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Fail of Your Day



  • I have to work Saturday, Sunday, and both of the days that I had taken off next week (the day before and after T-day).
    I wouldn't stand for that.
    I have no choice, really. The work has to get done, since it's a potential public health issue, and I am very literally the only employee in the lab who is both authorized to do the work and in town for the holiday.
  • Oh, Pete! Will we see you at all on Saturday night?
  • Oh, Pete! Will we see you at all on Saturday night?
    Oh, of course. I'm helping my mom move at 10 AM, and that should only take a few hours or so. I'm stopping into work after that, and work will only take an hour at the most.
  • My fail is that my eyes have been fucking killing me the past few days. It's been a long time since I played video games before L4D2, and for some reason now when I play for an hour or two my eyes start hurting and I blink a lot. Am I out of screen-viewing "shape" or what? I have no idea.
  • My fail is that my eyes have been fucking killing me the past few days. It's been a long time since I played video games before L4D2, and for some reason now when I play for an hour or two my eyes start hurting and I blink a lot. Am I out of screen-viewing "shape" or what?
    That was happening to me a while back -- I never actually figured out what it was, but it went away. Maybe try messing with the light levels in the room or something?
  • I have to get rid of my bunny when I go home for Thanksgiving break. Apparently, my mom has developed allergies to rabbits over the 10 years we've had him. I don't know what I'm going to do with him, and my mom's only suggestion is to have him put down.
  • My fail is that my eyes have been fucking killing me the past few days. It's been a long time since I played video games before L4D2, and for some reason now when I play for an hour or two my eyes start hurting and I blink a lot. Am I out of screen-viewing "shape" or what?
    That was happening to me a while back -- I never actually figured out what it was, but it went away. Maybe try messing with the light levels in the room or something?
    I keep my room pretty well lit, so I don't think it's that.
  • edited November 2009
    I have to get rid of my bunny when I go home for Thanksgiving break. Apparently, my mom has developed allergies to rabbits over the 10 years we've had him. I don't know what I'm going to do with him, and my mom's only suggestion is to have him put down.
    What?!! Now, I'm not exactly a rabbit person, but I would ask you to not even think about killing a living thing just because it would be convenient. I'm not familiar with your situation, but please just think about doing something else. There has to be some other option, even if there doesn't look like there's one now. Get together with Emily, Matt, and Omnutia and brainstorm something.

    You've had him for ten years? There has to be more to this than Thanksgiving convenience.

    Wait, wait. I just realized - Is the rabbit actually at your mom's or is he with you? I thought from the way I first read your post that he was with you and that your mom didn't want you to bring him with you for Thanksgiving and you had nowhere else for him to stay. If he's living with your mom, it casts things in a bit of a different light, but it still doesn't in any way justify putting him down. DON'T do that!

    Edit: I just can't stop thinking about this. Are you sure you're reporting this correctly? Is this some sort of trolling attempt? Don't you live near Baltimore? There has to be a hundred different places you can donate him to that woudn't put him down. Jeez. Now I'm going to be sad about this all through Thanksgiving and I've never even seen him and I don't even like rabbits all that much. For goodness' sake. Now I'm starting to cry a little. No, it's just my contact lenses. I just have something in my eye . . . stop looking at me! I'm not crying!
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I have to get rid of my bunny when I go home for Thanksgiving break. Apparently, my mom has developed allergies to rabbits over the 10 years we've had him. I don't know what I'm going to do with him, and my mom's only suggestion is to have him put down.
    Are there shelters for bunnies?

    Option 2: Hasenpfeffer
  • Option 2:Hasenpfeffer
    FUCK YOU, PETE! FUCK YOU!!!!!11!!!
  • I have to get rid of my bunny when I go home for Thanksgiving break. Apparently, my mom has developed allergies to rabbits over the 10 years we've had him. I don't know what I'm going to do with him, and my mom's only suggestion is to have him put down.
    Google spewed out a bunch of stuff for the search "rabbit rescue". Surely one of those organizations the can help in this situation.

    It seems a shame to put an animal down who isn't sick or dangerous.
  • I have to get rid of my bunny when I go home for Thanksgiving break. Apparently, my mom has developed allergies to rabbits over the 10 years we've had him. I don't know what I'm going to do with him, and my mom's only suggestion is to have him put down.
    Google spewed out a bunch of stuff for the search "rabbit rescue". Surely one of those organizations the can help in this situation.
    See? Please, PLEASE tell us you'll look into something like this.
  • Option 2:Hasenpfeffer
    FUCK YOU, PETE! FUCK YOU!!!!!11!!!
    My place or yours?
  • edited November 2009
    Are there shelters for bunnies?
    Even if there are shelters in that area that take bunnies, the likelihood is that Li's bunny would just be put down if taken to a shelter. A 10-year-old Netherland dwarf, no matter how energetic or sweet, isn't particularly adoptable. The bunny is unfortunately just too old to be realistically up for adoption, and would end up being put down. Your best bet is to find a friend or relative who doesn't mind taking him in.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Sounds like Joe might want a pet rabbit.
  • edited November 2009
    Sounds like Joe might want a pet rabbit.
    No. I just don't want to think about some poor old rabbit with a death sentence because Mommy has developed the sniffles.
    Option 2:Hasenpfeffer
    FUCK YOU, PETE! FUCK YOU!!!!!11!!!
    My place or yours?
    Actually, now that my eyes are drying up, I'm reminded of a little joke:

    A bear and a rabbit were shitting in the woods. The bear said to the rabbit, "Hey, does the shit stick to your fur?"

    The rabbit said, "Yeah, my fur absorbs shit like a sponge". So, the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited November 2009
    No. I just don't want to think about some poor old rabbit with a death sentence because Mommy has developed the sniffles
    Then man up and do something about it. ~_^
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • No. I just don't want to think about some poor old rabbit with a death sentence because Mommy has developed the sniffles
    Then man up and do something about it. ~_^
    Fuck. Li, contact me if you can't work anything out. But try everything else first. My wife would kill me if I told her I had to find a home for an internet bunnie.
  • Oh, Pete! Will we see you at all on Saturday night?
    Oh, of course. I'm helping my mom move at 10 AM, and that should only take a few hours or so. I'm stopping into work after that, and work will only take an hour at the most.
    Your mom's so fat she needs help to move?
  • Oh, Pete! Will we see you at all on Saturday night?
    Oh, of course. I'm helping my mom move at 10 AM, and that should only take a few hours or so. I'm stopping into work after that, and work will only take an hour at the most.
    Your mom's so fat she needs help to move?
    Pete's mom is so fat she generates her own gravity well.
  • Today my roommate told me about Feminist Dictionary. After hearing his stories about what was written in that book I was left speechless, seriously.
    Space: Area, room. Men have a lot more space in this world than women who have difficulty finding space.

    Soldier: A military person who is rewarded not only with money, but also with honour; the mother receives neither.
  • Pete's mom is so fat she generates her own gravity well.
    To be fair, so do you.
  • edited November 2009
    Pete's mom is so fat she generates her own gravity well.
    To be fair, so do you.
    Jeez, I knew someone would take the geek road of overanalysis and say that. Just let the joke pass, willya?

    Pete's mom is so fat, the last time she saw 90210 was on a bathroom scale.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Jeez, I knew someone would say this. Just let the joke pass, willya?
    It's 5 oclock on Friday at work. I'm pointing out the technicalities of physics, I'm bored!
  • Jeez, I knew someone would say this. Just let the joke pass, willya?
    It's 5 oclock on Friday at work. I'm pointing out the technicalities of physics, I'm bored!
    I'm doing the same, but I'm wasting taxpayer money at the same time.
  • It seems a shame to put an animal down who isn't sick or dangerous.
    Indeed. A nice paella valenciana is always a good option, however.
  • The popcorn popper I've been using to roast my coffee just died. Time for a more permanent solution.
  • My huge fail of the day is that I found a company that does full retail-ready CD packages(mastering, duplication, insert printing, imprinting, shrinkwraping, the works) for about a $100 less than what I've been making them for DIY. Their CDs are also way fucking nicer than what I've been doing, too. So much work, time, and money that I could have saved...

    Oh well, at least I know now. And they do awesome cheap print jobs too. I will definitely be utilizing their services in the future.
  • Wrong perspective, Sail. That's a win, not a fail.
    At the very least, it should be in the Fail of your Boo-Yah thread.
  • Steam fucked up my L4D2 download and now I'll have to redownload the entire game to play beyond the first two maps of Hard Rain.
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