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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • I've been bidding on Ebay (Partly to see how it works.) and I find it bizarre that a website, a massive bunch of computers, requires you to use third party tools in order to give you an optimized bidding process.

    You're a website! I'll tell you what numbers I want to put in and you work them out.
  • What's this third-party tool? My bidding process is to find something I want, check what similar items sold for ("search completed listings"), bid, and forget until I get an email saying I won or lost.
  • edited February 2012
    I'm using the open source JBidWatcher. The main problem is that if you bid at the last possible moment (I have mine set to bid 7 seconds before the bid ends.), you deny others the ability to react. I just won a bid like this by £2, which I probably would have lost if other people had been able to force my hand sooner and adjust their bids accordingly.

    That said, it seems to be in the favour of the bidders as a whole to remove the chance of one-upping each other.

    Here's some screen caps (I have a thing for repairing stuff.):
    Item in question.
    The bid history

    Ha! My final bid was £33, so if that last guy had gone 2p more, I'd have lost.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Oh, it's a sniping tool.

    Instead, you could just bid with the amount you're willing to pay.
  • edited February 2012
    ..but then I would have lost the bid.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Good to see we got there in the end.
  • Arguments. Do an episode on how to argue. I got so pissed off at someone arguing with me last night...
  • Arguments. Do an episode on how to argue. I got so pissed off at someone arguing with me last night...
    That wasn't an argument you you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings! Oh wait, is this a 5 minute argument or the full half hour?

  • I'm sorry, this is abuse. Argument is two doors down.
  • A correction for the Filtering Content show.
    Windows 7 64-bit version will not accept certain low-level drivers without signing.
    Deactivating this must be done at each boot.
  • Dangerous food.
  • This might be outside the scope of GeekNights, but thanks to your recent episode, I'm interested in seeing/hearing you guys play an actual session of a roleplay-heavy RPG like a Thousand and One Nights or Burning Wheel.

    I don't know how well that would translate, but as someone who sucks at roleplaying in any form, I'd be interested.
  • Making a good actual play episode usually require a lot of editing.
  • Might not be practical but try to get in a gaming session with them at a con.

    I sat down at a game at Burning Apocalypse 11 11 11 and Scott showed up to play and I was thinking "Awesome! I get to play in the same game as Scott!"

    That's when Rym showed up and flaunted his higher slot priority and booted Scott from the game!
  • A "Books are for girls." episode in the style of "Comics are for boys.".
  • Not sure if this has been covered but how about an episode saying that predicting future tech is impossible more than a few years out. Not sure how much there would be to discuss but it could be interesting.
  • Your jobs, AKA Bring Your Podcast to Work Day
  • So I've been watching a lot of Vlogbrothers content as of recent, and they are both cool dudes. One of them, John, is also an author, and he nearly had one of his books banned in a high school close to Buffalo New York. I plan to read that book sometime soon because I want to see whats up with it and because I want to support the Vlogbrothers a bit. And so I thought, maybe this would be something for the book club. I've never read the book so I can't vouch for it being good or even being a decent experience.

  • Also Games of Thrones.
  • And so I thought, maybe this would be something for the book club. I've never read the book so I can't vouch for it being good or even being a decent experience.
    I know John Green only from his books. Looking for Alaska is pretty good. It's a YA novel so I don't know how well it'd be suited for a GeekNights book club.
  • A Thursday show about teeth, toothbrushes, and oral hygiene.

    Do you floss? What are your opinions on oral hygiene? What are your opinions on the appearance of teeth? Is your opinion of a person lowered by poor oral hygiene? What toothbrushes do you use? Is an electric toothbrush superior to a hand-held one to you? What tooth paste do you use. Is there a flavor that you prefer? A flavor that you dread? Do you use a mouth-wash? Do you have a preference of mouth-wash? What are your opinions on bad breath? Do you have any funny stories regarding teeth, the mouth, and such? How often do you visit the Dentist? Do you enjoy your Dentist? Have you had any cavities, root canals, and other operations on the teeth? Did you have your wisdom teeth removed? Did you wear braces? Did you eat toothpaste when you were younger?
  • I thought they did a show on dentistry, but due to search issues, danged if I can find it.
  • I thought they did a show on dentistry, but due to search issues, danged if I can find it.
    Aaawww, you're right, it was done in 2006. I thought I came up with an original idea. :P
  • Listening to the show "Nothing" made me think that you could do a show assessing the US in it's current state in terms of economy, education, quality of life, etc..
  • Not a show idea, but forum ideas:
    1) We need a category for books
    2) Please get rid of the damn 30 minute editing limit.
  • Review the Order of the Stick Boardgame.
  • Do a show on aspects of wine or other alcohols
  • Review the Order of the Stick Boardgame.
    This. One thousand times this. You could even just record yourselves and whoever you played with playing it and it would be a great show.
  • Review the Order of the Stick Boardgame.
    This. One thousand times this. You could even just record yourselves and whoever you played with playing it and it would be a great show.
    If you do, you'll almost have to play it twice. Once with the "Standard" rules and once with the Shortening rules. They're almost two different games.
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