it, even if he won't. I am honest and will give you the straight dope. Rym will deflect any incoming flack by saying that he'll get around to it eventually.

    Lastly, most of the things you people give me shit for are things I have seen and do not like, not things I have not looked at.
  • He still hasn't seen Dark City, despite years of trying to get him to watch it.
    Dude, Rym, watch Dark City. Then buy George's Miata.
  • Give each other 3 or 4 things to watch, even if you have already seen them. Then do a geekbyte on each as to why you did/didn't like it.

    Archer, Firefly, TNG, Avatar, Venture, etc

    Go hard on the mainstream recognised "popular" and "nerdy" stuff and then it's done.
  • We should watch Dark City. I was just talking about that movie at work. It's been years since I have seen it, but I really liked it quite a bit.

    I will watch Inception (which I still haven't seen, can you believe it?) and you can watch Dark City, and we can have a mind trip movie festival together.
  • It seems there's two Dark City movies. Is the 1998 one the one Scott's saying is awesome, or the 1950 one?
  • The 1998 one, where the city changes at night.
  • The 1998 one, where the city changes at night.
    I was hoping it was the other one. That one's not on Netflix Streaming.
  • Fuck Yeah Teppu.
  • Geeknights, Rifftrax Edition

    Rym and Scott watch "___________", I suggest a bad superhero movie.
  • 70's Captain America? 80's Nick Fury? 70's Fantastic Four that never actually got released?
  • 70's Captain America? 80's Nick Fury? 70's Fantastic Four that never actually got released?
    All of which were reviewed by Nash over on Channel Awesome. Check those reviews out they are quite fun, he also did the Hulk/Thor movie as well.

  • I saw them. Wasn't impressed, but I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to you guys. I watched way to many, and now I can only watch NC (and related properties), NChick, and Brows Held High.
  • Should fun be sacrificed for success in a game?
    I.e: What games do you play in methods other than intended or optimal to gain more enjoyment from them? An obvious example would be not using boosts in Mario Kart DS but there are times when you discover something that improves your enjoyment of a game at the loss in the rate of progress, e.g. I usually play Geometry Wars without bombs, so that my zen state isn't interrupted.
  • Should fun be sacrificed for success in a game?
    If you have to sacrifice fun to be successful in a competitive game, said game is fundamentally broken.

    but there are times when you discover something that improves your enjoyment of a game at the loss in the rate of progress, e.g. I usually play Geometry Wars without bombs, so that my zen state isn't interrupted.
    If a game isn't competitive, then who cares? Do whatever's the most fun. I carried turrets around in Deus Ex because that was hillarious, but there were more efficient ways of doing what I was intending to do.
  • I usually find trying to win and competing as the most fun, but I know that feel bro. Caylus is the best example. There are all these fun buildings to play with, but really only very few of them are good for winning. Ent Decker has the secret huts, which are the most fun way to get points. If you concentrate just on the huts, you are going to lose.

    The thing is that I always find trying to win and competing to be the most fun. Sometimes I will decide to try the huts or the weird buildings, but I try to WIN with them, for serious. I want to see if it is possible as a challenge for myself. I never give up on winning to fool around.
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