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Fail of Your Day



  • WTF?! WTF?!
    So Pat is saying that they deserved this! If I believed in a hell, I would want this man to burn there for eternity.
    Oh, now I see why this racist-fuck-tard-ass-muncher-cum-guzzler-maggot-eater-pustule like this religion business - for the hope of righteous vengeance. Die in a fire. Die in a fucking fire.
    I take my hat off as we have lost a very talented and skilled man in the punk rock scene.
    LOL, wut?
  • Fail 3: Another bat got in my house. 3 bats I killed in 3 months. I hate bats. I hate killing animals but they leave me no choice. With the first one I tried just throwing it out of the house, but it got back in. It seems they learn the way in. It happen 3 times in the same night. Now I just kill them on sight since they might walk on me during my sleep and transmit rabies or some other nasty thing.
    3rd dead bat
  • WTF?! WTF?!
    So Pat is saying that they deserved this! If I believed in a hell, I would want this man to burn there for eternity.
    Oh, now I see why this racist-fuck-tard-ass-muncher-cum-guzzler-maggot-eater-pustule like this religion business - for the hope of righteous vengeance. Die in a fire. Die in a fucking fire.
    I take my hat off as we have lost a very talented and skilled man in the punk rock scene.
    LOL, wut?
    Godfuckingdammit! I really frickin hate this Vanilla quoting bug. When will Vanilla 2 be "good enough" to upgrade the forum?
  • Have you found where the bats are getting in? If not, make that a major to-do! I like bats at a distance, but the thought a bat getting in my hair wigs me out!
  • Have you found where the bats are getting in? If not, make that a major to-do! I like bats at a distance, but the thought a bat getting in my hair wigs me out!
    Well, the thing is, once they go on the ground, they crawl like rats. Once it came in through under the kitchen door, and the other times through the living room door.
  • Fail 3: Another bat got in my house. 3 bats I killed in 3 months. I hate bats. I hate killing animals but they leave me no choice. With the first one I tried just throwing it out of the house, but it got back in. It seems they learn the way in. It happen 3 times in the same night. Now I just kill them on sight since they might walk on me during my sleep and transmit rabies or some other nasty thing.
    Aw, I like bats. But I suppose, if it must be done, it must be done.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    Speaking of bats, there is this infamous story between my dad and my uncle (not my real uncle but in fact my dad's cousin who took my real uncle's place after the latter died of Guillain-Barre Syndrome...before a cure existed). They were playing basketball at the school court, and they saw this strange "thing" perched on the building. They realized it was a bat, and for whatever reason, one of them threw the basketball at the bat which caused it to chase them. They got away with no injury or disease. To this day I cannot figure out who did it though. They have this playful argument about who did it, each one accusing the other.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Speaking of bats, there is this infamous story between my dad and my uncle (not my real uncle but in fact my dad's cousin who took my real uncle's place after the latter died of Guillain-Barre Syndrome...before a cure existed). They were playing basketball at the school court, and they saw this strange "thing" perched on the building. They realized it was a bat, and for whatever reason, one of them threw the basketball at the bat which caused it to chase them. They got away with no injury or disease. To this day I cannot figure out who did it though. They have this playful argument about who did it, each one accusing the other.
    I doubt it was chasing them on purpose, bats orientation are very weird. An easy and evil way of killing a bat is lifting a broomstick and moving it around fast in circles. It some how confuses bats orientation (I know it's by sonar, but I don't know why they fly into the moving thing) and they fly strait to the broomstick, get hit, and die.
  • wut.

    Literally, there is no other way for me to respond. Just "wut."
    WTF. Die in a MOTHERFREAKING FIRE Pat Robertson. And you wonder why people don't like Christians, when nimrods like you exist to tarnish our name with stupidy, bigotry, and idiocy.

    I. Hate. Televangelism. Forever.
    You and me both, pal.

    Pat Robertson is the lowest slime that has ever existed. At least the primordial ooze generated life from its infinite ick. Pat Robertson just seethes with repugnant hate and waits for his "salvation," when, if there is an afterlife and if the deity is just, Pat will be the first banished to a pit of Hell so horrific that even the demons themselves hesitate to think about it.
  • So Pat is saying that they deserved this! If I believed in a hell, I would want this man to burn there for eternity.
    In the dude's defense, I don't think he meant it like that. I think he genuinely believes they awful things that have happened to them are the result of their "pact with the devil" and he prays they'll find Jesus and thus prosper. Just based on this one clip, he sounds like he's really wants to help people.
  • Pat Robertson is a fucking asshole.
    This Haitian ambassador on the other hand is fucking awesome.
  • So Pat is saying that they deserved this! If I believed in a hell, I would want this man to burn there for eternity.
    In the dude's defense, I don't think he meant it like that. I think he genuinely believes they awful things that have happened to them are the result of their "pact with the devil" and he prays they'll find Jesus and thus prosper. Just based on this one clip, he sounds like he's really wants to help people.
    I'm not denying that his intentions may have some kind of twisted goodness in them, just that he's MAKING RANDOM CRAP UP. Are we going to blame every underdeveloped nation and problem throughout history as being a result of a pact with the devil?
    I don't think he doesn't want to be charitable towards the Haitians, I just think he's a moron and he makes up so much stupid crap, and unfortunately so many stupid people believe him.
  • So Pat is saying that they deserved this! If I believed in a hell, I would want this man to burn there for eternity.
    In the dude's defense, I don't think he meant it like that. I think he genuinely believes they awful things that have happened to them are the result of their "pact with the devil" and he prays they'll find Jesus and thus prosper. Just based on this one clip, he sounds like he's really wants to help people.
    I'm not denying that his intentions may have some kind of twisted goodness in them, just that he's MAKING RANDOM CRAP UP. Are we going to blame every underdeveloped nation and problem throughout history as being a result of a pact with the devil?
    I don't think he doesn't want to be charitable towards the Haitians, I just think he's a moron and he makes up so much stupid crap, and unfortunately so many stupid people believe him.
    He wants to condescend to the little brown people and anyone that isn't one of his 'flock'.
  • I don't think he doesn't want to be charitable towards the Haitians, I just think he's a moron and he makes up so much stupid crap, and unfortunately so many stupid people believe him.
    That's about my thought. Don't misunderstand, I'm thoroughly amusing by his devil pact logic that explains everything. However, I'm not going to condemn the man for being an idiot since his heart seems to be in the right place. So I'll lol and say wut, but I'm not gonna rage on least not over this.
  • Have you found where the bats are getting in? If not, make that a major to-do! I like bats at a distance, but the thought a bat getting in my hair wigs me out!
    I'm sure that's an urban myth, a bat will never get caught in your hair due to its super sonar flying skills. Also isn't it illegal to kill bats? I know it is in the U.K. at any rate.
  • Have you found where the bats are getting in? If not, make that a major to-do! I like bats at a distance, but the thought a bat getting in my hair wigs me out!
    Well, the thing is, once they go on the ground, they crawl like rats. Once it came in through under the kitchen door, and the other times through the living room door.
    Put a screen door up, maybe?
  • Where do you live, man-with-bat?

    It looks tropical, like Costa Rica.
  • edited January 2010
    Where do you live, man-with-bat?

    It looks tropical, like Costa Rica.
    I think he said he is living in Brazil at the moment. Also, the text on the garbage shovel is in Portuguese.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • I don't think he doesn't want to be charitable towards the Haitians, I just think he's a moron and he makes up so much stupid crap, and unfortunately so many stupid people believe him.
    That's about my thought. Don't misunderstand, I'm thoroughly amusing by his devil pact logic that explains everything. However, I'm not going to condemn the man for being an idiot since his heart seems to be in the right place. So I'll lol and say wut, but I'm not gonna rage on least not over this.
    It's not just him, and he's not just making things up. Sure, he's stupid to believe it, but it's not a story of his own fabrication. There is an origin myth that involves a pact with the voodoo spirits, and many evangelical Christians have interpreted that to mean a pact with the devil. It is explained in a link on the side bar of the same site this video was posted on. Here is the link for those that didn't look.
  • Well, Haiti IS like the voodoo capital of the world.
  • I don't think he doesn't want to be charitable towards the Haitians, I just think he's a moron and he makes up so much stupid crap, and unfortunately so many stupid people believe him.
    That's about my thought. Don't misunderstand, I'm thoroughly amusing by his devil pact logic that explains everything. However, I'm not going to condemn the man for being an idiot since his heart seems to be in the right place. So I'll lol and say wut, but I'm not gonna rage on least not over this.
    It's not just him, and he's not just making things up. Sure, he's stupid to believe it, but it's not a story of his own fabrication. There is an origin myth that involves a pact with the voodoo spirits, and many evangelical Christians have interpreted that to mean a pact with the devil. It is explained in a link on the side bar of the same site this video was posted on.Here is the linkfor those that didn't look.
    As you say, that doesn't exactly give him a "pass" on being a terrible person and an idiot.
  • a terrible person
    This is the crux of this argument for me, why is he a terrible person?
  • edited January 2010
    a terrible person
    This is the crux of this argument for me, why is he a terrible person?
    How about this to start with.
    EDIT: Also, regardless of precedence for a belief, if a person actually think that any population deserve that kind of devastation is an asshole.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • How about this to start with.
    fair enough.
    EDIT: Also, regardless of precedence for a belief, if a person actually think that any population deserve that kind of devastation is an asshole.
    I really think in this case you're putting words in his mouth when you say they deserved it. That's not what he said. Maybe that's what he's thinking, but it's not what he said.
  • George, re-read what he said. He said that the people of Haiti made a pact with the Devil and that this is God's retribution for that pact. If that isn't saying that the people of Haiti deserved the disaster, then I don't know what does.
  • edited January 2010
    Well, Haiti IS like the voodoo capital of the world.
    Yeah, but that still makes him a dumbass. To wit: When the first christians reached Haiti (Jesuit missionaries, as I recall), they found voodoo being practiced. Instead of attempting conversion, however, they recognized voodoo as a different interpretation and representation of various christian concepts and beliefs.Thus, they didn't question it when natives learned of Jesus and then didn't convert to christianity or practiced both religions sycretically instead.

    Today's Haitian voodoo is actually a blend of both Catholicism and the voodoo of old.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2010
    On January 14, 1991, on The 700 Club, Pat Robertson attacked a number of Protestant denominations when he declared: "You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist."[2] He has never recanted this statement, though he has supported the election of certain Episcopalians.
    Lulz a million! I guess I was doomed to be all anti-christ even before I started being an atheist/humanist. Them Methodists and Presbyterians, really up to no good! Too many potlucks and cookies, not enough HELLFIRE!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited January 2010
    that this is God's retribution for that pact.
    Except he didn't say that bit, you've taken what he actually said to mean that in your head. I took it to mean they made a pact with the devil and the devil has done horrible things to them once he helped them expel the French.

    Anyway, I'm done with this. He doesn't seem to be a guy worth defending anymore.

    My fail, SQL. FUCK YOU SQL!!!

    EDIT: Does anyone know how to SUM the COUNT of two or more different queries.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • that this is God's retribution for that pact.
    Except he didn't say that bit, you've taken what he actually said to mean that in your head. I took it to mean they made a pact with the devil and the devil has done horrible things to them once he helped them expel the French.
    Either way he is still saying that the Haitians had it coming based on their pact with the devil.
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