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Fail of Your Day



  • I fail at trying to forget the girl that I have a crush on. :(
    I have the same problem. Just try less and less each day to focus on it, and it slowly gets better. Slowly. The longer you sat by idly, as I did, the longer it takes to move on.
  • edited November 2009
    Also, don't forget to drown your sorrows in cheap booze! It's the tried-and-true method.

    I'm kidding, just in case anyone was unsure. I would never recommend cheap booze.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • The problem is that she works right in front of my desk, literally :S
    But I am getting there guys, thanks :D
  • White Russians and Mastodon are your friends.
  • Also, don't forget to drown your sorrows in cheap booze! It's the tried-and-true method.
    This is always the solution.
  • Also, don't forget to drown your sorrows in cheap booze! It's the tried-and-true method.
    This isalwaysthe solution.
    Well, it WILL make "the girl you have a crush on" into a larger demographic, thus increasing your chances of success in pursuit...
  • edited November 2009
    One of my roommates has been playing Rock Band 2 for more than 3 hours straight. He does this every day, with no headphones.

    I'm living alone next year. Already have started finding one bedroom apartments.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • DC area sniper executed today at 9:11 PM with "no complications." Fails involved:
    • 9:11? You're killing the guy. Why'd you choose 9:11 PM to be his time of death? *facepalm*
    • The death penalty is uncivilized & is cruel and unusual punishment.
    • "No complications" with killing the guy? Yeah, god forbid he could die or something. Kidding! I understand what that means. I'm just grumpy.
  • GAH, so many things I object to in that post. Fuck it, I'm going to bed.
  • edited November 2009
    GAH, so many things I object to in that post. Fuck it, I'm going to bed.
    I guess you can say that this matter is...laid to rest?


    In other news, I'm in a quandary over my plans for the future, in addition to the roommate fail above. The more I read about MD/PhD prereqs, the more it looks like an obscene amount of work that will absorb the entirety of my existence, including time I'd rather spend traveling in lieu of copious research over the summer. I'm also having to weigh it against mechanical engineering and foreign policy. Second thoughts suck.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • GAH, so many things I object to in that post. Fuck it, I'm going to bed.
    This is the only argument you need against capital punishment.
  • edited November 2009
    Complications would be something that makes him suffer or prolong the death process. They try to make it as quick and painless as possible. SCOTUS has ruled the death penalty is not cruel and unusual for certain types of murder crimes. You're entitled to your opinion, but not everyone thinks the death penalty is inherently a bad thing. Not all of us consider it to be an automatic fail.

    9:11 though? That just seems like it was aimed at the media. Slightly tasteless.
    GAH, so many things I object to in that post. Fuck it, I'm going to bed.
    Thisis the only argument you need against capital punishment.
    Most of those guys didn't get a capital sentence. When you do get a capital sentence, there is a lengthy amount of time for appeals and review. I'm not saying the system is perfect. Just pointing out that the list is misleading if you don't delve further. It's not a list of people who got the death sentence and then were later found innocent.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • 9:11? Tasteless, yes. Death penalty for a man that indisputably shot 10 people to death senselessly and then defended himself with bizarre conspiracythink? Likely justifiable. And, for the record, I am a staunch opponent of the death penalty, if only because life in Supermax is a far, far worse punishment than death for society's scum.
  • Just pointing out that the list is misleading if you don't delve further. It's not a list of people who got the death sentence and then were later found innocent.
    It's only misleading if you assume that it's exclusively a list of people who received the death penalty. Many of them did receive the death sentence. Innocent people have been executed, and later exonerated by DNA evidence. That is completely unacceptable.

    It's interesting that if you google the phrase "every other civilized country in the world", almost every hit you get is about health care or the death penalty. :)
  • edited November 2009
    Which the context of the link implied, even if it wasn't intentional.

    I think it's great that we now have the technology to do DNA testing for verification in some cases. I agree that there should be a high burden of proof for a death penalty case; I don't like the idea of an average citizen evaluating evidence that should be subject to really strict scrutiny. However, my personal morals don't say that imposing death is an absolute evil. I can understand where the people who DO say that are coming from. I simply disagree. I would not be terribly upset if we banned the death penalty, but it doesn't currently distress me that we use it. If every other civilized country in the world wants to disagree with my morals, that's cool. I'm fine with that. I'm not out in front of a courthouse waving a sign that demands we execute anyone.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Complications would be something that makes him suffer or prolong the death process.
    I know. I was kidding.
    They try to make it as quick and painless as possible.
    I know.
    SCOTUS has ruled the death penalty is not cruel and unusual for certain types of murder crimes.
    ...And I disagree with them. If this weren't the case, this discussion wouldn't be happening because the death penalty would be eliminated. Durr.
    You're entitled to your opinion, but not everyone thinks the death penalty is inherently a bad thing. Not all of us consider it to be an automatic fail.
    I don't care. This is MY fail of the day.

    First, I see capital punishment as being entirely useless in our society. Second, I don't think the state should ever have the right to kill anyone, except in cases of self-defense (and war is a different argument for a different day).

    Anydangway, fuck that guy for killing all those people.
  • but it doesn't currently distress me that we use it.
    A year or change ago, we celebrate the 200th exoneration of death row inmates via DNA evidence.

    The fact that any death row inmates have been exonerated by DNA evidence is very distressing to me.

    I'd be far more comfortable if we had that evidence before condemning a person to death. At least life in prison is reversible; death is not so much.
  • edited November 2009
    I didn't say you shouldn't say it or that you were wrong. I'm just as much allowed to disagree with you as you are allowed to say that it is a fail. It's a complicated, subjective topic. I'm really tired of people stating things as if they are obvious black-and-white points lately.

    I'd be far more comfortable if we had that evidencebeforecondemning a person to death. At least life in prison is reversible; death is not so much.
    That's basically what I said. Higher standard of proof for the death sentence. And no, life in prison is not reversible at all. It's shortenable, but there is no way to get the lost time back or to undo the consequences, such as losing your possessions. Those people who were stuck in prison for years get out and don't even have the benefit of the prisoner re-introduction programs offered to inmates who complete their sentences. They just get dropped. Being sent to prison for a long time effectively ruins your life in most cases.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited November 2009
    Well, OK, "reversible" is the wrong word. A life sentence can be terminated, and while your life is ruined, you've still got life. That's something.

    But if we can get really solid evidence, I'm all for removing dangerous criminal elements from society.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Some people think imprisonment for life is enough of a removal from society. My personal feeling is that there are plenty of things worse than death, and some of them happen in prisons, so I'm not sure why they are ok when death shouldn't be. It really comes down to your feelings on killing and the circumstances where it acceptable. Lots of people have very different views on that point.
  • What do we do instead of execute? Send them to Supermax? Where they live on the government dime their whole life. I think it might be more economically feasible to have them work for the government in whatever field they had before their conviction... or something there aren't a lot of good options. not implying that the death penalty is good option
  • What do we do instead of execute? Send them to Supermax? Where they live on the government dime their whole life. I think it might be more economically feasible to have them work for the government in whatever field they had before their conviction... or something there aren't a lot of good options.not implying that the death penalty is good
    According to my reading (don't have time to find sources right now) it actually costs more to execute someone than to keep them in prison for life, due to the extensive appeals process (that Nuri alluded to above) required in death penalty cases.
  • edited November 2009
    Regardless of guilt, in my opinion, the death penalty should never be an option.
    My reasoning:
    1) It isn't a deterrent.
    2) The death penalty is vengeance, not justice. If a person commits a terrible act that harms society, then they should be removed from society. As we have ways of removing the person without killing them, killing should never be an option.
    3) No justice system is foolproof. The death penalty is unjustifiable in a fallible system.
    4) To deem life to be so precious that if one takes a life they forfeit their own seems to be self negating. Either life is precious or it isn't.
    5) In light of the assumed social contract, any person that benefits from a society also ascribes to the society in full and takes on a certain amount of responsibility for their society's actions unless they directly work to change those actions, leave the society or refuse the benefits of that society. As such, any society that utilizes capital punishment makes its members de facto killers. There are some causes that my personal morality would find this justifiable (unavoidable warfare, ect.). As long as there is another reasonable option other than death, I refuse to be made a murderer by association.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited November 2009
    The more I read about MD/PhD prereqs, the more it looks like an obscene amount of work that will absorb the entirety of my existence, including time I'd rather spend traveling in lieu of copious research over the summer. I'm also having to weigh it against mechanical engineering and foreign policy. Second thoughts suck.
    You really need to get that MD. Just think about how much in demand your skills will be post-apocalypse.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited November 2009
    You really need to get that MD. Just think about how much in demand your skills will be post-apocalypse.
    I don't know, being able to engineer things correctly would be in high demand as well. Where as My IT skills will be untterly useless. :P

    EDIT: So I'm most of the way through my morning breakfast routine only to realize I ate the last slice of already cooked bacon yesterday. *sigh*
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • 1. Might have the flu. Scheduled appointment with college health center, so hoping for the best. At least my weakness is gone for the most part.

    2. My water smells like sulfur and it's annoying me. Hopefully the apartment complex will be able to fix it since the remedies I looked up looked rather complicated (or they'd violate any ToS)
  • Business fail, Potbelly franchise closed by me only after being open for 4 months.
  • This is a tough time to start a new business. I am sorry it didn't work out for you.
  • edited November 2009
    My boss is currently trying to fix our color copier. A fairly important looking part from inside has fallen off do to her fiddling with it. A small spring has popped off as well. She is trying to fix a bit on the important looking part that she insists has become bent.....with a hammer.

    This will not end well.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Why isn't she calling someone to repair it that has some expertise? Those machines are expensive.
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