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Fail of Your Day



  • More fail, my beloved amplifier, John Chapman, has died today. He will be missed for his many years of service and beautiful voice.
  • More fail, my beloved amplifier, John Chapman, has died today. He will be missed for his many years of service and beautiful voice.
    If you need to talk, I'm here for you.
  • edited April 2010
    More fail, my beloved amplifier, John Chapman, has died today. He will be missed for his many years of service and beautiful voice.
    If you need to talk, I'm here for you.
    He was such a hard working person, I mean, I known him since I was a wee lad. Oh, miserable world, why rid me of my Mesa/boogie Mark IIC+? I'll never hear it's heavenly voice. It's just so sad *pile of woe.*

    Actually, it did kinda hurt me when it happened, and the damage is too extensive to justify repairs. Oh well, it was bound to happen after more than a two decades of existence, one with me.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Mesa/boogie Mark IIC+
    Whoaaa, that IS a loss. I feel for you, man.
  • edited April 2010
    Dad's iPhone was stolen out of his hands a couple hours ago by some bored asshole fuckwit teens with nothingfucking better to do on a Saturday night. God, I hate this neighborhood so much, and can't we just afford another one? No, obviously not, that'd be too simple. Will he get another one from work? Pity, he's freelancing. Does he need to be able to hold constand conference calls, and answer emails on the fly in order to feed his fucking family, including the grandmother with Alzheimers? Well
    by god, I suppose he does. But what about his hundreds of critical business contacts? Surely he must have them backed up somewhere! Once again, that'd make things too easy, now, wouldn't it.

    Jesus fuck I hate the teens around here. Tried to take my bike when I was 10, threatened to set their dogs on me when I was 11, all that bullshit, and now this? Well, so much for sleep, since I'll be fuming all night. Fucking jackasses.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on

    The soft tissue covering the tooth is almost completely lifted off of it, so now it's dangling and getting knocked by my teeth and tongue. Worse yet, it hasn't died yet, so I basically have a wayward nerve making itself available for painful shenanigans. Ow ow ow ow ow.

    The good news is that in 3 days this will be over. The bad news is that then I have to wait for the top set to come in, which are going to shift my upper teeth. Massive discomfort, ho!
  • I am in Chico, California.
  • I am in Chico, California.
    I'm sorry. I was conceived there. On the plus side, the public park is nice for swimming, and (I believe) there's still a pretty good ice cream shop somewhere around downtown.
  • Shitty weekend all around...for my roommates and me, but mine was more because of college Bullshit.

    On Friday night, I had to break up a fight between two of my roommates, becuase one of them entered into the room, banging the doors and causing the other's roommates dog to bark. Having to physically get in the way of the fight to stop it and hold someone back...just oh, it's such a bad feeling. I couldn't sleep that night.

    Saturday- JMU Block Party Riot of April 10th, 2010. I was at Winchester at the time, having fun with my brother and watching UFC. But still, they used Tear Gas and were in Riot Gear? What the fuck.

    Sunday- My roommate was one of the first people to get arrested and was injured with a dislocated shoulder and possibly broken wrist. Or they pinched the nerve. But this sucks, because this is his 3rd Strike and it could kick him out of college, ruining everything. And I love the guy, but wow does this suck.
  • Tear Gas
    You know it's awesome when the police hose people with carcinogens.
  • But still, they used Tear Gas and were in Riot Gear? What the fuck.
    For a moment I imagined a UFC fight involving tear gas and riot gear. I might actually watch the fight if those things came into play.

    But then I realised what you were saying.

  • No LRAD? It ain't a flagrant abuse of police authority on a campus without an LRAD!
  • I have a test on power and Taylor series Wednesday.
    Learning Taylor series is when I realized the 100's of dollars I wasted on books in university. I had forgot my text book in my home town from a weekend visit and had to learn it for class. I Wikipedia it and realized the Wikipedia explanation was actually as good if not better written then the text book. It was the beginning of a new age of increased alcohol budget.
  • blood pressure, 135/85 :(
  • edited April 2010
    blood pressure, 135/85 :(
    That's not terrible, actually. It's elevated, but not the worst ever. That sort of thing can be attributed to stress, illness, or temporary diet issues. What do you usually run?

    Mine typically runs around 115/73. I've surprised many a doctor who were convinced that, at my weight, I should be suffering from hypertension.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Well that the fail is that was with a small pill that's supposed to lower it. Maybe it hadn't kicked in yet. Could also be left over hypertension from yesterday's horrible diet.
  • I had to get my finger lanced today because I had cellulitis. D:
  • They lowered the maximum funding we could get from a grant or Federal Work Study for the summer. I have an unpaid internship and the max they'll give is $2800. That's if you work 8 weeks at 35 hours a week. I can't pay my RENT & INSURANCE for the summer on that, let alone living expenses of any kind. It used to be $4000, but now there's a budget crisis. They told us at the beginning of the year that the summer grants would be around $4000. My summer just got a lot more cramped. (I haven't even qualified for the funding yet... I could get less.)
  • My dad was invited to a teabagging protest, and he's probably going to go.
  • My dad was invited to a teabagging protest, and he's probably going to go.
    Tell him what teabagging means, and remark that it's the joke all the young people make about the "teabaggers getting together to teabag with each other." Embarrassment might win out.
  • It's remarkable how many people don't know what "teabagging" is and yet use the term anyway. I had a sub in my government class a while back and he said something along the lines of "They're called the teabag movement. Look them up. You can even find teabagging videos on Youtube." We found that amusing.
  • I *might* have a soft-tissue impaction.

  • I really love where I live, but if there's one thing about WA that I just can't stand is how crappy the alcohol laws are here. For the uneducated, the main laws are: 1) bars close at 2am, 2) hard liquor can only be sold in state-run liquor stores (only beer and wine can be sold at grocery stores), 3) you cannot take an open container out of a restaurant or bar, 4) any restaurant or bar that sells alcohol and wants to have space outside has to have a fence or some other barrier around that area. We also have one of the highest alcohol taxes in the country.

    Anyway, so the legislature wants to pass a new bill that makes it so that only people will certain kinds of driver's licenses can purchase alcohol. Again, for the uneducated, in WA, when you get a driver's license and you're under the age of 21, the license is printed vertically on the card. Once you turn 21, any new license you get will be printed in the standard horizontal format. This was implemented a while ago so that people (mostly police officers and people who run bars) can quickly check if that person is under or over 21. So, essentially the new bill will make it so that only horizontal format licenses will be accepted for alcohol purchases.

    The problem with this is that there are a lot of people who get their new licenses before their 21st birthday so that they don't have any days where they can't drive. And even if you wait until you are 21 and get the license then (like I did), it takes about a week for the new license to get in the mail. So people who are 21, but have the wrong format license, and those who are waiting for a new one, can't perform a federally mandated privilege.

    Why you do this WA? With any luck, this will get struck down when they realize that there are dozens of other acceptable licenses that can be used that they have no control over. You know, like passports.
  • Tea-Party is coming to Albany.

    Someone bring the flamethrowers.
  • I really love where I live, but if there's one thing about WA that I just can't stand is how crappy the alcohol laws are here. For the uneducated, the main laws are: 1) bars close at 2am, 2) hard liquor can only be sold in state-run liquor stores (only beer and wine can be sold at grocery stores), 3) you cannot take an open container out of a restaurant or bar, 4) any restaurant or bar that sells alcohol and wants to have space outside has to have a fence or some other barrier around that area. We also have one of the highest alcohol taxes in the country.

    Anyway, so the legislature wants to pass a new bill that makes it so that only people will certain kinds of driver's licenses can purchase alcohol. Again, for the uneducated, in WA, when you get a driver's license and you're under the age of 21, the license is printed vertically on the card. Once you turn 21, any new license you get will be printed in the standard horizontal format. This was implemented a while ago so that people (mostly police officers and people who run bars) can quickly check if that person is under or over 21. So, essentially the new bill will make it so that only horizontal format licenses will be accepted for alcohol purchases.

    The problem with this is that there are a lot of people who get their new licenses before their 21st birthday so that they don't have any days where they can't drive. And even if you wait until you are 21 and get the license then (like I did), it takes about a week for the new license to get in the mail. So people who are 21, but have the wrong format license, and those who are waiting for a new one, can't perform a federally mandated privilege.

    Why you do this WA? With any luck, this will get struck down when they realize that there are dozens of other acceptable licenses that can be used that they have no control over. You know, like passports.
    Oh, such an oppressive state, how ever will you cope. PA laws were all of this and more, I bought alcohol just fine when I was 21 with a vertical license. I heard that some clubs would reject it, but I never had any trouble with it.
  • So write to your legislator and tell him/her what your problem with the proposed bill is. Explain why the shape of the license is a dumb way to determine who buys alcohol when the birthday system is already working perfectly well. If you don't get involved in the decision-making process in some way, you can't justifiably complain if they pass a stupid law.

    Also, those current laws don't seem particularly bad. NC had the same type of laws. The state liquor stores never really posed much of a problem to access; they were pretty much everywhere. I also miss being able to buy wine in grocery stores. In New York, you apparently can't sell beer and wine in the same establishment, so you can't get wine at a grocery store. I mean, how stupid is that? What possible rational purpose could this law serve? It just means if you want to buy wine, you have to drive to another store before you can go home.
  • Why you do this WA? With any luck, this will get struck down when they realize that there are dozens of other acceptable licenses that can be used that they have no control over. You know, like passports.
    Dude, you have to wait a WHOLE WEEK before you can legally booze?

    Those laws are very, very standard. In fact, they're lax compared to most states. In New York, you can't sell wine in a grocery store at all. Only beer, and even then, the actual laws governing the requirements for doing so are incredibly restrictive.

    I don't even want to get started about the laws for starting a microbrewery in New York.
  • The problem with this is that there are a lot of people who get their new licenses before their 21st birthday so that they don't have any days where they can't drive. And even if you wait until you are 21 and get the license then (like I did), it takes about a week for the new license to get in the mail. So people who are 21, but have the wrong format license, and those who are waiting for a new one, can't perform a federally mandated privilege.

    If you're so fucking obsessed with buying alcohol asap when you reach 21, you might have some mental problem that warrants worrying.
  • Why you do this WA? With any luck, this will get struck down when they realize that there are dozens of other acceptable licenses that can be used that they have no control over. You know, like passports.
    Hey, you know where you can go with a passport? Canada, they sell alcohol to 18 year olds. Heck in most of Europe you can buy wine and beer at 16. It is not that big a deal buying alcohol and don't you have buddies who are 3 months older than you or parents?
  • RymRym
    edited April 2010
    Other option: grow an epic mustache. I could buy liquor when I was 17 with nary a batted eye. I'd even hand over my driver's license, which clearly stated that I was 17, but they wouldn't actually check, on account of the stache.
    Post edited by Rym on
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