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  • Really? And I thought I was bad with names.
    Yeah, I'm just as bad. -.-J
    For getting the name: ask if she has a Facebook account, and get her to add you as a friend. Easiest way, and not very hard or suspicious.
    I like that idea.
    Come clean... just say: "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm really bad with names", she won't have a problem with it, and tell you her name again, if she is cool or likes you, she'll probably act all resented and wont let it go for the rest of the night, having a stab at you every time she can, in a cute way of course.
    Bleh, I don't like it, but it's a little more honest. -___-J
  • None of these use names... and my phone has tons of discriptions of people since I don't know them by name
    I have a similar system, I put in someone's name, followed by where I know them from, for example, two of my co-workers is in my phone as "Katie Kobe" and "TIm Kobe"
  • I will elevate 'being bad with names' from the 'me failing' tag to the 'requirement for being born' tag. Thanks guys.

    Personal note twenty-two-hundred-axe. Sonic has a snorkel.
  • My phone has quite a few contacts who are listed as nicknames or forum handles as well as two or three with a location. It makes them stand out and easy to remember.
  • Hooray! We have our very own Densha Otoko on our forum. Take That 2Chan!
  • edited October 2008
    So, Today we had to write essays in class. I finished first, so I got my stuff and left the class, but hung out in the hall. I waited for her to come out and approached her. I had found out her name from the girl I originally asked out and we talked for a while after class.
    So, in short:
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • So, Today we had to write essays in class. I finished first, so I got my stuff and left the class, but hung out in the hall. I waited for her to come out and approached her. I had found out her name from the girl I originally asked out and we talked for a while after class.
    So, in short:

    Careful now, don't get in the field if you do not know how to play the game :P
  • Bah, Life's an road trip! Sometimes you don't have a map, but that only makes the drive more interesting!
  • edited October 2008
    Bah, Life's an road trip! Sometimes you don't have a map, but that only makes the drive more interesting!
    Well, I can't argue with that manly logic :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited October 2008
    That's right. If having a successful relationship is a star that's light-years away, I will reach for the skies and pierce the heavens with my drill!

    It is so easy to get pumped up watching that show.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • That's right. If having a successful relationship is a star that's light-years away, I will reach for the skies and pierce the heavens with my drill!
    Believe in the me, that believes in you.
  • That's right. If having a successful relationship is a star that's light-years away, I will reach for the skies and pierce the heavens with my drill!
    Believe in the me, that believes in you.
    I thought it was: "believe in the you that believes in the me that believes in you! :S "
  • That's right. If having a successful relationship is a star that's light-years away, I will reach for the skies and pierce the heavens with my drill!
    Believe in the me, that believes in you.
    I thought it was: "believe in the you that believes in the me that believes in you! :S "
    Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me, who believes in you!
    Make-Viga-Cry Spoiler version (Simon, Don't believe in me, who believes in you. And don't believe in you, who believes in me. Believe... Believe in yourself!)
  • Ahh, such a good show. So quoteable.
  • Screw you, Neito! Waaaaaaaaaah! Why, God, WHY! Wah~!
  • Screw you, Neito! Waaaaaaaaaah! Why, God, WHY! Wah~!
    *goes over Morio's head and a big question mark appears.*
  • Screw you, Neito! Waaaaaaaaaah! Why, God, WHY! Wah~!
    *goes over Morio's head and a big question mark appears.*
    Have you seen the show, or are you just parroting the quotes? Either way parroting does not make one cool.
  • Yeah, the only way that quote wouldn't make you at least a little sad is if you haven't seen the show. Even I get a little sad when I remember that scene.
    The whole time I was like, " wouldn't...not yet...not now...WHY?!!?!?!?!"
  • edited October 2008
    ---FINAL REPORT---
    MISSION STATUS: Aborted.

    *sigh* This is almost comical. Really. Allow me to bring this up to date.

    Thursday: I walk over to the girl in class and give her the ticket to the movie. She looks at it and gets this panicked look on her face.
    Her: Oh, It's tonight?
    Me: Um, yeah, I said the movie was playing on the 16th.
    Her: Oh, I just thought it was on Saturday. Well, That's okay...
    Me: Mavet, You have this panicked look in your eyes.
    Her: No, no, It's okay.
    Me: Are you sure? Look, If you had something already planned, that's okay, I understand. It's not like I'm gonna be mad at you or anything.
    Her: *winces* Are you sure?
    Me: Yeah, I'm sure. It was a simple mistake. Look, I'm a nice guy, I understand.

    She looked sorry, really she did. I felt bad so I let her slide.

    Her: Thanks, I have to make it up to you. Can we meet on saturday?
    Me: Yeah, that's cool. What did you have in mind?
    Her: I dunno, Yogurt?

    Yogurt? Who has a date over Yogurt? Must be a California thing.

    Me: Well, I kinda had something different in mind.
    Her: Whats that?
    Me: I thought we could go see a movie. Maybe meet a half hour ahead of time for some coffee or tea.
    Her: Who drinks tea?
    Me: I drink tea, coffee is kinda bleh to me.
    Her: *rolls eyes*
    Me: Beverage preferences aside, is there any movie in particular you want to see?
    Her: Ooh! Outbreak!
    Me: Ookay, outbreak it is. So I'll call you after I look at the showtimes so we can figure out when to meet?
    Her: Okay.
    Me: Alright, Its a date.

    And that was that. I tried calling her friday evening (around 6), but I had dialed the wrong number, So I sent her a message via Facebook. No message received. Saturday at around 12:30, I called her phone and left a message. I waited until about 5 for her to call, nothing. So I called her one more time and left a message.

    Come around 7:30, she calls me.
    Her: Hey, how are you?
    Me: Um, Fine. What happened?
    Her: What do you mean?
    Me: Well, I called you twice today to arrange when we were going to meet.
    Her: Oh, Sorry. I was at work and I just got off.
    Me: Oh, haha, I thought I scared you off or something.
    Her: No! Of course not. I think you're a really cool guy!So when do you wanna meet?
    Me: Well, I mean, It's kinda late for that.
    Her: What do you mean?
    Me: Well, Since I haven't been able to reach you since we class on thursday, My folks went out to run some errands.
    Her: So?
    Me: Well, I told you during class that I wanted to do the gentlemanly thing and pick you up, but that I would have to be dropped off.
    Her: Oh so you don't have a ride, That's okay, I can pick you up. Is it okay if my friend comes, because she wanted to see the movie too.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the phone. Something aint right here.

    Me: I'm sorry, I'm in a bad area, could you say that last part again?
    Her: I said Is it okay if my friend comes, she wanted to see the movie too.

    Okay, No. Wrong. Buzz. SEGFAULT.

    Me: Um, Mavet, I thought I was taking you out to the movies. You know, a date.
    Her: Oh, I was thinking we were just hanging out. I don't date, so please don't use that word.

    I shit you not, That's exactly what she said. And what word have I been using this entire time? "Happy-fun-time"?
    So now I'm standing there, cell phone pressed against my ear, stunned into a brief silence. Here I am, having had to give my Death Note tickets to my sister and her friend, prepared to buy two tickets to a movie (of a genre I'm not particularly fond of,) Candy/popcorn/drink for her, a she doesn't think its a date?

    Her: So whats going on? Should I pick you up?
    Me: Hold on, can I call you back? I've just gotta call my folks and let them know. Parent's, you know?
    Her: Yeah, okay. Just don't take too long, the movie starts at 8:10.
    Me: Yeah, sure. Call you in a bit.
    *click* or I guess *beep*

    I call my dad, my quickest totem of girl wisdom, and let him know what just happened.
    His Response: Are you making this up?
    Me: Ugh... I wish I was.
    Dad: Look, obviously you were under the impression that this was going to be more than just "hanging out", and now you know she isn't.
    Me: Yeah, and now its, like, I'll pay for her but her friend is there now too.
    Dad: If, that's the case, you should...Whats the phrase?.. Go polish?
    Me: I think you mean Dutch. But I can't do that, I'm still kinda hoping to make a date out of this.
    Dad: Don't bother, she obviously doesn't see this as a date. You don't want to make this awkward.
    Me: Well what do I do?
    Dad: Hmm...Blame it on your mom and I. Tell her that we're coming to pick you up to take you out for dinner for your birthday tonight because tomorrow you're having relatives over.
    Me: That's good, alright. It kinda sucks, but okay, that's what I'll do.
    Dad: Son?
    Me: Yeah?
    Dad: You okay?
    Me: Yeah, a little bummed, but I'll be cool.
    Dad: Okay, see you when we get home.

    So that's what I did. Told her I'd see her on Tuesday.
    But how could she not know this was a date? The initial context of going to a movie was brought through asking her friend out on a date. Then I specifically asked her out to a movie, a venue which, between a guy and a gal, is traditionally used for dates. I was going to cover her part of the event, something the guy usually does on a date. How could she NOT KNOW?!

    The worst part is this would have been my first date. It's like, I was so close to the top of this mythical mountain, and then, all of a sudden, BOOM! Facefull of landslide. What did I do wrong?!

    Well, live an learn. Two steps forward, one step back. Just gotta keep on truckin.

    Just wanted to get all that off my chest and give this thread a little closure.

    ---END REPORT---
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • You have one fucking awesome dad. ^^
  • ......
    edited October 2008
    Me: I drink tea, coffee is kinda bleh to me.
    Quoted for truth. Coffee is horrendous. Sorry to hear about them damned dragons pulling the ship down. Sucks for now, but the world has not yet been sucked up in a black hole. So you still have time to find another girl. On a lighter note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Everyone, one, two, "You're older than you've ever been. And now you're even older. And now you're even older. And now you're even older. You're older than you've ever been. And now your even older. And now you're older still."
    You have one fucking awesome dad. ^^
    This needs to be quoted more. You have seriously no idea.

    EDIT: If you still feel bummed, have you already read the short story over at the xkcd blag?
    Post edited by ... on
  • Aww, Sonic. I'm sorry. Really sorry.

    I think it probably occurred to her that it was a date, I think she just wussed out. That really sucks. At least your parents are nice.
  • You have one fucking awesome dad. ^^
  • Them bitches is fickle.

    It happens. You'll live. Get back on the horse and try again.
  • Sorry, Sonic.

    I think this chick was kinda dumb not to know that it was a date. There's plenty of cooler chicks in college. No worries.
  • JayJay
    edited October 2008
    *sigh* Every day I would come and read this thread and it would cheer me up. Now this had to happen. I feel for you Sonic. Your father is full of win. If it makes you feel any better this has happened to me also. I met a girl and got her number; phoned her to arrange a date and got the line, “Date? Ohh I thought we could just hang out. You’re a really cool guy don’t want to mess that up you know?” She then proceeded to ask my advice on this really hot guy that works with her in the bakery. *rolls eyes* Needless to say I ended that conversation in short order.

    Well, I hope this doesn’t ruin your weekend. You did the best you could. You handled yourself very well.
    Post edited by Jay on
  • "Sorry - can we stay friends? I've lost too many friends because of this kind of stuff..."
  • Aww, Sonic. I'm sorry. Really sorry. I think it probably occurred to her that it was a date, I think she just wussed out. That really sucks. At least your parents are nice.
    Yeah, like everyone said, My dad is fucking awesome. And don't feel bad Emily. This made me a little bummed, but then I reread every "Questionable Content" comic and I'm better now (although I wish I knew a girl like Hanners). Besides, I'm gonna eat a fancy cake today and no doubt get money and/or material goods for free; How awesome is that?!
  • Yogurt? Who has a date over Yogurt? Must be a California thing.
    This made me lol. Have you been to a Pinkberry yet? Don't, it's like crack but legal. Just as bad for you too. But if you ever come across a Penguin's, you should totally try some.

    Anyway, I'm sorry, man. I definitely think she just wussed out. You don't really want go out with someone like that anyway. And you're really, really lucky to have that kind of relationship with your dad.
  • ......
    edited October 2008
    Besides, I'm gonna eat a fancy cake today
    For the betterment of humanity I wish for a picture of this cake. I'll find out how it'll benefit humans after seeing the picture. Perhaps.
    Post edited by ... on
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