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  • Can you rent a car? Better yet, can you rent a motorcycle?
    You're suggesting to a guy without a car to rent a vehicle he most likely never sat on before in his life?
  • Give her a hug too. If she gives you a lame hug, tell her to give you a real hug. You want to break the "touch barrier" right off the bat.
    No way, man. Most girls I know would get annoyed if the guy gets grabby right away. (I'd be like "yeah, reeeeeal subtle buster.") Plus, if she gives you a lame hug, I probably means she doesn't want to be hugged. About the touch barrier, I've found that if a girl is digging you, she will make moves when she is ready. She'll tickle you, or muss your hair, or snuggle when you are sitting together. Until then, high fives, head pats, stuff like that is fine.
  • Also, there are people that are not hug persons. I am one of them. I only hug really close relative I can count with my two hands the number of people I can give a proper hug.
  • Give her a hug too. If she gives you a lame hug, tell her to give you a real hug. You want to break the "touch barrier" right off the bat.
    No way, man. Most girls I know would get annoyed if the guy gets grabby right away. (I'd be like "yeah, reeeeeal subtle buster.") Plus, if she gives you a lame hug, I probably means she doesn't want to be hugged. About the touch barrier, I've found that if a girl is digging you, she will make moves when she is ready. She'll tickle you, or muss your hair, or snuggle when you are sitting together. Until then, high fives, head pats, stuff like that is fine.
    I don't think anybody should be mister grabby right away. If that's the impression I gave, then I miscommunicated. That definitely is weird and creepy. I think of high fives and things like that as a good way to break the touch barrier. I always hug my female friends when I see them though, and a lot of my male friends too. It's just what I do. I also give my dates a hug when I see them. In my experience, it has never been a bad thing.

    If a guy gives a girl a hug, then keeps being mister grabbyhands, then yeah, that is creepy. All of the advice I give is under the pretext of not being weird or creepy about it. Not being creepy is rule number 2.

    Apparently, though, you would see through my subtle ploys if we were on a date. ;)
  • Can you rent a car? Better yet, can you rent a motorcycle?
    You're suggesting to a guy without a car to rent a vehicle he most likely never sat on before in his life?
    Do you think we can just assume he doesn't know how to ride a motorcycle? If you can ride a bicycle, you're most of the way to being able to ride a motorcycle.
  • edited October 2008
    Well, first off, yes I do know how to ride a bicycle. It's how I get to school and back everyday. But as for renting a car? Not gonna happen. I'm only 18, and no car rental company would want to rent to me.

    As for renting a motorcycle, I'd have to:
    A. Have a motorcycle license.
    B. Know how to shift gears on a motorcycle.
    C. Buy a helmet.
    Play it cool, boy, and things will be great! Try hanging out, and talking, and then maybe someday it will develop into smooching and stuff. Don't over think it. You've got a good sense of humor, just be like how you are on geekchat.
    *takes mental notes*
    Well, Internet me is pretty much just like RL me, except I don't have Google to help me find answers (Where are the neural implants?). And the fact that she likes anime will make things easier for sure.
    Most girls I know would get annoyed if the guy gets grabby right away. (I'd be like "yeah, reeeeeal subtle buster.") Plus, if she gives you a lame hug, I probably means she doesn't want to be hugged. About the touch barrier, I've found that if a girl is digging you, she will make moves when she is ready. She'll tickle you, or muss your hair, or snuggle when you are sitting together. Until then, high fives, head pats, stuff like that is fine.
    Yeah, I'm not quite the huggy type either, at least not off the bat, so I can respect the hug barrier.
    If she genuinely seems interested, there's a good chance she'd be a bit jealous if her friend went on a date with you, and would probably get the idea that you don't like her. Granted, if you don't like her, by all means ask her friend on a date.

    Also Sonic, how old are these girls and you (I have no idea how to correctly form that sentence in the way that I want it. Anyone wanna tell me what it's supposed to look like?) It really makes a difference when making a call such as the one above. Just a few years can have a radically different answer.
    So far as I know they are the same age as me, so that's about 18. I'm turning 19 in a couple weeks which is why I say "about". I don't know her well enough to know if I don't like her or not. I don't even know if she's friends with the other girl I'm interested in. She seems like a nice person though, so, y'know, all clear for now.

    Back on the hugs issue, has anybody experienced a surprise hug? I was ambushed by one of my friends gay buddies today. He knows I'm not the hugging type and yet he glomps me. What, did I suddenly turn into some bishounen type after I got into college, because, let me tell you, I was never this popular in high school.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • No, when you get to college, you are probably amongst your future peers, not the same in high school, you'll see that most people you'll meet will be cool. You didn't turn into a bishounen, its just that as long as you don't have a hygiene problem, people will approach you.

    As far as the "hug" thing, its weird, most people down here say hello and goodbye with a kiss in the cheek, and most of the time on the first time they are introduced to each other.
  • What, did I suddenly turn into some bishounen type after I got into college, because, let me tell you, I was never this popular in high school.
    That's because college is awesome like that. When I went to college, in the first month I met three awesome boys who were cute and we hung out all the time. (This was before I was going out with Rym.) I made so many friends! So many people I could talk to about cool stuff! And it will get even more fun, take my word for it!
  • edited October 2008
    When I went to college, in the first month I met three awesome boys who were cute and we hung out all the time.
    Three sadly broken men sit each night in the dark, sipping alcohol in the flicker-glow of the television set to drown the screaming of their crushed souls. Women. You toy with us, then when you grow tired of our company you reject us. Harumph. Bah humbug.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • When I went to college, in the first month I met three awesome boys who were cute and we hung out all the time.
    Why couldn't this have happened to me? Except with the opposite sex, of course.
  • When I went to college, in the first month I met three awesome boys who were cute and we hung out all the time.
    Why couldn't this have happened to me? Except with the opposite sex, of course.
    Hang out around the engineering campus of your school. As an engineer myself, I can tell you that you have an astronomically better chance of finding someone you'll hit it off with around those buildings. Engi girls are almost always geeks, which would work well for you, considering you're posting on the Geeknights forum ^_^
  • Engi girls are almost always geeks
    True, but there are oh so very few of them.
  • Engi girls are almost always geeks
    True, but there are oh so very few of them.
    There's plenty of them, they're just rather elusive; you just have to know how to lure them, then trap them (I find a textbook in a rabbit trap works rather well).
  • There's plenty of them, they're just rather elusive
    Well, I study Engineering and the percentage of women is ~10% or lower. Sure, there might be a reasonable number of them in total, because there's always loads of Engineering students, but as a percentage there's rather few (at least where I am).
  • There's plenty of them, they're just rather elusive
    Well, I study Engineering and the percentage of women is ~10% or lower. Sure, there might be a reasonable number of them in total, because there's always loads of Engineering students, but as a percentage there's rather few (at least where I am).
    Where are you at? I'm just curious.

    I'm actually embroiled in the hell that is the college application process right now...
  • Where are you at? I'm just curious.
    Brisbane, Australia.
  • Where are you at? I'm just curious.
    Brisbane, Australia.
    Ah, well, other side of the world from me, though I would like to make it to your continent at some point during my life.
  • Well, I study Engineering and the percentage of women is ~10% or lower. Sure, there might be a reasonable number of them in total, because there's always loads of Engineering students, but as a percentage there's rather few (at least where I am).
    I find the numbers up here in eastern Canada are closer to 15-20%. I never said there wouldn't be 'competition'. However, the best thing you can do is to just act the same as you do around anyone else. Your inner geek will shine, and the girls you'd actually enjoy being in a relationship with will be drawn inward. Everyone who falls into the trap of pining for any romantic interest as forgotten the most important part: if you're not comfortable around them before you enter into a relationship, it's only going to get worse later down the road.

    I'm getting a bit far from my original points.
    @ Li, Sonic, Morio, , the three things to take away from this are:

    1) Stop looking for a relationship.
    Like a Chinese fingertrap, the harder you try, the worse you fail. You will find each other, and it will be one of the most enjoyable experiences of your life.

    2) Just be yourself.
    Everyone says this, but that's because it always bears repeating. If you have to be a different person to get her attention, you will hate yourself more and more as the relationship progresses. If you're not comfortable in your own skin, you'll drive yourself insane. See how this ties in to #1? ^_~

    I'm serious. I can not stress this enough.
  • I should compile all this information and make a SparkNotes for relationships.
    Hanging around the engineering buildings would be kinda hard considering my major is Radio Broadcasting, But I'll probably be dorming next year, so I'll see if I can get into one of their buildings. In terms of competition, however, the scales are slightly in my favor. CSUN has more female students than male students, and MUCH MORE female freshmen than male freshmen.

    I trust you guys, so if I'm as charismatic as you make me out to be, I think the odds are in my favor (especially with all this new knowledge).
    Crap. I just realized something absolutely horrible. I don't even know her name. Crap. There's got to be some subtle way to find out. *googles*
  • 1) Stop looking for a relationship.
    I stopped during the middle of the last school year.
  • If your date goes well with the first girl, then you should ask the first girl out again. If it doesn't go well or several dates in it stops going well, then ask girl #2 out. Follow one situation to its conclusion, then begin another. You do not want to lead either of them on, and you could end up blowing a good situation if you grasp for another.
    Not sure I agree with this in every case. Based on personal experience, flirting and hanging out with more than one girl at once speeds up times between successful encounters. That said, my long term relationships have only occurred when I've sworn off female involvement for various reasons.

    For quick results aim for parallel dating. For quality results work on serial dating.
  • Crap. I just realized something absolutely horrible. I don't even know her name. Crap
    4) Know her name.
  • Crap. I just realized something absolutely horrible. I don't even know her name. Crap
    4) Know her name.
    I have dated people without knowing their names, but thats because they know I'm beyond terrible with names.
    I have lived with people/roomates for 6+months and did not know their names, and still have no idea...
  • Really? And I thought I was bad with names.
  • Crap. I just realized something absolutely horrible. I don't even know her name. Crap
    4) Know her name.
    I have dated people without knowing their names, but thats because they know I'm beyond terrible with names.
    I have lived with people/roomates for 6+months and did not know their names, and still have no idea...
    Crap. I just realized something absolutely horrible. I don't even know her name. Crap
    4) Know her name.
  • I have similar problems. In my first year at university I lived in the halls of residence with 6 other students on my floor. I hung out with them quite often, though I can't say I was really close friends, though they all hung out with each other all the time. After the summer break, and coming back for the second year of uni, I could remember just one of their names.
  • Crap. I just realized something absolutely horrible. I don't even know her name. Crap
    4) Know her name.
    Does it rhyme with a female body part?
  • I just call people by saying "Hey dude." and they turn around or "Yo man, whats up?"
    None of these use names... and my phone has tons of discriptions of people since I don't know them by name. So even if I asked their name and put it in my phone I wouldn't know what to look for when I wanna call em.
    "Roomate from 05 - red hair"
    "Creepy guy I met at party"

    Hopefully he will never look up his number in my phone :P He may get upset.
  • For getting the name: ask if she has a Facebook account, and get her to add you as a friend. Easiest way, and not very hard or suspicious.
  • Come clean... just say: "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm really bad with names", she won't have a problem with it, and tell you her name again, if she is cool or likes you, she'll probably act all resented and wont let it go for the rest of the night, having a stab at you every time she can, in a cute way of course.
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