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Fail of Your Day



  • Maybe he has a diminutive member.
    So? I've always thought we need more midgets in parliament.
  • Let me refine my statement - I shan't speak on it in a public forum, due to the results of such, which were of epic hilarity, but enough of a failure on the parts of others to warrant the posting in this thread, rather than TOYD, Booyah, or Fail of your booyah.
    Man, fuck tha po-lice.
    Churba, take the motherfuckin' stand.
  • Churba, take the motherfuckin' stand.
    Do I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help my black ass? You're goddamn right.
  • edited November 2009
    My copy of CS4 is saying my S/N is invaled. AGAIN!!! the first time was understandable for reasons I will not get into but the brand new one that was just purchased is getting refused again.

    fuck you Adobe.

    and I need to finish makeing a George Harrison by monday morning and I'm no where near done.
    Post edited by Scotty_Did on
  • It has not been a good week. That is all.
  • My dog of roughly 13 years had to be put to sleep today.
  • Aww, man. I'm sorry. It's hard losing a pet.
  • Diddgery, I am so sorry for you. Please accept my condoloscences. I know that is a really difficult thing to endure. I wish ypu strength in the coming days to deal with this.

    The only thing I can tell you for sure is that the pain and sadness you feel now will eventually decrease over time.

    The life span of dogs and horses is my favorite argument against intelligent design. What kind of intelligent designer would give such short lifespans to dogs and horses and then let a god-damn turtle live for two hundred years?
  • I had a dog die this year too. It's rough.
  • My dog of roughly 13 years had to be put to sleep today.
    I'm so sorry to hear about this. My thoughts and words echo HungryJoe's statements.
  • I feel for you too, man. I've never even had my own dog, and I know how hard it is.
  • Especially if you grew up with the dog. Gigi was around since I was 11 and died when I was 23. It was like losing a childhood friend.
  • One of my most hoped-for developments in science is the lengthening of canine lifespans.
  • My copy of CS4 is saying my S/N is invaled. AGAIN!!! the first time was understandable for reasons I will not get into but the brand new one that was just purchased is getting refused again.
    It happens. My professor has to do this every single week. It's just one more reason why copy protection sucks.
  • It happens. My professor has to do this every single week. It's just one more reason why copy protection sucks
    Seriously? Well, there goes my potential $1000 out of Adobe's pockets. CS2 works just fine for me.
  • edited November 2009
    It happens. My professor has to do this every single week. It's just one more reason why copy protection sucks
    Seriously? Well, there goes my potential $1000 out of Adobe's pockets. CS2 works just fine for me.
    According to my professor, he only sees this problem with site licenses, not end-user licenses. You should be alright. Should being key word.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • Copy protection on Adobe products? Just go into your hosts file and set to
  • Copy protection on Adobe products? Just go into your hosts file and set to
    no idea what that means
    My copy of CS4 is saying my S/N is invaled. AGAIN!!! the first time was understandable for reasons I will not get into but the brand new one that was just purchased is getting refused again.
    It happens. My professor has to do this every single week. It's just one more reason why copy protection sucks.
    what did he do? I need to figure this out cause I need CS4 for my classes.
  • no idea what that means
    Simple. It means that the computer will try to connect to itself rather than Adobe's server in order to activate Adobe products. I can't confirm that it works, but at least in theory it's trivial.
  • edited November 2009
    no idea what that means
    Simple. It means that the computer will try to connect to itself rather than Adobe's server in order to activate Adobe products. I can't confirm that it works, but at least in theory it's trivial.
    Nope, that's pretty much the way to crack CS4.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • Had an argument with my dad yesterday that's left me feeling really down and as a result I've decided not to go to an old friend's birthday today as I don't feel like being around lots of people. Going to watch Whispers of the Heart to cheer myself up.

    Also, ate a slice of salami that turned out to be half a month past it's sell-by date..
  • edited November 2009
    what did he do? I need to figure this out cause I need CS4 for my classes.
    From what I understand, he yells at Adobe customer service. I would suggest taking that course of action. There's also the host file trick the Tick mentioned. After you get this fixed, I would suggest taking his advice.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • fixed my problem
  • I'm currently "on ignore" (hold) with Microsoft/Xbox customer support in regards to my newly purchased 360 two days ago. When I registered my 360 today, it said the warranty will expire on 01/01/2010. WTF? This is my third time calling. The first time, the customer support agent apparently couldn't understand my English and said he was going to call back and never did. The second time I got disconnected when I was getting transferred to a supervisor. Hopefully, the third time will be a charm.

    I also have to request to get a Microsoft Hard Drive Transfer Kit in order to transfer the data from the old 20gb hard drive to the new 60gb hard drive. You can apparently only get them through Microsoft only. I really enjoyed how the automated system said I could order online, but I couldn't find any way how other than to call in.

    I am also pretty sure Microsoft outsources their customer support in the Philippines. I know a pinoy accent when I hear one.
  • Somehow, someway, I got my mic cord tangled in the wheel of my chair. When trying to pull it out, I broke my mic. Guess what I'm asking for this Christmas?
  • Fail of my day: I came across this today and realised how sad it is in hindsight.
  • My fail of earlier today.

    Throughout the week I've been constantly sick with flu-like symptoms. While I went to the college Health Center on Wednesday for the Flu, I was told I should stick to my medicine of Excedrin and Cold Multi-Symptom pills. Thursday I got cough drops because my throat was then becoming the most annoying thing. But on Saturday as I went, they said that I don't have Strep Throat like I had though.

    They believed I was looking at pneumonia. So hopefully I'll be cured from that in another week thanks to some pills the doctor gave me. (Which turned out to be free samples, but hey, can't complain. They work)
  • I bashed my head on the corner of a brick wall... twice.
  • The apartment was almost set on fire again. This time Jed was involved.
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