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Fail of Your Day



  • Global cooling
    Oh, I am aware of the "global cooling" issue of the 1970's, my "WTF?!" is directed at the fact that she essentially trusts information from the 1970's that has been debunked with better, more recent, more accurate information.
  • edited January 2010
    Oh, I am aware of the "global cooling" issue of the 1970's, my "WTF?!" is directed at the fact that she essentially trusts information from the 1970's that has been debunked with better, more recent, more accurate information.
    She doesn't know it was debunked, she's done no research on the matter, I assure you. Similar to how she knows nothing about global warming, she's done no research in the issue. The vast majority of people just repeat their opinion of what the extremely poor mass media has told them. I happen to be arguing with people who have listened to the media and effectively said, "that's horseshit." I used to be one of those because I had nothing else to go on, I just knew the news was wrong.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited January 2010
    Oh, I am aware of the "global cooling" issue of the 1970's, my "WTF?!" is directed at the fact that she essentially trusts information from the 1970's that has been debunked with better, more recent, more accurate information.
    She doesn't know it was debunked, she's done no research on the matter, I assure you. Similar to how she knows nothing about global warming, she's done no research in the issue. The vast majority of people just repeat their opinion of what the extremely poor mass media has told them. I happen to be arguing with people who have listen to the media and effectively said, "that's horseshit." I used to be one of those because I had nothing else to go on, I just knew the news was wrong.
    It is funny, because even in elementary school I was taught about global warming and the "mass media" - for the most part - actually does frequently address the issue in a simplified, but factual manner. The problem is that the issue has been politicized and even confused with some religious stances, which means people will take stances of belief instead of treating it as a scientifically verified reality.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited January 2010
    Yeah, the main problem is that people don't understand that oceans act as heatsinks, and their current is determined by temperature gradients. So as we cause more heat to sink into the oceans, you shift currents and get general climate change. The world's still heating up, but we're just not noticing it yet.

    Of course, try to explain temperature gradients, thermoclines, rudimentary climatology, and the other required bits of easy science to these assholes who likely slept through all of their science classes and now cannot grasp the fact that they are raping the earth because of their own self-imposed ignorance. That's the problem: nobody want to even try to comprehend how a blizzard could start from a .1 degree shift.

    If Nova ran before the nightly news on every major network, we'd all be powered by Liquid Fluorine Thorium reactors, wind turbines, and solar panels, and overfishing would meet with such resistance that we could stop worrying about eating sushi.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It is funny, because even in elementary school I was taught about global warming and the "mass media" - for the most part - actually does frequently address the issue in simplified, but factual manner. The problem is that the issue has been politicized and even confused with some religious stances, which means people will take stances of belief instead of treating it as a scientifically verified reality.
    Or one thing about it gets debunked and they assume the whole thing is crap rather than the one piece that they determined wrong.
  • Yeah, the main problem is that people don't understand that oceans act as heatsinks, and their current is determined by temperature gradients. So as we cause more heat to sink into the oceans, you shift currents and get general climate change. The world's still heating up, but we're just not noticing it yet.

    Of course, try to explain temperature gradients, thermoclines, rudimentary climatology, and the other required bits of easy science to these assholes who likely slept through all of their science classes and now cannot grasp the fact that they are raping the earth because of their own self-imposed ignorance. That's the problem: nobody want to eventryto comprehend how a blizzard could start from a .1 degree shift.
    Everything you just covered was addressed in my 5th grade class. If I could understand this in 5th grade, then adults are able to understand it. The problem is that they refuse to understand it because they refuse to accept it as part of their reality based solely on belief. These people are the flat-earthers of the modern day.
  • Everything you just covered was addressed in my 5th grade class. If I could understand this in 5th grade, then adults are able to understand it. The problem is that they refuse to understand it because they refuse to accept it as part of their reality based solely on belief. These people are the flat-earthers of the modern day.
    We need modern-day Voltaires and Kants to shake these people and basically scream, "Look around you, you're not seeing the forest for the trees!"
  • edited January 2010
    These people are the flat-earthers of the modern day.
    *Ding ding ding ding ding* We have a winner.

    Fun fact about Columbus, while most people of the time thought the world was flat, the scientific community was well aware the world was round. Columbus, however, measured the size of the world wrong (37% smaller than reality) and thought that a voyage to India westward was possible. Had the Americas not been there, he would have sailed into the middle of an ocean he had no where near the supplies necessary to cross and that would have been the last anyone ever heard of him.

    In many ways Columbus is like the "experts" of today who say the climate change isn't real and/or man-made.

    EDIT: There are a few smart people on the other forum! "I find it humorous that people are more adept to believe a very large group of unrelated people are lying for personal gain instead of independently coming to very similar conclusions." -smart person
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Fuck Columbus. Leif Ericson is the true explorer badass.
  • Fuck Columbus. Leif Ericson is the true explorer badass.
    Truth. Columbus was all like "Spain, I needs moneys so badly." Ericson was just like, "We got some boats? Fuck yeah. BRB, New World."
  • Fuck Columbus. Leif Ericson is the true explorer badass.
    Truth. Columbus was all like "Spain, I needs moneys so badly." Ericson was just like, "We got some boats? Fuck yeah. BRB, New World."
    Yeah, except that Columbus was completely unaware of Leif Ericson's voyage and Lief Ericson's journey from Iceland to Greenland to Vinland was significantly shorter than Columbus'.
  • Columbus enslaved the people he met upon arrival, though. What a scumbag.
  • edited January 2010
    My uncle, who is co-executor of my grandmother's Will along with my mother, is making payments from my grandmother's account without consulting an attorney or my mother and just scheduled my grandmother's memorial service without even talking to my mom about it first. He simply sent her a link to an obituary (that he wrote and published without consulting my mom) and it had the information for her memorial service.
    My mother, who doesn't care about nor wants any money from my grandmother's estate is going to call an attorney tomorrow and have herself removed as co-executor since my uncle is unilaterally, thoughtlessly, and recklessly conducting this business and my mother cannot handle fighting with her brother as she mourns her mother.
    Had I not been on the phone with my mother when she received opened her e-mail, I would have found out about my grandmother's funeral on facebook.
    I am disappointed, sad, and livid. Why couldn't he just pick up the phone, called my mom and said "Hey, the church is available on such-and-such date. Does that work for you?"
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited January 2010
    That's lousy, Kate. I've known so many people who have had problems just like that of relatives being insensitive after a family member dying.

    My fail of the last three days has been dealing with this crumby situation between my three, very new, friends. I only met them about two months ago, but they've all known eachother for a while and a conflict that has been happening between them has finally come to culmination. With me in the middle having to sort it out, of course.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I know I posted a lot of hockey stuff in the ... of the day threads recently, but whatever. A lot has been going on. E.g. this from last night which has been ruled no goal after video review. A fucking joke and nothing short of it. Flyers still won 7-4.
  • Rolling Stone - Sympathy for the Devil (radio remix)
  • Man arrested for going to starbucks, having a Frap.

    Also: Illinois, I am disappoint.
  • edited January 2010
    Wow. Giuliani on domestic terror attacks: "None under Bush."

    Funny how that works, after his entire campaign was fueled on pure 9/11.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Funny how that works, after his entire campaign was fueled on pure 9/11.
    Bush defenders like to point at how he "kept us safe", but they forget that it was after he allowed the worst terror attack in American history.

    Anyway -- my fail: On the way home from judo tonight, there was a detour a few blocks from my house that sent us through a maze of side-streets. At one point, we passed a police barricade. So when I got home, I checked Google News to find out what happened. A six-year-old boy was shot to death. Police haven't released any details, but I'd bet substantial money it was gang crossfire. Fuck.
  • That is truly heartbreaking.
  • Well, I'm sitting in my geology course and someone asks if that stone which quite obviously was covered in iron-oxide (red) had been painted. Audible facepalms followed.
  • Wow. Giuliani on domestic terror attacks:"None under Bush."

    Funny how that works, after his entire campaign was fueled on pure 9/11.
    Daily show has a funny segment on this today.
  • "taking polls on the opinion of people whose income is tied to the existence of a problem is not science."

    Global warming is all a conspiracy! Follow the money!

    These people are about as ill informed as people can be.
  • I think I just blew my DJ Demo for a HUGE school event. And as if to add insult to injury, Now that I'm practicing outside, every transition is perfect and wonderful.

    Fucking fuck fuckers FUCK. -___- #
  • edited January 2010
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • The graphics card I want to buy went up by $10 today.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    I now truly understand what "WOMAN!" means as I have experienced it for a prolonged period of time. I went on the bus to New Haven to go do something I do not care to discuss. I missed the bus to get to New Haven and I had to stand in a lot of cold (not too bad though). I got on the bus, made it to my place and did my thing. By the time I got outside, I was 10 secs. too late to catch my bus (this was at 4:45 PM) and had to wait until 5:20 for the next one. I got on the 5:20 bus, and rode to my stop. But because it was so dark out, I couldn't see the white marked bus stop (that you pull the cord to get off on). And ended up about a half-hour to my home. I walked all the way home, nearly dead from what could have become hypothermia. I immediately got into my bath in scalding water and warmed up. I still have a tiny bit of feeling in my legs, but not much. WOMAN!!!!
    Post edited by Geo on
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