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Fail of Your Day



  • Oh, I can imagine. BSL 3 isolation suits are similarly uncomfortable. You should see the BSL 4 suits; I've never worn one, but they look like spacesuits. I can only imagine what they're like.

    The lab coat is bad enough right now. It's probably about 102 F in the airspace between my body and the inside of the coat.
    It's nice to be in IT where the rooms are super air conditioned for the servers of course :-p
  • It's nice to be in IT where the rooms are super air conditioned for the servers of course :-p
    I would punch you, but the exertion would probably cause heatstroke.
  • You might also strain something given the distance.
  • It's nice to be in IT where the rooms are super air conditioned for the servers of course :-p
    I would punch you, but the exertion would probably cause heatstroke.
    You guys brightened my day so much you have no idea. :)
  • You might also strain something given the distance.
    I can punch through the web. Here, I'll demonstrate.


    See that? Yeah, that's right bitch. I own you.

    I think the heat is getting to me.
  • edited April 2010
    @_@ *collapse in pain*
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I'm on my roof with a laptop. I love this city so much. ^_________^ Who needs AC? ;^)
  • Hangover. Busted up hands, ribs, shoulder. Face hurts. gwurgh.
    I'm glad you took may advice and didn't die.
  • The building didn't put AC on yet. Argggh. Well, I'm going to steal Ryms' idea and chill on the cooler roof. ROOF DECKS RULE!
  • How is this a fail?
    Because it's saying hi with a sucker punch.
    And keep in mind, this felt like a sudden shift in temperature. Not gradual. It's like, overnight around Friday it went up 30 degrees. I love my winter clothes...
  • I'm on my roof with a laptop. I love this city so much. ^_________^ Who needs AC? ;^)
    Ahhh, roofs are very nice. I love going on top of our buildings at school. So nice, So Fresh...
  • I'm on my roof with a laptop. I love this city so much. ^_________^ Who needs AC? ;^)
    Ahhh, roofs are very nice. I love going on top of our buildings at school. So nice, So Fresh...
    The only experience I had with roofs was the classic rumor that seniors tell you in high school about there supposedly being private pools that only teachers have access to.
  • I'm on my roof with a laptop. I love this city so much. ^_________^ Who needs AC? ;^)
    Ahhh, roofs are very nice. I love going on top of our buildings at school. So nice, So Fresh...
    The only experience I had with roofs was the classic rumor that seniors tell you in high school about there supposedly being private pools that only teachers have access to.
    All schools have that rumor. Well, except the ones with pools.
  • I'm on my roof with a laptop. I love this city so much. ^_________^ Who needs AC? ;^)
    Ahhh, roofs are very nice. I love going on top of our buildings at school. So nice, So Fresh...
    The only experience I had with roofs was the classic rumor that seniors tell you in high school about there supposedly being private pools that only teachers have access to.
    All schools have that rumor. Well, except the ones with pools.
    My school has 3 pools.
  • Neil Gaiman is coming to Chicago. I will not be able to go. I will not be able to have him sign my shoulder blade so that I can have his signature tattooed upon my back.
  • I'm on my roof with a laptop. I love this city so much. ^_________^ Who needs AC? ;^)
    Ahhh, roofs are very nice. I love going on top of our buildings at school. So nice, So Fresh...
    The only experience I had with roofs was the classic rumor that seniors tell you in high school about there supposedly being private pools that only teachers have access to.
    All schools have that rumor. Well, except the ones with pools.
    My school has 3 pools.
    My college actually has a creepy old unused pool that's still standing for some bizarre reason. When I was told about it as a freshman, I thought it was another silly rumor until I actually saw it. Supposedly one of the administrator's daughters drowned in that pool and it has been shut down since. It is quite eerie looking, in any case.
  • edited April 2010
    My college actually has a creepy old unused pool that's still standing for some bizarre reason. When I was told about it as a freshman, I thought it was another silly rumor until I actually saw it. Supposedly one of the administrator's daughters drowned in that pool and it has been shut down since. It is quite eerie looking, in any case.
    You didn't go to U of I, did you? If not, that a weird-ass coincidence, because we have the same thing.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My college actually has a creepy old unused pool that's still standing for some bizarre reason. When I was told about it as a freshman, I thought it was another silly rumor until I actually saw it. Supposedly one of the administrator's daughters drowned in that pool and it has been shut down since. It is quite eerie looking, in any case.
    You didn't go to U of I, did you? If not, that a weird-ass coincidence, because we have the same thing.
    No, I'm in North Carolina. Weird-ass coincidence it is.
  • After discovering that what I thought was mah-jong isn't mah-jong, and what I thought was go wasn't go, and in addition to the fact that I'm fucking retarded at any board or card game you care to mention except for one specific type of poker, I was pissed off and made a self depreciating joke about how "At least I can play Chinese checkers. But hey, You can bet money it's not from china, and has some fucked up name, and I'm completely wrong, and playing the wrong game."

    Then, half an hour later, still on the phone to the same person, I look up Chinese checkers - turns out it's not From China, or any part of Asia, and it's not a variation of checkers, but instead is called Stern-Halma, comes from Germany, and there is a Chinese variant of checkers that is the actual Chinese checkers.
  • Self improvement and education is win, not fail.
  • I have another mindboggling revelation for you. The "Chinese firedrill" did not originate in China, nor did the "Chinese national anthem," the "Chinese puzzle," or the "Chinese landing." In general, adding Chinese in front of something is a pejorative term indicating that an activity either accomplishes nothing or is inept. The slur actually has British origins.

  • I've just noticed that pants seem to be conducive to slouching rather than sitting up straight. At least for a guy that is.
  • FUCK Crunchyroll!

    That is all.
  • edited April 2010
    I have another mindboggling revelation for you. The "Chinese firedrill" did not originate in China, nor did the "Chinese national anthem," the "Chinese puzzle," or the "Chinese landing." In general, adding Chinese in front of something is a pejorative term indicating that an activity either accomplishes nothing or is inept. The slur actually has British origins.
    I actually had to look all of those up, except I knew Chinese Landing is the same as what I've always heard called "An American Landing"(Loud, clumsy and stupid), along with the term "American Ace", meaning an Inept pilot, usually one who is a braggart overestimating their skill. No prize for guessing what "American Scholar" means.

    Though, this is somewhat understandable when you know that our country began becoming a country(rather than just another British colony) with a large portion of Chinese immigrants, that we've always been close to China, and that we've always had a rather dim view of Americans.

    But anyway, the pissed off part came in mostly because I was playing what most people think of when someone says Mahjong - which is essentially solitaire with a second player option, with Mahjong tiles, and other than that, has no relation to the actual game - and I put in about 250 hours trying to improve, so that I could play Mahjong against my Girlfriend and her friends, who already have the skills. Of course, when I finally figure I'm good enough, and I mention his to her and offer a game, she tells me about how they're playing 4 player Mahjong - ie, Actual Mahjong - and I find out that I've essentially absolutely wasted that entire time on absolutely nothing. I had to include the last part simply for completeness, though, even though I found it amusing more than anything else, even if it was a bit of a fail.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • It's 3 am here. I'm up because I think my neighbor may be dead and I'm not sure what to do. The same song has been playing on their stereo since I came home from work at 5 pm yestersday and that's quite odd. I'm currently pacing my apartment trying to decide what to do. :(
  • 1) Knock on their door and give them plenty of time.
    2) 999/911.
  • 1) Knock on their door and give them plenty of time.
    How long do you think is plenty? I've knocked every minute for 5 minutes.
  • edited April 2010
    911. Now.

    Actually, give it 20 mins tops. And shout through the letterbox so they know it's you.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I banged another 5 minutes, as hard as is reasonable without hurting my hand and called 911. Unfortunately they likely aren't going to be able to do something about it. Unless there's evidence of a break in or something they can't enter the apartment. :(
  • Pretty sure they can enter just fine if someone is hurt.
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