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Are We?



  • That's a common theory, yes. However, he feels the same way about making friends as well. He doesn't care for people so awfully much.
  • So Scott is Dr.House if House was a programmer? I don't think that works as well as it might seem.
  • He has some House-eque qualities about him, yes. I'm not sure he's quite so sarcastic, but rather more apathetic in his demeanor.
  • Hm. Well, regardless, If he keeps this apathy up, he's likely going to remove his genes from the pool.
  • Hm. Well, regardless, If he keeps this apathy up, he's likely going to remove his genes from the pool.
    Even a weevil wants to reproduce. Scott has less genetic viability than said weevil.
  • edited October 2008
    So Scott has no desire to have a girlfriend? That kinda goes against nature. Unless...Maybe Scott is gay for Rym but Rym is straight. An impossible love never to be. XD
    A shame we can't pin it on unrequited love... I'm just the sort of sadist to find amusement in that sort of thing. ^^
    Post edited by Wings on
  • Hm. Well, regardless, If he keeps this apathy up, he's likely going to remove his genes from the pool.
    Rym is definitely not apathetic toward the opposite sex, but has no plans to reproduce. See, as a highly evolved creature we can separate this biological desire to do hanky-panky from actually producing offspring which is a long term social commitment.

    @Wings. Oh, You can pin it on whatever you want. Slashing my Rym and Scott together is kind of a hobby around here, as evidenced by the Thread of Infamy!
  • Even a weevil wants to reproduce. Scott has less genetic viability than said weevil.
    My biology wants to reproduce a whole lot. It's simply that unlike most other people, I ignore biological urges as much as possible. It's kind of hard, and stupid, to ignore the ones that tell me to eat, drink, and sleep. The other ones just cause trouble, so I don't let them get in the way.
  • It's simply that unlike most other people, I ignore biological urges as much as possible.
    Curious. Why? I've been dumped loads of times and lost friends because of girls, but I don't really regret them at all. I get that everyone is different the the joys, troubles and desires that the majority feel aren't even concerns for a small few, but it's just intriguing.

    Not saying it's wrong or right (because it isn't), just very confusing. As my logic stands the only thing I can pin your lack of desire to pursue a relationship with anyone is because there is someone you already like that is unavailable, of course I'm probably long and missing by a large margin here, but that's the first thing in my mind that pops out.

    Of course, I don't mean to pry. Feel free to tell me to mind my own fucking business =P
  • Have you guys ever considered just making a few deposits at the sperm bank and calling it a day? You could dump your DNA into the gene pool and keep your "hands" clean of all the messy bits of biology.
  • I ignore biological urges as much as possible.
    I absolutely guarantee that as soon as you stop ignoring that one, "what the hell was I thinking?" will be one of the first thoughts to go through your mind.

  • @Wings. Oh, You can pin it on whatever you want. Slashing my Rym and Scott together is kind of a hobby around here, as evidenced by theThread of Infamy!
    I have taken a short tour around the thread of infamy, however, I may take another spin around it if my boredom comands it. Of course, than might not be for another week. DAMN YOU MARCHING BAND. >>
  • Hm. Well, regardless, If he keeps this apathy up, he's likely going to remove his genes from the pool.
    Rym is definitely not apathetic toward the opposite sex, but has no plans to reproduce. See, as a highly evolved creature we can separate this biological desire to do hanky-panky from actually producing offspring which is a long term social commitment.!
    Hehe, "Hanky-Panky"? I always just called it the Sensuous Salsa (similar to the Tempting Tango). But yes, sex without the obligation to reproduce is a clear advantage of having a large brain.
  • In Scrym dialect: Chips and Salsa = Love and Sex

    You can have Chips without Salsa, or Salsa without chips, but they go best when together.
  • *drops in his Carlos Man of Love voice* Indeed. Although preferable, there flames of love need not be present for the passion of intimacy to exist.
    Maybe I should write a parody of Sinatra's "Love and Marriage" for Chips and Salsa.
  • What would you rhyme with Salsa?
  • What would you rhyme with Salsa?
    Balsa (wood). ^____^
  • If you give women the power to break your heart, they will do it gleefully. They can smell attraction like dogs can smell fear. If they know you're attracted to them, they will abuse you just to see how much you can/will take.

    The best thing to do is to maintain a "don't care" attitude. For some reason, they seem to be attracted to that.
    Not all of us are like that. :P

    I agree that the best way to find a good S.O. is to stop looking for a girl and start going out and finding groups of people with which to do things you enjoy. If you do things you like, you will naturally be around other people who like those things. If you meet someone and there is a spark, WOOHOO! I prefer to let the meetings happen rather than to go out looking for them.

    Cons are good for this, as are local groups and clubs. If you get together with a group of like-minded individuals, you are much more likely to develop connections with people that are compatible with you. Some of those might even be of the opposite sex (or not, if you swing that way), and single (or polyamorous, or whatever...). Every guy I've dated (for serious, not like 3rd-grade-hand-holding) was into something I was into and we met via that activity.
  • In Scrym dialect: Chips and Salsa = Love and Sex

    You can have Chips without Salsa, or Salsa without chips, but they go best when together.
    But both pairings are greatly enhanced by some good queso!
  • Have you guys ever considered just making a few deposits at the sperm bank and calling it a day? You could dump your DNA into the gene pool and keep your "hands" clean of all the messy bits of biology.
    There's a joke to be made in there somewhere, I just can't find it.
  • Have you guys ever considered just making a few deposits at the sperm bank and calling it a day? You could dump your DNA into the gene pool and keep your "hands" clean of all the messy bits of biology.
    There's a joke to be made in there somewhere, I just can't find it.
    Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.
  • But then we'd have cranky little kids wandering around with no sense of aesthetics, and somewhere else there would be a kid sneezing from with crazy allergies.
  • What would you rhyme with Salsa?
    As sung by James Hetfield: False-ah
  • But then we'd have cranky little kids wandering around with no sense of aesthetics, and somewhere else there would be a kid sneezing from with crazy allergies.
    Just combine the best of both! Oh wait...
  • edited October 2008
    What would you rhyme with Salsa?
    Chips and Salsa
    Chips and Salsa
    Similar to OSS and ALSA
    Each are mutually dandy
    But mixing them should be done carefully.

    It's a work in progress. Though I'm glad I could toss a linux reference in there.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Have you guys ever considered just making a few deposits at the sperm bank and calling it a day? You could dump your DNA into the gene pool and keep your "hands" clean of all the messy bits of biology.
    First, why would someone just want to get their DNA in the gene pool? If you want to donate sperm, do it because you want to help someone have a child who couldn't without your help. (I am not so into that - more of an adoption supporter, but to each his or her own). Also, if your prime objective is to make a baby, there is no guarantee that anyone going to a sperm bank would want your sperm.
  • edited October 2008
    I am not so into that - more of an adoption supporter, but to each his or her own
    Me too! Animals and kids! I think that my DNA is averagely good, but I think the greatest benefit I could give to the future of the species is not my cells, but my ideas, transmitted through interaction.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I am not so into that - more of an adoption supporter, but to each his or her own
    Me too! Animals and kids! I think that my DNA is averagely good, but I think the greatest benefit I could give to the future of the species is not my cells, but my ideas, transmitted through interaction.
    I also think that there is a key difference between being a breeder and being a parent. As some on the forum know, my father adopted me when I was 12 (I started calling him "Dad" at 9), and I haven't seen my birth father since I was 4. I am incredibly close with my Dad (adoptive) and my Mom (biological). In many ways, I am more like my father than my mother, so the DNA argument doesn't carry much weight with me beyond health reasons. I think that physically having kids is nice, but being a parent is about raising a child, whether you share DNA with them or not. To me, blood ties are irrelevant and family is what you make it. If someone treats you like family, and you treat them like family, then you are family. If someone treats your poorly or keeps you at a distance, or you treat them poorly and keep them at a distance, then you are not family, no matter what DNA says.
    That being said, it is a perfectly valid choice to want to physically create a child if you will also parent that child. My preference is for adoption, Mr. MacRoss requested that we try to physically have a child and his reasons were sound, so we will try. If it doesn't happen the old fashioned way, though, we will adopt rather than using surrogates or fertility drugs.
  • I'm of the firm belief that a person is a combination of their genes and the environment in which they were raised, so if I like my genes, I'd like very much to pass them on if possible.

    However, adoption is a very noble thing, so I can't argue with someone who really wants to raise a child. In my mind, option 1 is the good ol' fashioned way, and option 2 is adoption.

    No matter what, raising a child is quite an undertaking. I find it's more important to have a suitable environment in which to raise a child long before you actually have said child.

    And yeah, don't mess with fertility drugs, unless you want to fire like 8 kids out of your vagina.
  • I am not so into that - more of an adoption supporter, but to each his or her own
    Me too! Animals and kids! I think that my DNA is averagely good, but I think the greatest benefit I could give to the future of the species is not my cells, but my ideas, transmitted through interaction.
    Ditto here as well. Adoption is really my 1st choice for child raising. 9 out of 10 I can't have a child by traditional means. A lot of the women in my family can't do that easily without trouble or can't at all. I will probably will try to have a child someday, but I dream of adopting a child just as much.
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