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  • Live and learn dude, also that Death Note movie was not such a big miss. Now if you miss a screening of 20th Century Boys. I would really feel sorry for you :P
  • Yogurt? Who has a date over Yogurt? Must be a California thing.
    Got here and thought "I would. Yogurt is tasty and you have a spoon to make gestures with during conversation." Also, I thought of Billy and Penny in Dr. Horrible.
    Then I read the rest and thought... "Aww, man. That sucks."
    I think it probably occurred to her that it was a date, I think she just wussed out.
    I agree with the sentiment that she wussed out on you.

    Well, you were talking about a girl you 'know more about' in the first post. Time to ask her out.
  • edited October 2008
    Wow, suck much! That's shitty. I was so happy, after reading the other thread, that your girl troubles were beginning to resolve themselves. Lots of sorries, Sonic.

    I'm with Ro- It's more than likely she disliked the situation somehow and wanted to get out of it, or thought it would be awkward going alone, or something. I'm sure she knew it was a date because it's a little unbelievable that something that obvious could fly right over her head... Maybe she liked you, but not enough to go one a date, and she didn't want to lead YOU on?

    Either way, you handled things very well, and it wasn't your fault things went pear shaped. Keep trying- with a personality like the one you seem to have and your new found bishouninity, I'm sure you'll have another romantic quest to pursue before you know it- and maybe someone better suited for you at that.
    Post edited by Wings on
  • edited October 2008
    Oh yeah, about her. Turns out she has a boyfriend too. They've been together for the past 4 years.
    Besides, I'm gonna eat a fancy cake today
    For the betterment of humanity I wish for a picture of this cake. I'll find out how it'll benefit humans after seeing the picture. Perhaps.
    Well, I don't know for sure if there will, in fact, be a fancy cake present. But my mom is armenian, and if there's one thing armenian moms like to eat at parties, its fancy cake.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Eh, you'll bounce back. As long as you don't brood over it, you're fine.
  • edited October 2008
    Oh yeah, about her. Turns out she has a boyfriend too. They've been together for the past 4 years.
    A girl who doesn't tell you this when you try and make a move on her is not a girl you want to date. Hope you're feeling better, though, man.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • Oh yeah, about her. Turns out she has a boyfriend too. They've been together for the past 4 years.
    Nice. We call this "dodging a bullet" where I come from.
  • Oh yeah, about her. Turns out she has a boyfriend too. They've been together for the past 4 years.
    And she didn't tell you this before you made multiple plans? Well... Either she actually is daft enough to not have realised it was a date (though you'd have to be a little dense not to have gotten that) or she's some form of inconsiderate- either to her boyfriend or to you. It might just be me, but if you're in a relationship, isn't it a little uncouth to go out with members of the opposite sex alone? That must be why she wanted to bring a friend.
  • edited October 2008
    It might just be me, but if you're in a relationship, isn't it a little uncouth to go out with members of the opposite sex alone?
    Naw, I dunno about that. I'd go and see movies with my friends from school, or go out and talk about projects over coffee even if they are guys. It's not that weird. Its actually nice when the guy also has a girlfriend. It's so easy to be platonic and chill when you both have significant others that you get along with. Since these guys are my friends they already know that I have a boyfriend, so there are no misconceptions, no miscommunication. If you aren't attached, just do the same thing, but since they know you are single, if thing go really well with them, there is the possibility of advancing beyond the "just friends" mark. There's really (at least in my mind) not a black and white definition of affection. I care about boys who are my friends in a friendly type way, but I only kiss Rym. Other people feel comfortable at different levels of emotional or physical intimacy with people they like (friends-with-benefits, or chaste-but-emotionally committed) and the line between "date" and "not date" is as thin as a wisp of spider web. Really, it's all about personal comfort. I preferred it when Rym was casual about "dates" - in other words, he would not meticulously plan the whole evening ahead of time, but we would kind of pick an activity or restaurant and go. There really weren't any rules about who treats whom, or who picks whom up. Because of that, our dates were pretty awesome and non-stressful.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • It might just be me, but if you're in a relationship, isn't it a little uncouth to go out with members of the opposite sex alone?
    Naw, I dunno about that. I'd go and see movies with my friends from school, or go out and talk about projects over coffee even if they are guys. It's not that weird. Its actually nice when the guy also has a girlfriend. It's so easy to be platonic and chill when you both have significant others that you get along with. Since these guys are my friends they already know that I have a boyfriend, so there are no misconceptions, no miscommunication. If you aren't attached, just do the same thing, but since they know you are single, if thing go really well with them, there is the possibility of advancing beyond the "just friends" mark. There's really (at least in my mind) not a black and white definition of affection. I care about boys who are my friends in a friendly type way, but I only kiss Rym. Other people feel comfortable at different levels of emotional or physical intimacy with people they like (friends-with-benefits, or chaste-but-emotionally committed) and the line between "date" and "not date" is as thin as a wisp of spider web. Really, it's all about personal comfort. I preferred it when Rym was casual about "dates" - in other words, he would not meticulously plan the whole evening ahead of time, but we would kind of pick an activity or restaurant and go. There really weren't any rules about who treats whom, or who picks whom up. Because of that, our dates were pretty awesome and non-stressful.
    Well, that's true, of course, but as Sonic said, he and this girl didn't really know each other. As I said, it might just be me, but if I were her boyfriend, I'd probably be a little suspicious, at least. Going out with friends is one thing, but that whole situation... It just seems uncomfortable to me.
  • edited October 2008
    Whoa Back up. There's been a misunderstanding. I was responding to coldfireseig question about the other girl I liked, not the girl I actually asked. The girl I asked doesn't have a boyfriend (or, at least that's what her friend told me).

    @Emily: Looking at how cool Rym is in general, I think I'll learn from this and take a page from his book. Gotta relax and make dates less planned. Also, I think asking a girl out to a movie might be skipping a step. From here on out I'll probably ask her out to lunch first. Less "date-y", more opportunity to talk, and less expensive. I'm still going to pay for her food mostly because my inner-romantic wont let me let her pay.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Whoa Back up. There's been a misunderstanding. I was responding to coldfireseig question about the other girl I liked, not the girl I actually asked. The girl I asked doesn't have a boyfriend (or, at least that's what her friend told me).
    Ah, well, in that situation, you were just dealt a bad hand of cards. Suck much. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I wouldn't get too discouraged, as was said, you'll get better luck soon. ^^
  • Sometimes going on something as formal as a date can cause a person to freeze up and panic. Either way, this girl did something out of my book of "she's not worth the trouble anymore". Be friends with her, but don't worry about a relationship. She's not looking from the way she's acting.
  • edited October 2008
    I'm still going to pay for her food mostly because my inner-romantic wont let me let her pay.
    But don't tell her that ahead of time and don't make a big deal about it. When the check comes be all like "nah, nah, don't worry about it, I'll treat ya." The FRC does that to each other all the time. When someone picks up lunch or ice cream or something it's like "I got it, I got it." and every one else is like "Really? Oh, you rock!" One of the things about this is that you have to be prepared for her wanting to repay the favor by taking you out the next time should things go well. Please be willing to give up your silly manly pride of paying and let her treat the second time if she wants to. Only if she offers.

    Edit: Also, like Pete said, I think you dodged a bullet. She sounds a little flaky. You don't need the aggravation, seriously.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Edit: Also, like Pete said, I think you dodged a bullet. She sounds a little flaky. You don't need the aggravation, seriously.
    Here is some dating advice. If you ever find a girl that's willing to cheat on her boyfriend with you, you shouldn't date her. If she was willing to cheat on him, then she'll be willing to cheat on you. The same goes for girls with guys.
  • Edit: Also, like Pete said, I think you dodged a bullet. She sounds a little flaky. You don't need the aggravation, seriously.
    Here is some dating advice. If you ever find a girl that's willing to cheat on her boyfriend with you, you shouldn't date her. If she was willing to cheat on him, then she'll be willing to cheat on you. The same goes for girls with guys.
    Likewise, anybody that wants to play games with you is not worth your time. That applies to anyone. Unless their name is Nintendo, you shouldn't be playing their games.
  • edited October 2008
    Likewise, anybody that wants to play games with you is not worth your time.
    I thought we wanted to find gamer girls who will play NS and Tigris and Euphrates with us.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Women who can communicate clearly FTW! Run far and fast from "I shouldn't have to tell you; you should already know" syndrome.
    The FRC does that to each other all the time. When someone picks up lunch or ice cream or something it's like "I got it, I got it." and every one else is like "Really? Oh, you rock!"
    ^_^ Yet another reason why the crew is awesome.
  • I thought we wanted to find gamer girls who will play NS and Tigris and Euphrates with us.
    Gomily plays NS? o:
  • Not so much (mostly because I have a mac) but my little sister does! When she was in high school she would play FPS games all the time. I remember her playing NS at night in the dark and freaking herself out because of the alien noises.
  • My girlfriend is addicted to Oblivion right now. o.0 That and the Sims 2...
  • Tough break Sonic. Take some time and breathe, but be sure to pick yourself back up within a week and move on. These experiences make us stronger and better equip us to deal with the future. This won't be the only time this happens, but it'll be significantly easier to move on next time. There are plenty of fish in the sea. :)
  • If you give women the power to break your heart, they will do it gleefully. They can smell attraction like dogs can smell fear. If they know you're attracted to them, they will abuse you just to see how much you can/will take.

    The best thing to do is to maintain a "don't care" attitude. For some reason, they seem to be attracted to that.
  • The best thing to do is to maintain a "don't care" attitude. For some reason, they seem to be attracted to that.
    This is not true. Case in point, me.
  • This is not true. Case in point, me.
    False dichotomy?
  • The best thing to do is to maintain a "don't care" attitude. For some reason, they seem to be attracted to that.
    This is not true. Case in point, me.
    Have you actually actively looked for a girlfriend recently? I mean, you have to go actually try meeting people, even if it's just on or something. You can't just expect to stand around and have women flock to you. Only I can pull that off.
  • The best thing to do is to maintain a "don't care" attitude. For some reason, they seem to be attracted to that.
    This is not true. Case in point, me.
    When I said "don't care" attitude, I didn't mean "don't care that you're there; don't care about other people; don't care if you live or die; don't care about anything that doesn't relate immediately to my concerns in consuming media", I meant, "I see that you would be considered attractive by most people, and that piques my interest; however, I have lots of irons in the fire and you cannot hurt me in the least if you turn me down".
  • The best thing to do is to maintain a "don't care" attitude. For some reason, they seem to be attracted to that.
    This is not true. Case in point, me.
    Have you actually actively looked for a girlfriend recently? I mean, you have to go actually try meeting people, even if it's just on or something. You can't just expect to stand around and have women flock to you. OnlyIcan pull that off.
    I would look, if I cared.
  • The best thing to do is to maintain a "don't care" attitude. For some reason, they seem to be attracted to that.
    This is not true. Case in point, me.
    Have you actually actively looked for a girlfriend recently? I mean, you have to go actually try meeting people, even if it's just on or something. You can't just expect to stand around and have women flock to you. OnlyIcan pull that off.
    I would look, if I cared.
    Fair enough.
  • edited October 2008
    The best thing to do is to maintain a "don't care" attitude. For some reason, they seem to be attracted to that.
    This is not true. Case in point, me.
    Have you actually actively looked for a girlfriend recently? I mean, you have to go actually try meeting people, even if it's just on or something. You can't just expect to stand around and have women flock to you. OnlyIcan pull that off.
    I would look, if I cared.
    Fair enough.
    So Scott has no desire to have a girlfriend? That kinda goes against nature. Unless...Maybe Scott is gay for Rym but Rym is straight. An impossible love never to be. XD
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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