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Fail of Your Day



  • edited November 2009
    A second guy just tried to kiss my girlfriend. Do men nowadays have no shame? Both guys who have attempted had girlfriends, and both ended up in terrible pain afterward.

    EDIT: From her! Not me.

    EDIT AGAIN: Also, I just realized I've spent all night burning characters for the Burning Geekchat. I have no sense of time.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Do men nowadays have no shame?
  • Shame? What's that?
  • Google Voice automatic voicemail transcription from my brother:

    What he said:
    Hey bro, just wanted to invite you to the the UFC tonight, it probably won't happen but I just wanted to let you know that you're welcome to come by. We're gonna go watch it at my friend Mike's house, he's got a big screen tv and everything. Uh, you're welcome to come, but, you know.
    What Google Voice said:
    Hey bro, just wanted to let you that you have. See you tonight you probably, and I'm pro will happen. But 20 Lee know you're welcome to come by and watch them. I found myself you suck big strange you know, thanks, you were gonna come first, but you know.
    I suck big strange.
  • edited November 2009
    I am about to scream. I'm playing Pokemon Platinum and I finally beat the Elite Four which leaves Cynthia, the Champion. She's got a good mix of Pokemon but the most annoying of them is Garchomp. I also got one of those so in essence it comes down which Garchomp can kill the other first, usually with Dragon Rush. My Garchomp being lower in level, I'm a bit in a disadvantage here.

    So now in one try (of many from savepoints after the Elite Four :/) I had her down to Garchomp and Roserade while I have to cling on with Revives. Her Garchomp finally ran out of Dragon Rushes and I can finally kill it with one of my own, then I have to revive my Staraptor and she kills it twice with Sludge Bomb. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Edit: What annoys me even more about this is that I might have done better by reviving my Infernape instead of the Staraptor but I was blinded a bit because on an earlier try the Staraptor killed her Roserade with a single Fly.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I always beat her with my Vaporeon (Poseidon) before my Pokemon were at a high level. Aurora Beam would take out around 75% of it's health and I would just keep using Full Restores until it missed an attack. Now that my entire team is at level 100, I just use my own Garchomp (Atlas) and rape it with Dragon Meteor. What Pokemon are you using, if you don't mind me asking?
  • Roselia, Garchomp, Infernape, Luxray (L58 all), Staraptor (L52, developed it late), Kadabra (L56).
  • w00t, I finally beat that bitch! I got lucky because the first of her Dragon Rushes missed, but I take it. Took me long enough.
  • Roselia, Garchomp, Infernape, Luxray (L58 all), Staraptor (L52, developed it late), Kadabra (L56).
    That's a pretty solid line-up, I use an Infernape (Hephaestus), Mow Rotom (Zeus), Vaporeon (Poseidon), Garchomp (Atlas), Gallade (Dionysus), Skarmory (Ares). While they're all at level 100, I'm still trying to get their move sets to be the best they can be. The one sticking point I'm currently on is Poseidon's ice-type move. It's currently Blizzard, but it's not too reliable. I'm thinking about Ice Beam, but getting the necessary amount of coins from the Game Corner is a real bitch.
  • Oh god, I just looked at a garchomp, it looks like a fade shagged a whale..
  • In Windows 7, it is impossible (without a 3rd-party app) to change your laptop power plan from high performance to power saver from the battery meter next to the clock. This feature is available by default in Vista. What the hell, Microsoft?
  • Today isn't as sunny as yesterday, and there's less going on.
  • Finally realized why I keep almost running lights in DC. They have no traffic lights hanging over the center of the intersection. They's all on the corners, I presume because it looks nicer. Safety fail DC.
  • Roselia, Garchomp, Infernape, Luxray (L58 all), Staraptor (L52, developed it late), Kadabra (L56).
    All you need to do is raise your starter and three pokemon that cover it. The other two pokemon are just there to learn HMs because the nonwater ones are terrible. Having a team of six equally level monsters just splits up the experience too much.
  • I just received this in an e-mail:

    My name is Elena, I have 32 year and I apply to you from a little Russian town. I work in local library and I can use computer afterwards I finish work if possible. Our postiion is very difficulty and I decided to write you this desperate letter.

    I having daughter - 8 years old, her father leaved us and we live with my mother.

    As effect of deep crisis lately my mother miss job (a bakery where she was worked was closed) and our situation became terrible.

    Gas and electricity is very expensive in our town and we cannot afford to use it for heating our home anymore.

    It is very cold already in our town and weather become colder each day. We are very much distressed and we havenot experience how to do.

    Only possible way for us to heating our home is to use portable wood burning oven which supply with heat from burning wood. We have enough wood in our district and this oven will provide heat for our household completely winter for minimal cost.

    Trouble is that we unable to buy this oven in our city because it price 8176 roubles (equivalent of 191 Euro) and we cannot to afford it because this amount is fortune for us.

    In case if you possess any old portable wood burning oven and if you finished to use it, we will be very glad if you could gift it for us and organize transportation of this oven to our adress (170 km from Moscow). That ovens usually difference and weight about 110 kg.

    I pray to hear from you soon.

  • I just received this in an e-mail:
    Wooaaah, weird letter requesting an oven.
    That's really weird. Why you? Is this a craigslist response?
    It sounds as ridiculous as your typical scam, but what would anybody really get out of something oddly specific like an oven? I wonder if it is just sincere and bizarre, or if the writer hopes to rope you into sending money through further emails.
  • I wonder if it is just sincere and bizarre, or if the writer hopes to rope you into sending money through further emails.
    The very specific amount of money and handy conversion rate suggests the latter.
  • True that.
  • First thought I had: W-W-W-WOODBURNIN OVEN!!!!
  • portable wood burning oven
    That ovens usually difference and weight about 110 kg.
    Sorry to say, but 110 Kilos is not goddamn portable.

    Also, you can easily tell she's not Russian - She's saying how much something is in roubles. Only tourists use roubles in Russia.
  • edited November 2009
    Li, what's the story with your rabbit?
    Finally realized why I keep almost running lights in DC. They have no traffic lights hanging over the center of the intersection. They's all on the corners, I presume because it looks nicer. Safety fail DC.
    *Said in a friendly way* - I think the real safety fail is that you drive in DC at all. I've been here for years and I've never operated a motor vehicle inside the beltway. Too, too scary.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited November 2009
    Well, not that anybody cares but yesterday was the Magic: The Gathering World Championships. The team from my native Austria got into the Finals for the team competition and David Reitbauer of Austria also got into the Finals for individual competition. And both lost. Ugh.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Li, what's the story with your rabbit?
    I honestly have no idea at the moment. I probably won't know until I go home.
  • edited November 2009
    Li, what's the story with your rabbit?
    I honestly have no idea at the moment. I probably won't know until I go home.
    Well, I know that you have school obligations; but have you looked into a rescue, boarding him with a friend, or anythhing like that?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited November 2009
    *Said in a friendly way* - I think the real safety fail is that you drive in DC at all. I've been here for years and I've never operated a motor vehicle inside the beltway. Too, too scary.
    When I drive to DC I say we're now leaving the free world and entering socialist hell. The extremely low speed limits, the roads that change randomly, two roads named the same thing next to each other, traffics lights every 100 yards, the traffic, and above all else THE FUCKING SPEED CAMERAS!!!

    Trust me, I hate driving in DC and avoid it whenever I can, but I had to take Uncle Yo back to the train station.
    Post edited by George Patches on

  • You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder why I'm still a Republican!
  • edited November 2009
    Re: The rabbit. Contact the house rabbit society for starters. They might be able to find you a foster family. I'll even call on your behalf. I know where to go on the net.
    Unfortunately, I can't take the rabbit at the moment, because we are moving. I'm sure you will work something out. Your mom? I'm sorry, but she is being kind of a bitch about this. I don't think she really has allergies, especially because she tried to do this before, like, a year ago. Also, dude. Petfinder? Sheesh, I can't believe that if she wanted to give the rabbit away she didn't go through pet finder. That's just lazy.
    I just can't stop thinking about this. Are you sure you're reporting this correctly? Is this some sort of trolling attempt? Don't you live near Baltimore? There has to be a hundred different places you can donate him to that woudn't put him down. Jeez. Now I'm going to be sad about this all through Thanksgiving and I've never even seen him and I don't even like rabbits all that much. For goodness' sake. Now I'm starting to cry a little. No, it's just my contact lenses. I just have something in my eye . . . stop looking at me! I'm not crying!
    We'll work something out, I'm sure.

    Also, to all you people suggesting rabbit recipes, you guys are booger heads. I understand people eating farm raised rabbit, but please understand that this is a pet with a great deal of emotional attachment, just like a cat or a dog. If you had to put down your dog and I posted Korean Dog Hotpot recipes, you would be cross with me. Do unto others, Pete and all you dopes.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Do unto others, Pete and all you dopes.
    Green text! Green text!
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