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Fail of Your Day



  • It is the first time I'd ever heard of the website, and I clicked "random page" a few time, and nothing bad turned up. Just a few articles written in really poor English. I really didn't expect to see a page full of the worst taste images 4chan could find. I grew out of looking at bad taste images on the internet about 12 years ago, after a single surfing session.
  • image

    We got robed yesterday night. Not a lot of my stuff was missing, but my dad lost his laptop and phone among other things.
  • The townhouse my Mom rented when I was 8 was broken into. Strangely, they only my Mom's undergarments, her prescription sunglasses, her costume jewelry (she kept the real stuff in a hidden safe), her make-up, and my skateboard.
  • Never click the random page button on Encyclopedia Dramatica.. especially if you have a bizarre fascination with depravity or have ever had one of those "but how bad could it be?" experiences.
    And never,ever, for the love of the FSM, look up "kittens".
    Psshh, I've seen more than half of those before, and the others didn't really phase me. I don't know why, but 2girls1cup was about a million times worse than anything, even BME Pain Olympics, for me.
  • Never click the random page button on Encyclopedia Dramatica.. especially if you have a bizarre fascination with depravity or have ever had one of those "but how bad could it be?" experiences.
    And never,ever, for the love of the FSM, look up "kittens".
    Psshh, I've seen more than half of those before, and the others didn't really phase me. I don't know why, but 2girls1cup was about a million times worse than anything, even BME Pain Olympics, for me.
    Pain Olympics was much, much, worse. Good fucking god.
  • This wasn't a personal failing, but I had to deal with the discomfort of someone else failing.
    When I went into the restroom at my work (a restroom that is utilized by other companies as we have a suite in an office building), a woman was on the toilet in a handicapped stall doing her business while talking on a cell phone. What is worse is that other people were using the stalls as well. Apparently this woman does this frequently. It is just rude and a bit gross. She may not mind sharing her toilet sounds with whomever she is speaking, but other people may not want to.
  • See, the thing is, you have to close your cell phone before you wash your hands. Sure, you have to hike your pants back up too, but you wash your clothes more frequently than you wash your cell phone.

    That is so unsanitary.
  • In religion class, we're supposed to read Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor" for a discussion about compassion and how it relates to theism and atheism. I am a huge fan of Eastern literature in general, and kind of a bookworm otherwise. Some people had it finished today, and our teacher asked how they liked it. The following ensued:

    Girl: "It sucked."
    Me: "...Are you kidding? Dostoevsky was one of the greatest writers to emerge from Russia, and one of the greatest writers in the history of the written word."
    Her: "Did you read it? It sucked."
    Me: "The Brothers Karamazov is one of the most important works ever put to page!"
    Her: "DID YOU READ IT?"
    Me: "Chunks of it, yes, and it is OBJECTIVELY GOOD. You can not like it, but it is not BAD."
    Teacher: "Well, we can agree on one thing: as far as existentialist writers go, Dostoevsky is not the worst. He's not as bad as Kafka. No one turns into a bug."
    Me: "AUGH!"

    In one blinding moment, I saw clearly every logical point HungryJoe was trying to make a few months back when I said The Scarlet Letter sucked, and why he and Scott find people like that illiterate. I was so goddamned angry that I was in a class with and being taught by a person like that. Also, my teacher hates The Great Gatsby. She once summed it up as "Rich guy falls in love, gets killed, boats. The end."

    I think in order to solve this problem, I'm going to go back, finish The Brothers Karamazov, reread The Scarlet Letter, and spend the next couple of months reading classic lit and poetry. Just to correct any faults with myself.
  • edited March 2009
    In religion class, we're supposed to read Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor" for a discussion about compassion and how it relates to theism and atheism. I am a huge fan of Eastern literature in general, and kind of a bookworm otherwise. Some people had it finished today, and our teacher asked how they liked it. The following ensued:

    Girl: "It sucked."
    Me: "...Are you kidding? Dostoevsky was one of the greatest writers to emerge from Russia, and one of the greatest writers in the history of the written word."
    Her: "Did you read it? It sucked."
    Me: "The Brothers Karamazovis one of the most important works ever put to page!"
    Her: "DID YOU READ IT?"
    Me: "Chunks of it, yes, and it is OBJECTIVELY GOOD. You can not like it, but it is not BAD."
    Teacher: "Well, we can agree on one thing: as far as existentialist writers go, Dostoevsky is not the worst. He's not as bad as Kafka. No one turns into a bug."
    Me: "AUGH!"

    In one blinding moment, I saw clearly every logical point HungryJoe was trying to make a few months back when I saidThe Scarlet Lettersucked, and why he and Scott find people like that illiterate. I was so goddamned angry that I was in a class withandbeing taught by a person like that. Also, my teacher hatesThe Great Gatsby. She once summed it up as "Rich guy falls in love, gets killed, boats. The end."

    I think in order to solve this problem, I'm going to go back, finishThe Brothers Karamazov, rereadThe Scarlet Letter, and spend the next couple of months reading classic lit and poetry. Just to correct any faults with myself.
    Dude. Sorry. Books can be bad or good. It's not a definite thing. Some people need to learn to deal with that. Just because you have strong personal feelings toward a book, and even a mass of people do, it doesn't mean it's a good or bad book.

    Literature is opinion based, as there's no way of measuring quality other than reading it and forming your own opinion.

    Edit: And let me add that this is ridiculous:
    Me: "Chunks of it, yes, and it is OBJECTIVELY GOOD. You can not like it, but it is not BAD."
    That is an opinion, it is not a fact. Bad and good are terms used to describe personal enjoyment in most cases, and in this case, that applies.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • I acknowledged that she could despise the story, or what was being said, etc., but she provided no reasoning of any sort. She just said that it sucked. If one reads Dostoevsky, one should recognize that he was talented at writing even if what he was writing about was unenjoyable to the reader.
  • edited March 2009
    I acknowledged that she could despise the story, or what was being said, etc., but she provided no reasoning of any sort. She just said that it sucked. If one reads Dostoevsky, one should recognize that he was talented at writing even if what he was writing about was unenjoyable to the reader.
    Writing talent is subjective. There in no given style, form, or anything that says that a writer is talented or not. Everyone has different views of talent and that goes for every art form.

    I understand what you're trying to say about her views, but you have to understand that in a lot of things, especially art, people immediately have a view of something as they absorb it, and there doesn't always have to be a reason like there does in other fields. Any art is subjective, and there are no grounds to argue that point.

    Edit: I also wanted to clarify that normally, letting someone's views be an excuse to say something is good or bad is ridiculous, but in the case of artworks, there is an exception.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • I'm having the most nauseatingly shitty week ever. I'd rather not go into it.
  • I'm having the most nauseatingly shitty week ever. I'd rather not go into it.
    So you'll post how you don't want to go into it, on a public forum full of relentlessly inquisitive assholes?

    We care. Let it out. That's what this thread (and the rest of us) are here for.
  • I'm having the most nauseatingly shitty week ever. I'd rather not go into it.
    So you'll post how you don't want to go into it, on a public forum full of relentlessly inquisitive assholes?
    Yeah. I realized that right after I posted that why I even posted that if I really didn't want to go into it.

    But, the thing is, I really don't want to go into it and I really don't feel comfortable talking about it. I'm sorry. It was dumb of me.
  • I'm glad that you're all here for me, though.
  • No worries, Sail. Hopefully next week will be better, yeah?
  • No worries, Sail. Hopefully next week will be better, yeah?
    Yeah. I really hope everything gets sorted out for you, too.
  • Well, it seems Robert, my deaf housemate (and not the cool kind, the alcoholic kind) stole the DS, phone, and hard drive. I think he also stole my wacom, but it looks like another housemate is going to send me them. Things might possibly not suck.
  • I hurt my ankle bike riding yesterday and I left my bike chain on Ablemarle St. ;_;
  • I'm glad that you're all here for me, though.
    Sorry to hear of your shitty week, and of course we're here for you! I normally don't like revealing current projects that I'm working on as gifts for others, but hopefully this might cheer you up a bit and have you anticipating the finished product.


    This has been fairly challenging so far because the stitches are extremely small, but once I'm done with this, the rest will be cake.
  • I'm glad that you're all here for me, though.
    Sorry to hear of your shitty week, and of course we're here for you! I normally don't like revealing current projects that I'm working on as gifts for others, but hopefully this might cheer you up a bit and have you anticipating the finished product.


    This has been fairly challenging so far because the stitches are extremely small, but once I'm done with this, the rest will be cake.
    Awwww, how cute!!
  • It was my thing of the day a few days ago, but having a table tennis table in the living room is a productivity vacuum for Pola and me.
  • I normally don't like revealing current projects that I'm working on as gifts for others,
    I'm smiling so big right now :D
  • I normally don't like revealing current projects that I'm working on as gifts for others, but hopefully this might cheer you up a bit and have you anticipating the finished
    Summer + table tennis table outside + entire neighbourhood armed with a paddle = productivity, lolwut? Through whole my life, whenever there was a table tennis table nearby, it got played. A lot.
    You know what would be super epic? Removable, stitched awesome glasses.
  • You know what would be super epic? Removable, stitched awesome glasses.
    Oh mans, that would be awesome, however I really can't see any possible way to make that happen with ease.
    I'm smiling so big right now :D
    I am pleased. ^_^
  • The girl I have tentative plans with cannot do anything until next weekend. Damnation.
  • The girl I have tentative plans with cannot do anything until next weekend. Damnation.
    Dude, it happens. I've been dating this girl who's in her senior year of college, and just a few days ago, she was like "I have midterms for the next two weeks, so if we could get together after that, that'd be great." Just keep in contact and make sure she doesn't forget about you, and you'll be fine.
  • I need to start a Dating Horror Stories thread,,, but seriously my water heater broke and flooded the basement. That sucked.
  • Daylight Savings Time is approaching. I hate Daylight Savings Time with the heat of a thousand white hot suns. Daylight Savings Time can die in a fire.
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