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Palin, Please Go Away.

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
I hate her. Let's talk about why she sucks.

She's an anti-feminist pretending to be for womens' rights.
(Funny Article from Salon)
She believes that the end of the world is coming, and is part of one of the most fundi sects in Protestantism.
She doesn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is.


  • edited September 2008
    Yeah, the minute she hit the scene I had my middle finger up.

    (getting sources for reasons why now)

    Let's just say a lot of what shes stands for I personally don't like.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • You are forgetting that a blogging core has leaped her into the spotlight to begin with as well. So it is hard to convince the blogosphere now that she is a bad VP since they were the ones who put her there.
  • My first reaction was: Who?
    My reactions after opening the wikipedia page on her were: What? and Why?
    But unfortunately I think we are going to preach to the choir in this thread. However, I think she manifested even more my thinking that america will be doomed if McCain gets elected.
  • Somebody shop a picture of Palin holding The Bunny Suicides so Gomidog can put it on her wall and throw darts at it.
  • edited September 2008
    She doesn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is.
    I hate how some people are giving her a pass on that. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I'd like for the VP to have at least some knowledge of current events and politics.

    I hate how she constantly lies about the Bridge to Nowhere.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    She's an anti-feminist pretending to be for womens' rights.
    *Nine's face in a shocked state* How does that even work?! Seriously! That sounds so absurdly counter-intuitive.
    She believes that the end of the world is coming, and is part of one of the most fundi sects in Protestantism.
    Will her end of the world come before, or after the 21st of October, if the latter, don't bother telling me. Else, please inform me, I'd like to know the date, hour, minute and optionally the second that the world will end. I'd like to greet that end of the world while hanging naked from the top of the Empire State Building, claiming to be washing the windows.
    She doesn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is.
    Should I know? Should I be able to say "Oh, I know/heard about that, didn't know it was called that." when said doctrine was explained to me? If yes, WHAT THE FUCK. O.o
    Post edited by ... on
  • She's an anti-feminist pretending to be for womens' rights.
    *Nine's face in a shocked state* How does that even work?! Seriously! That sounds so absurdly counter-intuitive.
    It's called playing pretend.
  • She doesn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is.
    I hate how some people are giving her a pass on that. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I'd like for the VP to have at least some knowledge of current events and politics.
    One of the things the republicans try to hammer in there is that in debates such topics are first introduced by the moderator of the debate. However, they entirely cast aside that the introduction are made for the studio audiences to follow, not to explain the topic to the participants of the debate.
    I hate how she constantly lies about the Bridge to Nowhere.
    Keith Olbermann promised to donate $100 to charity whenever she repeats her lies about the bridge, the cook or the plane (sounds like the introduction to a bad joke, unfortunately the joke is real). I think he already owes 3 grand.
  • She's an anti-feminist pretending to be for womens' rights.
    How is she the anti-feminist? The only feminists saying this are the same ones who forgave Clinton when he denied Paula Jones her day in court. The rational feminists are pointing to her as a beacon of success. They don't agree with her politics but they do respect what she has accomplished in her life.
    She doesn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is.
    Most people do not know what the Bush doctrine is. It all depends on who you ask and which aspect of it you are talking about. She was right to ask Gibson to clarify what he was talking about.
    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.
  • edited September 2008
    Should I know? Should I be able to say "Oh, I know/heard about that, didn't know it was called that." when said doctrine was explained to me? If yes, WHAT THE FUCK. O.o
    You are a cool Dutch geek on the other side of the Atlantic. She is a politician looking to run the country. Even if you couldn't explain it, there is a biiiig difference in your respective positions.
    *Nine's face in a shocked state* How does that even work?! Seriously! That sounds so absurdly counter-intuitive.
    Not as much as you might think. Just because she's got ovaries does not make her a feminist. She thinks that just because she is a female that gets put in power, that it is a big step for women (and that's how the rest of the republicans portray her) but when you get right down to her beliefs, she is planning to enact policies that would jeopardize some of the womens rights victories of the past few decades.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • but when you get right down to her beliefs, she is planning to enact policies that would jeopardize some of the womens rights victories of the past few decades.
    Please list these rights that Palin is going to jeopardize.
  • Most people do not know what the Bush doctrine is.
    Most people weren't chosen as a Vice Presidential running mate.
  • Although she says that she's a friend of parents with special needs children, Palin cut funding for Special Olympics.
  • edited September 2008
    Perhaps it's because the ground has shifted so quickly under my feet, leaving me with only a slippery grasp of what the basic vocabulary of my beat -- feminism, women's rights -- even means anymore. Some days, it feels like I'm watching the civics filmstrip about how much progress women made on the presidential stage in 2008 burst into flames, acutely aware that in the back of the room, a substitute teacher is threading a new reel into the projector. It has the same message and some of the same signifiers -- Glass ceilings broken! Girl Power! -- but its meaning has been distorted. Suddenly it's Rudy Giuliani and Rick Santorum schooling us about pervasive sexism; Hillary Clinton's 18 million cracks have weakened not only the White House's glass ceiling, but the wall protecting Roe v. Wade; the potential first female vice president in America's 200-year history describes her early career as "your average hockey mom" who "never really set out to be involved in public affairs"; and teen pregnancy is no longer an illustrative example for sex educators and contraception distributors but for those who seek to eliminate sex education and contraception.

    In this strange new pro-woman tableau, feminism -- a word that is being used all over the country with regard to Palin's potential power -- means voting for someone who would limit reproductive control, access to healthcare and funding for places like Covenant House Alaska, an organization that helps unwed teen mothers. It means cheering someone who allowed women to be charged for their rape kits while she was mayor of Wasilla, who supports the teaching of creationism alongside evolution, who has inquired locally about the possibility of using her position to ban children's books from the public library, who does not support the teaching of sex education.

    In this "Handmaid's Tale"-inflected universe, in which femininity is worshipped but females will be denied rights, CNBC pundit Donny Deutsch tells us that we're witnessing "a new creation ... of the feminist ideal," the feminism being so ideal because instead of being voiced by hairy old bats with unattractive ideas about intellect and economy and politics and power, it's now embodied by a woman who, according to Deutsch, does what Hillary Clinton did not: "put a skirt on." "I want her watching my kids," says Deutsch. "I want her laying next to me in bed."
    I mean...making victims pay for their own rape kits? That's cold.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I mean...making victims pay for their own rape kits? That's cold.
    Can you tell us what is in these "rape kits" and how much people had to pay for them? I don't know of a right to having a free rape kit.
  • She is one of (among billions of other examples) what is wrong with this country and if she is given the title of vice-president, it will be Dick Chaney Jr. for America. By that I mean, she will probably be as bad as Dick Chaney was.
  • I mean...making victims pay for their own rape kits? That's cold.
    Can you tell us what is in these "rape kits" and how much people had to pay for them? I don't know of a right to having a free rape kit.
    You're right, Steve. There's no reason that women traumatized by being raped shouldn't pay for the investigative techniques used to capture the criminals who committed the crimes. After all, when the police dust for fingerprints they regularly charge for the dust. Victims of burglaries routinely reimburse the government for the pictures taken at the scene, pens and paper used in taking notes and the gas used in squad cars searching for the robbers.

    Seriously? Are you out of your mind? Who in their right mind looks at a rape investigation and says "Well, those kits are expensive. Make the victim pay for it."
  • Follow up: Rape Kit Controversy on US World Report. Kits cost between $500 and $1200 Via Huffington Post. The Alaska legislature had to step in an pass a law banning the practice of charging victims for these kits. Funds are provided to municipalities by various women's groups.
  • edited September 2008
    I hate that I keep seeing the name "Palin" around and immediately thinking "Michael," then being disappointed when it isn't. :(
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2008
    I hate that I keep seeing the name "Palin" around and immediately thinking "Michael," then being disappointed when it isn't. :(
    I know right?! She puts the awesome name of Palin to shame.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Just a note, even though I am from Canada: I do not even want McCain in office. DEAR GOD we do not need another white, rich old guy. This chick he wants either is just scary.

    I have a bias against them shuddup.

    I am trying to figure out what's going on in Canada, so I haven't had my eye on the US for a while.
  • I hate how no one is doing any reporting on how she went to six colleges in six years. That's fucked up.
  • I hate how no one is doing any reporting on how she went to six colleges in six years. That's fucked up.
    My grandma went to one college, and graduated! Oh snaps!
  • Before reading it in this thread, I only ever heard the term vocalized but never saw it written and somehow I assumed that "rape kits" was spelled with a "d" :/
  • (A thread where someone is complaining about a mad republican? Cue Jen in 3....2....1....)
  • Shes landing in Canton soon. Hopefully she will take the brainwashed people with her when she leaves. Most of the opinions I have heard of people voting for her in my area think that Obama is the anti-christ or are voting for her because she is a woman. They won't listen to reason at all and sadly no one could convince them otherwise.
  • The saddest thing about the whole Palin candidacy is that everyone has forgotten about the existence of Geraldine Ferraro.
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