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Fail of Your Day



  • My grandmother passed away last night.
    My deepest condolences to you and your family Kate.
  • edited January 2010
    We were close, but she was in her early eighties and her dementia (exacerbated by a broken hip) made her recently unable to live in her own home anymore. I am glad she was only in that state for a little over a month. My grandfather passed away 11 years ago and she often stated quite frankly that she was ready to be with him again. They met when she was thirteen and he was fourteen. He went home that day and told his mother "I am going marry that girl." He proposed to her at her senior prom - he had taken leave from the Navy in WWII specifically to be there - and they married after his service. They both worked, raised two children, were active in their community, founded Masque of Temple Terrace (a community theatre), volunteered with the Guardian ad Litem program, they traveled quite a bit, and always made it clear that their family was not only their primary priority, but also their greatest joy outside of each other.
    She passed away the same way she lived her life - with grace and peace.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I'm sorry for your loss, Kate.
  • Tonight I observed the greatest of all of Tech's traditions. The choke.
  • I am sorry for your loss Kate, my condolences go to you and your family.
  • Sorry to hear that, Kate. I knew she had gone into the hospital when we were up. My condolences.

    My fail, which happened this weekend. The Muse Games office caught on fire. The place looks like a bomb went off and smells like a rotten barbecue of burning plastic, paint, and wet dog. Luckily my computer was under a desk, was not hit by the sprinklers, and only has a bit of smoke damage. We salvaged most of the hard drives and I have all my data backed up. I am currently working from the apartment, set up in the kitchen, with my trusty g5 making a big sooty stink while I continue my work.

    Yeah, looks like Game Night is canceled this month, guys.
  • My fail, which happened this weekend. The Muse Games office caught on fire. The place looks like a bomb went off and smells like a rotten barbecue of burning plastic, paint, and wet dog. Luckily my computer was under a desk, was not hit by the sprinklers, and only has a bit of smoke damage. We salvaged most of the hard drives and I have all my data backed up. I am currently working from the apartment, set up in the kitchen, with my trusty g5 making a big sooty stink while I continue my work.

    Yeah, looks like Game Night is canceled this month, guys.
    OH NO! That sucks, Emily!
  • Eh, it could have been worse. No one was hurt, the data was recovered. The office itself is ruined, as well as all our furniture, but that is not the first priority.

    Our Blog Post about it
    Hey, you wanna help, Guns of Icarus is still on sale! Only 5 dollars! 5 bucks that go to getting Emily a new office chair that is not soggy and charred.
  • Thanks for your condolences. They are appreciated.
    @ Emily: I am so glad that no one was in the office! Thank goodness you are all okay.
  • It was mostly inside the wall, so our office got the worst of it. Ah well. Everybody is rolling with the punches and picking up the pieces best they can.
  • It's things like these that make me realize how little I have to complain about. Tough start to the year for you both.
  • Damn! Good thing you didn't lose anything important, like hard drives or a co-worker or something.
  • A lull in office activity has got me pondering new cars again. After riding in Pete's excellent Honda Fit this weekend I'm thinking about a Civic Si.
  • It turns out wearing headphones with cups that press against your ears, instead of pressing on the area around them, gives you a pain that feels like what you get when you listen to music too loud.
  • edited January 2010
    Edit: wrong thread.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Apparently my performance appraisal award is lost and I was supposed to receive it this Friday. No one in Human Resources is answering their phone calls. Everyone else in my department has received their awards. Boo.
  • Andrew WK is not Andrew WK.
    Popular memes and subcultural rumours suggest that another person, known as "Steev Mike", is behind Andrew W.K.'s music.[26] The rumours began with the release of Andrew's first album, "I Get Wet", when many music critics and industry insiders accused Andrew W.K. of being a corporate rock think-tank construction. When a series of websites appeared in November 2004, supposedly created by someone calling himself "Steev Mike", the early accusations began to ring of truth. Andrew WK's website also appeared to have been hacked during the same time period.

    In November 2004, Andrew addressed the issue for the first time - in an open letter posted on his official website, he wrote, "PLEASE DON'T BELIEVE STEEV MIKE. I USED TO CALL MYSELF STEEV MIKE A LONG TIME AGO AND IT'S NOTHING NOW. Someone is trying to confuse you and make me look bad.".[27]

    A 2000 article from UK magazine Dazed & Confused, which featured a full-page story on "Steev Mike", but showed a photo and discography of "Andrew W.K.".[28] Steev Mike was listed as "Executive Producer" on Andrew's first album "I Get Wet". Three years later, Steev Mike was listed again on Andrew's DVD "Who Knows", and on Andrew's third album, "Close Calls With Brick Walls", as "Executive Producer".

    In March 2006, a 1992 Bulb Records 7" 45 recorded under the name Steev Mike was discovered. The tracks on the record were found to be the same as Bulb band Couch's first EP, except for the last track, which was Couch's track Old Man instead of the listed track (Is This) Time Travel Man.

    In May 2009 Andrew discussed the "Steev Mike" rumours once again in an interview with British magazine, Front. In the interview he states, "Steev Mike is the executive producer on my first album. The nature of how we presented my initial offerings caused some confusion, even though I tried to make it as straight forward as possible".[29] He also adds later in the interview, in reference to rumours of him being a "puppet" for a record label, "Most of what you've heard is exaggerated but the parts that are true may be more disturbing than you'd hoped".[29]

    In December 2009 during a lecture at Madame Jojo's in London, Andrew W.K. finally admitted that the Andrew W.K. persona was created by a committee including himself, his father, and other individuals. Claiming, "I'm not the guy you've seen from the I Get Wet album...I'm not that same person. I don't just mean that in a philosophical or conceptual way. It's not the same person at all." He continued to say that people were auditioned to play the part of Andrew W.K. and that the music and performances were created, "in the spirit of commerce." Finally, in an interview from the same video he says, "I thought it would be more interesting if my secret history was revealed after the fact rather than as a precursor".[30]

  • edited January 2010
    I went to a local tobacco shop to acquire gentlemanly pipe. It turns out "tobacco shop" around here means "convenience store run by man in jeans and jean vest that specializes in tobacco." All the pipes were made of metal insides with wood patterned bakelite casings. I left after five awkward minutes.
    Andrew WK is not Andrew WK.
    This reminds me of how MF DOOM has fake DOOMs go on stage for him sometimes. Hilarious. However, I am a bit disappointed that the man behind such masterpieces as "Party Party Party," "Party Hard," and "Party Till You Puke" is really just a personality construct.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Andrew WK is not Andrew WK.
    This reminds me of how MF DOOM has fake DOOMs go on stage for him sometimes. Hilarious. However, I am a bit disappointed that the man behind such masterpieces as "Party Party Party," "Party Hard," and "Party Till You Puke" is really just a personality construct.
    I feel the total opposite. I think the AWK thing is hilarious, but I feel DOOM's thing is kind of crumby. I can't really put my finger on why I take one over the other. If anything, your outlook would be more correct because DOOM has said that he wants his character to live on even if he, himself, should die.
  • edited January 2010
    I shouldn't have read the news today. Double RAAAAAAAGE :

    1)Japanese Whalers up to their usual antics. They rammed a defenseless protest vessel without any provocation other than that these people protest their whaling for scientific research(into how good whales taste) and then claimed it was all the protest vessel's fault purposely getting in their way. They aimed for the cockpit and attempted to kill the crew by sinking the vessel, and after they rammed the vessel, they refused to answer a mayday call. When asked if they were worried about the Sea Shepard group pressing charges, they rather ominously stated "There's no law down here, there's no way to bring charges against anybody". Also, this is far from the first time they've attacked or tried to sink Protest vessels.

    2)There's a KFC ad back home, that depicts calming a group of rowdy West Indian Cricket fans with everyone present sharing some buckets of KFC chicken.
    Some groups in America are protesting that it's racist, because it "Obviously intentionally" perpetuates the stereotype that African Americans eat a lot of Fried chicken. This Advert never used in the US, and was never going to be used in the US, and frankly, had nothing to do with the US.

    Dear Indignant Americans,

    I must send you this letter regarding a few points.

    1)If something is not intended, shown, and has no interaction in your country, you can't do goddamn thing about it. This might be an alien concept, but it's none of your bloody business, you nasty, nosy little people.
    We may be predominantly white, and predominantly speak English, but that does not mean we are American, nor that you have any power or control over us whatsoever. You're not the world police, you're not even a mall security guard with a plastic badge, so if you would be so kind, and at your earliest convenience, Fuck off.

    2) People from The West Indies are not African or American, nor any combination of the two, you racist, presumptuous morons. This may come as a slight surprise, but darker skinned people come in more varieties than "African", "African American", and "Terrorist".

    Thank you very much for your time.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I feel the total opposite. I think the AWK thing is hilarious, but I feel DOOM's thing is kind of crumby. I can't really put my finger on why I take one over the other. If anything, your outlook would be more correct because DOOM has said that he wants his character to live on even if he, himself, should die.
    Well, I'd be really pissed if I paid money for a DOOM show and got a DOOM clone, but by the same token, DOOM is at least upfront about the fact that maybe its not him you're seeing.
  • Dear America,
    Oi! Don't lump all of us in with that lot!
  • Oi! Don't lump all of us in with that lot!
    Hey, you live there, that makes you part of them. I kid, I kid - Edited.
  • edited January 2010
    Dear America,
    Oi! Don't lump all of us in with that lot!
    Yeah, seriously. I don't quite follow your first point, either. I mean, Sea Shepard is an independent (if annoying as hell) group. They don't represent American public opinion, even if some 'Mericans eat that shit up. Hating the "World Police" attitude is valid, but the US Government isn't all like "Hey, Japan, knock that shit off!"

    As for the second point, that's a whole lot of derp, but again, not all Americans are pansy-ass, ignorant PC types.

    EDIT: Okay, saw your edit.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • In response to the Andrew Wk Conspiracy Theory I direct you to Andrew WK's statement regarding the fake identity conspiracy and to the video he put out regarding the conspiracy.

    Regardless, it is entertainment. Either you are entertained or you aren't. Get over it.
  • Meh, who really cares if Andrew WK is real or not? We all know the best musical persona of all time is KRAUSER-SAMA!!!
  • edited January 2010
    We all know the best musical persona of all time is KRAUSER-SAMA!!!
    Andrew W.K. counters the hundred-rapes-per-minute growl with a hundred-parties-per-minute yell.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I've seen the statement, and all he's really saying is that this whole thing doesn't make his art or craft any less legitimate, which it doesn't. Andrew WK is a persona, but Andrew WK is also a living, breathing music artist behind the persona. He's only addressing the idea that this veil automatically makes him a fictional entity who was only born from the minds of music executives.
  • I've seen the statement, and all he's really saying is that this whole thing doesn't make his art or craft any less legitimate, which it doesn't. Andrew WK is a persona, but Andrew WK is also a living, breathing music artist behind the persona. He's only addressing the idea that this veil automatically makes him a fictional entity who was only born from the minds of music executives.
    Not entirely, but close enough for a wash. Is anyone naive enough to believe that most popular musicians don't create a stage persona?
  • edited January 2010
    Yeah, seriously. I don't quite follow your first point, either. I mean, Sea Shepard is an independent (if annoying as hell) group. They don't represent American public opinion, even if some 'Mericans eat that shit up. Hating the "World Police" attitude is valid, but the US Government isn't all like "Hey, Japan, knock that shit off!"
    Sorry, that's separate - That's purely rage at the Japanese whalers, who are assholes. I'm right behind Sea Shepard and Greenpeace on this issue.
    As for the second point, that's a whole lot of derp, but again, not all Americans are pansy-ass, ignorant PC types.
    I know. But the vocal majority makes it seem otherwise. And this kind of stupidity can only colour American's perception of Australia as a backward, oblivious, idiot nation populated by Steve Irwin and Mick Dundee Clones, when we're not being utterly ignored.
    Post edited by Churba on
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