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Fail of Your Day



  • edited January 2010
    I'm right behind Sea Shepard and Greenpeace on this issue.
    I don't like Sea Shepard (that "stealth boat" they built? Really just a massively environmentally-unfriendly, non-hydrodynamic motor yacht), but I loathe whaling and some of the Japanese fishing practices. What they do to dolphins there is horrific, and what Japan helped do to the Bluefin population is part of the reason I want to be a marine biologist.

    Edited to undo extraneous caps.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2010
    I've seen the statement, and all he's really saying is that this whole thing doesn't make his art or craft any less legitimate, which it doesn't. Andrew WK is a persona, but Andrew WK is also a living, breathing music artist behind the persona. He's only addressing the idea that this veil automatically makes him a fictional entity who was only born from the minds of music executives.
    On the most recent episode of Jordan, Jesse, Go (which is a podcast that I strongly recommend), they actually discussed this issue, because Andrew WK is appearing at this year's MaxFunCon as, as far as I can tell, a motivational speaker. They've had him on the show before, and they said that this all comes from a misunderstanding of something he said in an interview, and that while he does have a "stage persona", it's basically just himself cranked up to 11, and that he's pretty much the best human being ever. Also, that once you meet him, every time you think about it, you feel like you just got a really good hug.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I'm right behind Sea Shepard and Greenpeace on this issue.
    I don't like Sea Shepard (that "stealth boat" they built? Really just a massively environmentally-unfriendly, non-hydrodynamic motor yacht), but I loathe whaling and some of the Japanese fishing practices. What they do to dolphins there is horrific, and what Japan helped do to the Bluefin population is part of the reason I want to be a marine biologist.
    Allow me to clarify - Behind what they're doing, not necessarily how they're doing it. They could be a hell of a lot better at what they do. I mean, Two million on a "Stealth" Yacht? They've been watching too many spy movies.
  • Alright, now we're on the same page.

    I would only spend two million on a "stealth protest yacht" of that size if it had a magnetohydrodynamic drive and submersible capability.
  • Fail - went to scratch my beard at the side, twitched, and punched myself in the mouth. Fail of the day - I put my eye tooth through my lip. Goddamnit.


  • My fail is that I've now watched the AWK video where he supposedly "confessed" all of this, and all the stuff I posted completely took it out of context. And really badly, too.
  • edited January 2010
    My fail is that I've now watched theAWKvideo where he supposedly "confessed" all of this, and all the stuff I posted completely took it out of context. And really badly, too.
    It is a good lesson to learn. If it looks, smells, tastes, sounds, feels and acts like a whacky conspiracy theory, then it is probably a whacky conspiracy theory and you should look into it further.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • People on my car forum are saying global warming is BS because it's snowing in Alabama.
  • People on my car forum are saying global warming is BS because it's snowing in Alabama.
    Well.. is inflation BS because sometimes things get cheaper?
  • Well.. is inflation BS because sometimes things get cheaper?
    You think these people would understand something like logic? Actually, me and a few other people have started the "you're all idiots and here's why." We'll see how it goes.
  • People on my car forum are saying global warming is BS because it's snowing in Alabama.
    Yeah, that about sums it up.
  • Fail - went to scratch my beard at the side, twitched, and punched myself in the mouth. Fail of the day - I put my eye tooth through my lip. Goddamnit.
    ...I'd say "stop hitting yourself", but I feel it's implied.
  • I've had to resort to this graph in the climate change debate. Smart people with a small amount of knowledge are very dangerous.
  • edited January 2010
    Double pack of christian fail, fresh from Pharyngula.
    1. Not letting your children go to a mineral exhibition because you think the world is only 6,000 years old.
    2. The Top-Ten "Anti-Christian Attacks" of 2009 (debunked)

    Bonus fail: This man is a racist moron.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
    Do tell.
    People on my car forum are saying global warming is BS because it's snowing in Alabama.
    What a coincidence:

    What's worse, I come in contact with these people (and people like them) on a regular basis. Living in the Bible belt kinda sucks like that.
  • It's not very Christian to get excited about god slaping some people in the face.
  • Living in the Bible belt kinda sucks like that.
    I was about to ask why you are in close social proximity with such people.
  • People really need to leave these discussions to experts who can analyze the data and come to the proper conclusion, not the normal "OH MY GOD it's snowing, GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX BUT LIBTARDS" opinions....
  • Anything I'm saying on the car forum is now being dismissed as "oh he's just a crazy liberal." The different hats we where in different social settings are very interesting indeed. Maybe I just play devil's advocate where ever I go.
  • 1. Not letting your children go to a mineral exhibition because you thinkthe world is only 6,000 years old.
    The comment thread below almost makes up for the stupidity above.
  • What's worse, I come in contact with these people (and people like them) on a regular basis. Living in the Bible belt kinda sucks like that.
    Don't worry, man, they give you that christian side hug and everything will be forgotten.
    It's not very Christian to get excited about god slapping some people in the face.
    The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies! The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet. At his command the oceans and rivers dry up, the lush pastures of Bashan and Carmel fade, and the green forests of Lebanon wilt. In his presence the mountains quake, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles, and its people are destroyed. Who can stand before his fierce anger? Who can survive his burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence. The LORD is good. When trouble comes, he is a strong refuge. And he knows everyone who trusts in him. But he sweeps away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He pursues his foes into the darkness of night.
  • Maybe I just play devil's advocate where ever I go.
    That's what I do, if I'm surrounded by liberals I argue the non-crazy conservative view point. We at the FRC take pride in arguing about things we agree with.
  • The different hats we where in different social settings are very interesting indeed. Maybe I just play devil's advocate where ever I go.
    Indeed; to my acquaintances I'm the polite guy that they assume to be Christian because he's so nice, and because he's often seen around other religious people and places of worship. To my friends I'm the nutty atheistic skeptical rapper, around whom the subjects of religion, mysticism, and Oprah should not be brought up if you want to avoid an argument.
  • Posted By: FunfetusIt's not very Christian to get excited about god slapping some people in the face.

  • Whoa, that huge picture is full of backtalk and CYA attitude. And actually doesn't really say anything useful except: "See, we can make graphs and excuses for graphs." I'm not really apt to just take it at face value.

    Stating that one form of temperature measurement is fine up until a certain date, then it's useless, and I find the first part on the "Consensus" side to sound a lot like circular reasoning.

    All this said, I really just don't buy into all the hype because there are a lot of factors that do contribute to findings.
    As stated earlier:

    When scientists are paid-off by large corporations and government entities who are hugely profiting from carbon taxes and carbon credits... scientists become nothing more than marketing sales people, and their scientific data becomes nothing more than marketspeak jargon.
    I fully believe that this is more the case because scientists need funding from somewhere in order for them to continue research, so where are they going to get it from? You can make data say what you want when it'll benefit you right? Twist a phrase to make yourself or something you're supporting to sound more favorable. Everyone has bias.

    I'm not disputing that there is a change due to the increased technology and that there will be an effect on the world, I simply don't believe that it is nearly as significant as the hype would suggest.
    *facepalm* Give me strength.
  • *facepalm* Give me strength.
    Yours is the logic that will pierce the heavens thick skulls of ignoramuses.
  • Yours is the logic that will pierce theheavensthick skulls of ignoramuses.
    Alas, my logic pierces, but my target is too stupid to realize its argument is mortally wounded.
  • Funnily enough, a co-worker just said to me "It's all cyclical. Temperatures go up and they go down. In the 70's they were afraid of global cooling. Twenty years from now they will be worried about global cooling again."
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