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Fail of Your Day



  • Besides that, you'll note that the scale was later readjusted so that the difference between the freezing and boiling points became exactly 180 degrees. The fact is that Fahrenheit picked poor reference points.
    Yeah, but it's not like Farenheit went in going "Alright, water is going to freeze at this ridiculously arbitrary number!" That was the point I was trying to make.
  • Yeah, but it's not like Farenheit went in going "Alright, water is going to freeze at this ridiculously arbitrary number!"
    Another one of my cherished notions about science is destroyed.
  • Two words - The Hambeast.
    I got a grand total of four seconds into that before I was overcome by weaboo and had to stop.
  • My poor kitty has a cold and it is sad to hear him sneeze every few minutes or so.
    Probably just needs a quick trip to the vet and some antibiotics. It's amazing how fast they worked on Rorschach when he was sick. Hope your cat gets better.
  • Two words - The Hambeast.
    I got a grand total of four seconds into that before I was overcome by weaboo and had to stop.
    Oh dear...I don't even know how to...

    I guess we'll have to kill it with fire.
  • Two words - The Hambeast.
    I got a grand total of four seconds into that before I was overcome by weaboo and had to stop.
    Oh dear...I don't even know how to...

    I guess we'll have to kill it with fire.
    My thoughts exactly. *flame on!*
  • I have mentioned my white-trash god-sister and her pregnancy previously. Well, last week she had a healthy baby boy, Jack (after Jack Daniels - she threw a Jack Daniels themed baby shower). I was hoping that having the child actually in her arms might inspire some maternal instincts. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. She publicly posted on her facebook page that she was done breastfeeding for good (after a week) because she needed to start drinking again. All of her immature friends posted back comments like "Cheers!", "Get your drink on!" and "Hell yes!" She even stated in the comments that her bartender boyfriend would be serving her at happy hour and she would foist the child off on her mother.
    I get if parents need a break or a night free and one can have a night of drinking and dump their milk for a day or two and then return to breast feeding. However, a woman that has only been a mother for a week and complains that she doesn't have enough time to sleep and do homework (she is continuing her studies, which is good I guess) shouldn't be wasting time on drinking and shouldn't forfeit her child's physical and mental health for her desire for booze. This is just pathetic and I am done with her.
  • This is just pathetic and I am done with her.
    Wow. That sounds like the only real course of action at this point. -_-
  • Helping a lady with her computer and she has a dog in the other room who's on his way out (He made it to 15, a good run.) but I hear and made a mental note of her saying the dog is receiving homoeopathy and I think either that dog or another is getting acupuncture. The dogs' medical care was taking quite a strain on her budget, by the sounds of it.

    What do you do to warn about woo to someone who barely knows you?
  • I'm becoming increasingly annoyed at the vast majority of programs on my XP machine that don't support the dragging and dropping of selected text. Why is chrome the only program that does it right?
  • edited January 2010
    I'm becoming increasingly annoyed at the vast majority of programs on my XP machine that don't support the dragging and dropping of selected text. Why is chrome the only program that does it right?
    Dragging and dropping? Why not Ctrl+C/Ctrl+P?

    Fail of my day: I just realized three terrible things.
    1. I left my wallet at home.
    2. I have had neither coffee nor food, and nobody except me is at work. And I need to be on campus for 12 hours today.
    3. I'm running low on gas, and was going to go to the gas station right after work. Dammit.

    I hope I can make it home today.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Dragging and dropping? Why not Ctrl+C/Ctrl+P?
    because he wants to copy and paste, not copy and print.
  • @ YK: Can you stop at home and be late for class?
  • edited January 2010
    because he wants to copy and paste, not copy and print.
    Woops, my bad. I seriously need that coffee, apparently.

    I don't think I have time to drive home, get wallet, go to gas station, drive back, and eat before class. :-/ I suppose it doesn't hurt to try, though. Worst case I miss class, best case I get an awesome sammich.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited January 2010
    I don't think I have time to drive home, get wallet, go to gas station, drive back, and eat before class. :-/ I suppose it doesn't hurt to try, though. Worst case I miss class, best case I get an awesome sammich.
    Just grab some food you can eat in the car on the way to class/in class. Do you have any friends on campus that might lend you a few bucks for gas and could get you a sandwich?
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Just grab some food you can eat in the car on the way to class/in class. Do you have any friends on campus that might lend you a few bucks for gas and could get you a sandwich?
    Oh, yipes. Nevermind, it's super snowing outside. I'm asking around to people I know on campus, but the odds don't look good.
  • Just grab some food you can eat in the car on the way to class/in class. Do you have any friends on campus that might lend you a few bucks for gas and could get you a sandwich?
    Oh, yipes. Nevermind, it's super snowing outside. I'm asking around to people I know on campus, but the odds don't look good.
    Maybe class will be canceled? That would be nice. that way you can go straight home and then fill up your belly and your tank.
  • I just realized I filed my taxes incorrectly and cheated myself out of $500. I will probably have to file an amended tax return. I plan on going to the IRS and getting free assistance to do this.
  • I have mentioned my white-trash god-sister and her pregnancy previously. Well, last week she had a healthy baby boy, Jack (after Jack Daniels - she threw a Jack Daniels themed baby shower). I was hoping that having the child actually in her arms might inspire some maternal instincts. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. She publicly posted on her facebook page that she was done breastfeeding for good (after a week) because she needed to start drinking again. All of her immature friends posted back comments like "Cheers!", "Get your drink on!" and "Hell yes!" She even stated in the comments that her bartender boyfriend would be serving her at happy hour and she would foist the child off on her mother.
    I get if parents need a break or a night free and one can have a night of drinking and dump their milk for a day or two and then return to breast feeding. However, a woman that has only been a mother for a week and complains that she doesn't have enough time to sleep and do homework (she is continuing her studies, which is good I guess) shouldn't be wasting time on drinking and shouldn't forfeit her child's physical and mental health for her desire for booze. This is just pathetic and I am done with her.
    It IS possible to be done with your sister, but still there for you nephew. As in a being a back up care for him in case of the mother becoming a mess or mentally unstable. It's probably not my place to say something like this. I'm only saying it because I had a mom who was similar when I was young and I would not of survived without my aunts and would probably become another system kid.
  • edited January 2010
    It IS possible to be done with your sister, but still there for you nephew. As in a being a back up care for him in case of the mother becoming a mess or mentally unstable. It's probably not my place to say something like this. I'm only saying it because I had a mom who was similar when I was young and I would not of survived without my aunts and would probably become another system kid.
    Oh, I fully expect that she will probably give over care of the child to her mother at some point, but it is highly unlikely she would ever give the child to me. We aren't actually related and we aren't close. I hardly ever see her or talk to her and I no longer speak to my god-mother (her mom). The child's father is still in the picture and I know he has brothers and sisters as well (along with a teenage daughter, but that is beside the point).
    As a follow up, I confronted my godsister on the breast feeding issue and she is now claiming that she is having problems nursing (the problems she claims to experience have changed twice over the last couple of hours). I recommended that she get in contact with La Leche Leaugue and gave her the link to their local chapter in her county. We shall see. This is a person whom I see maybe once per year and who I only talk with on very rare occasions, so if I stopped communication with her she probably wouldn't notice.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • It IS possible to be done with your sister, but still there for you nephew. As in a being a back up care for him in case of the mother becoming a mess or mentally unstable. It's probably not my place to say something like this. I'm only saying it because I had a mom who was similar when I was young and I would not of survived without my aunts and would probably become another system kid.
    Oh, I fully expect that she will probably give over care of the child to her mother at some point, but it is highly unlikely she would ever give the child to me. We aren't actually related and we aren't close. I hardly ever see her or talk to her and I no longer speak to my god-mother (her mom). The child's father is still in the picture and I know he has brothers and sisters as well (along with a teenage daughter, but that is beside the point).
    As a follow up, I confronted my godsister on the breast feeding issue and she is now claiming that she is having problems nursing (the problems she claims to experience have changed twice over the last couple of hours). I recommended that she get in contact with La Leche Leaugue and gave her the link to their local chapter in her county. We shall see. This is a person whom I see maybe once per year and who I only talk with on very rare occasions, so if I stopped communication with her she probably wouldn't notice.
    I can't even think about her any more. The righteous fury is blinding.
  • I can't even think about her any more. The righteous fury is blinding.
    I can and do think about Jack, though.
  • She publicly posted on her facebook page that she was done breastfeeding for good (after a week) because she needed to start drinking again.
    Needed? Really? Have you thought about staging an intervention?
  • edited January 2010
    Needed? Really? Have you thought about staging an intervention?
    Interventions only work if the friends see a problem, and clearly the people she knows don't see a problem.

    Frankly, she's a low-life and there's not much you can do to change that.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • and clearly the people she knows don't see a problem.
    Well, those people require a different sort of intervention. In the face.

    With a brick.
  • She publicly posted on her facebook page that she was done breastfeeding for good (after a week) because sheneededto start drinking again.
    Needed? Really? Have you thought about staging an intervention?
    She said "[Her NAME] is officially done breast feeding, because I know everyone on FB wanted to know that. I need a drink." She then said she wasn't quiting it so that she could drink, but because her breasts hurt. She then changed her reason to saying that the baby won't take to the breast. I honestly don't know what the real reason is and I am almost past caring. I feel for the baby, but I am not in a position to do anything. I live hours away from her, I barely see her, I barely know her, she and her boyfriend are the child's parents, and there is no law against bottle formula feeding. My hands are tied. The best I can do is confront her when she is being and idiot and/or discontinue contact with her. Confronting her seems to cause her to evade, make up an excuse, or outright lie. Maybe she really is having breastfeeding issues, in which case I am sorry that she has lied so often in the past and shown such poor judgment that it appears to me and to others that she is just doing so now. I hope she follows up with La Leche if she is having problems. I pointed her in the right direction, but she is an adult and she isn't, to my knowledge, doing anything that would call for legal intervention. It breaks my heart that that is the best I can say about her parenting thus far.
  • I think we could be overreacting just a bit.
  • edited January 2010
    "[Her NAME] is officially done breast feeding, because I know everyone on FB wanted to know that. I need a drink."
    Ah, that's a bit different than how I interpreted it. That sounds more like she's frustrated or overwhelmed. I thought you meant she back in party girl mode and celebrating it. Either way, it's a shitty situation and I'm sorry you have to deal with it in any capacity.

    EDIT: I'm more sorry for the kid, though.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited January 2010
    "[Her NAME] is officially done breast feeding, because I know everyone on FB wanted to know that. I need a drink."
    Ah, that's a bit different than how I interpreted it. That sounds more like she's frustrated or overwhelmed. I thought you meant she back in party girl mode and celebrating it. Either way, it's a shitty situation and I'm sorry you have to deal with it in any capacity.
    EDIT: I'm more sorry for the kid, though.
    It was that combined with the comments she made regarding making plans for going out to happy hour and her continual fixation on booze (that she has had since she was 15) that make me think she is quitting for convenience sake. She is already in party girl mode and setting up happy hour meet-ups at the bar where her boyfriend works. She hasn't discussed the alleged breastfeeding issue(s) with a doctor and she hasn't sought out any kind of lactation specialist.
    I, like you, really only care about the kid. My frustration is related only to my concern for him. I honestly don't care what my god-sister does or doesn't do as long as she is taking care of her child.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
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