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Palin, Please Go Away.



  • I can't wait to see the vice presidential debate. Palin is frighteningly ignorant and, when asked a direct question, furiously inarticulate. Biden is an expert in many relevant fields. He is going to destroy her.
    I think this is a problem. With Biden, the whole debate is going to be about self control. If he gets too worked up, Palin will probably play the pity card and say "Oooo the big bad democrats are picking on little old me, look how mean they are!"
  • perhaps Palin should have stayed governor of Alaska. It would appear she did good things there, but I have much less confidence in her ability on a national scale.
    I agree that at this time she does not have the experience or political knowledge to work at the national level. I do believe that with more time and experience under her belt she can become a great leader, if she can learn to separate her religion from her political views. But like you said the likely hood of her coming around is very unlikely.
    Her religious beliefs get even worse. Have you read about her dealings with that witch-hunter guy? She subscribes to a religion in which peopleSTILL BELIEVE IN WITCHES.
    The preacher who once gave a speach at her church was not known to have participated in such witch hunts until well after said speach. And to put this on Palin is like basing your opinions about Obama solely on his "eccentric" preacher.

    As far as NeuralRazor's comments go I completely disagree.
  • She subscribes to a religion in which peopleSTILL BELIEVE IN WITCHES.
    How are you so sure witches don't exist? Have you ever touched one?
  • Although I believe it to be (equally) stupid, I think people who believe that a burning bush talked to their leaders 2000 years ago are also allowed to believe in witchcraft. Another reason why bible thumpers are idiots.
  • Her religious beliefs get even worse. Have you read about her dealings with that witch-hunter guy? She subscribes to a religion in which peopleSTILL BELIEVE IN WITCHES.
    The preacher whooncegave a speach at her church was not known to have participated in such witch hunts until well after said speach. And to put this on Palin is like basing your opinions about Obama solely on his "eccentric" preacher.
    Wright was stating political views. He was not calling anyone a witch, and he was not ruining anyone's life because he decided that they were a witch.

    You say "one" as though it was mitigating. In my opinion, one sermon by a witch-hunter is one too many. However, it appears that this guy appeared at Palin's church at least ten (10) times.
  • However, it appears that this guy appeared at Palin's churchat least ten (10) times.
    I stand corrected, I apparently was citing a very unreliable source. My point was are you going to judge a person by one person they listen to on occasional Sunday or by the actions they take in their daily life.
  • However, it appears that this guy appeared at Palin's churchat least ten (10) times.
    I stand corrected, I apparently was citing a very unreliable source. My point was are you going to judge a person by one person they listen to on occasional Sunday or by the actions they take in their daily life.
    If Palin listens to a person who claims to be a a witch-hunter then, yes, I will judge Palin by the people she listens to.

    But you're still minimizing. Did you watch the video? Palin was doing a lot more than just listening.
  • Unfortunately I do a lot of my research at work which has serious internet filtering so I am unable to watch said video. I also want to make one thing clear I do not support Palin, I just want people to realize that if you base your opinion of her solely on what is reported by the mass media then your only seeing what they want to show you. As you can see I cited a conversation from a mass media firm earlier and HungryJoe pretty much proved my point, don't believe everything you hear.
  • Unfortunately I do a lot of my research at work which has serious internet filtering so I am unable to watch said video. I also want to make one thing clear I do not support Palin, I just want people to realize that if you base your opinion of her solely on what is reported by the mass media then your only seeing what they want to show you.
    The video was filmed inside Palin's church. It actually happened. It is not "mass media" propaganda. The guy is a witch-hunter. This is also not "mass media" propaganda.
    As you can see I cited a conversation from a mass media firm earlier and HungryJoe pretty much proved my point, don't believe everything you hear.
    What, exactly, was this point and what, exactly, did you cite?
  • edited September 2008
    I did not say the video was mass media propaganda; I know the man is a witch-hunter. My point is:
    don't believe everything you hear
    And, I cited a conversation that occurred over the radio about the subject and how the preacher only spoke once. I regret even considering that their conversations were valid, in that they have lead me down the wrong path on more than one occasion, hence backing my point even further: don't believe everything you hear!

    Is that clear enough, or is further elaboration necessary?
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Joe, you're rapidly becoming infuriating.
    I also want to make one thing clear I do not support Palin ...
    So okay, we've established that the ever-skeptical Bobblun is not a Palin supporter, and wishes to judge Palin on merits beyond her Sunday-associations. Great! Even a little analysis beyond the surface will allow you to conclude that, yes, she is not the best choice for a national representative. Bobblun recognizes that, and apparently agrees. (Forgive me for putting words in your mouth, sir.)

    You seem to be unwilling to accept anything less than completely superficial surrender, however, requiring that Bobblun denounce Palin simply on the merit of having participated in a sermon. Bluntly: let it go, dude. He gets it, and for better reasons than you.

    You'd do well to accept the fact that we're not all going to get whipped up into a frenzy every time the Huffington Post or DailyKOS updates. (That's right, I went there.)
  • You seem to be unwilling to accept anything less than completely superficial surrender, however, requiring that Bobblun denounce Palin simply on the merit of having participated in a sermon.
    What is "completely superficial" surrender? A complete surrender only on the surface?
  • Thank you konistehhrad I could not have said it any better.
  • What is "completely superficial" surrender? A complete surrender only on the surface?
    More like a surrender backed only by sound bytes and blog headlines, but sure, however you want to roll it.
  • Today's sign of the apocalypse:
    Left by aliens? I'd be willing to bet.
  • That huge bulb of hair on her head and those little strings of hair that compose her bangs are beginning to combine to look like some sort of spider is holding onto her head and sucking out her brain. Does anyone else see that?
  • It looks a bit like Cthulhu munching on her brain.
  • Looks more like the FSM is trying to eat her to rid us of her possible power.
  • The whole "witch hunter" thing is just one more piece of evidence as to her sanity, rationality, and competence. Not all irrational behaviors are equally irrational or dangerous. Palin's particular religious beliefs, which are true irrespective of any media bias, make her a frightening person to hold any level of governmental power.
  • edited September 2008
    The whole "witch hunter" thing is just one more piece of evidence as to her sanity, rationality, and competence. Not all irrational behaviors are equally irrational or dangerous. Palin's particular religious beliefs, which are true irrespective of any media bias, make her a frightening person to hold any level of governmental power.
    But she'll only break ties in the Senate...
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • But she'll only break ties in the Senate...
    I don't believe that anyone who believes what she claims to believe deserves authority by force over anyone. She also would be one old man's heartbeat away from being our president...
  • But she'll only break ties in the Senate...
    Can you say that with a straight face after Cheney?
  • edited September 2008
    I am awesome!


    I don't hate Palin and here's why:
    She is basically a tool being used by others to further agendas she does not understand.

    Reason more to hate her. She lets herself be used like that for someone else's agenda. If she were to get elected she would just be manipulated by the highest bidder.

    On a side note: CSS is awsome!
    Post edited by Alan on
  • But she'll only break ties in the Senate...
    Can you say that with a straight face after Cheney?
    I don't think she's capable of anything like the lying and cheating Cheney has pulled.
  • Check out the clips on this page they are... mind numbing...
    Wow. I wasn't a fan of Palin before, but now I'm actually frightened of her ending up in a position of real power over this country.
  • Kathleen Parker: Palin should bow out. This is from the National Review Online. Could it be that conservatives now understand that she is not all they thought she was?
  • Just a little anecdote...I happen to work with someone who taught for the high school in Wasilla, Alaska for 19 years. She is more or less a republican and was going to vote for McCain before Palin was nominated. However, there is "no way in Hell" she will vote for McCain/Palin now. It seems Palin wasn't the greatest mayor.
  • edited September 2008
    I heard that Palin was completely untraceable after the debate yesterday as if the campaign didn't want the press to get her immediate statement. Hmmmmm....

    Edit: Holy shit
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited September 2008
    Damn Palin you scary!

    Wow..... that belongs in the Palin thread damn. The Vice Presidential debates are going to be the thing to watch.
    Post edited by Alan on
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