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Fail of Your Day



  • The lady who cuts my hair cut my bangs too short this time, and now I look like a guy.
  • The lady who cuts my hair cut my bangs too short this time, and now I look like a guy.
    Great! Now you can confuse people! I love having short hair because I get the "Sir, er, Ma'am!" treatment all the time, when people call out to me from the back.
  • I don't really see how it's possible to confuse a guy for a girl from the back, even with short hair, unless you're either fat or a twig.

    Girls kinda have curves...
  • I don't really see how it's possible to confuse a guy for a girl from the back, even with short hair, unless you're either fat or a twig.

    Girls kinda have curves...
    A lot of them hide them underneath layers upon layers of clothing.
  • I don't really see how it's possible to confuse a guy for a girl from the back, even with short hair, unless you're either fat or a twig.
    Girls kinda have curves...
    I'm more of the twig variety and I'm flat as a board. Not so many curves. Plus, you have to take into account New York Winters. Long black coat, Long Black pants, Long Black see?
  • Also this Johnny Wander. See, it's not just me.
  • I don't really see how it's possible to confuse a guy for a girl from the back, even with short hair, unless you're either fat or a twig.
    Girls kinda have curves...
    I'm more of the twig variety and I'm flat as a board. Not so many curves. Plus, you have to take into account New York Winters. Long black coat, Long Black pants, Long Black see?
    True. Boston winters are pretty much the same, but I still don't mistake guys for girls or vice versa... Maybe I'm just not out often enough?
  • edited February 2009
    Oscar fail: Mickey Rourke did not receive an Academy Award forThe Wrestler. Granted, I have yet to seeMilk, but I'm confident that Rourke's acting was superior.
    I saw Milk... the Oscar was very well deserved. (Not that it matters since having the better publicists is the only thing that really determines an Oscar.)
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Oscar fail: Mickey Rourke did not receive an Academy Award forThe Wrestler. Granted, I have yet to seeMilk, but I'm confident that Rourke's acting was superior.
    I sawMilk... the Oscar was very well deserved. (Not that it matters since having the better publicists is the only thing that really determines an Oscar.)
    Yeah, but you didn't see The Wrestler. :P

    I have to watch Milk, anyhow. I'm quite certain it's worth seeing. I'm also really curious about Slumdog, as it really cleaned house, and the people I know who've seen it said it was really good.
  • I don't really see how it's possible to confuse a guy for a girl from the back, even with short hair, unless you're either fat or a twig.

    Girls kinda have curves...
    A lot of them hide them underneath layers upon layers of clothing.
    I do that sometimes. And I don't mind being mistaken from behind so much. It's when it's possible to make that mistake when looking at me from the front that it gets awkward.

    Although, the time that the mistake was on the part of a little girl was kinda funny.
  • edited February 2009
    The fail of my day is this stupid temporary retainer. It gives me a jaw ache within minutes of putting it on, it gives me lisp (that'll go away, but it still sucks), and, because of my overbite, it makes my mouth look just like this guy's:


    I can't get that proper retainer fast enough.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I got a speeding ticket. Thankfully, I work for lawyers who should be able to get it plead down to a no point violation.
  • I just heard about this. While the emphasis of mourning should rightfully go to those that lost loved one, livelihoods, etc. in the fire... the loss of a such a beautiful place and an artist's life's work is also sad.
  • I got a speeding ticket. Thankfully, I work for lawyers who should be able to get it plead down to a no point violation.
    Where I used to live, my dad and the judge were best friends. I didn't pay a speeding ticket the entire time I lived there.
  • I got a speeding ticket. Thankfully, I work for lawyers who should be able to get it plead down to a no point violation.
    Where I used to live, my dad and the judge were best friends. I didn't pay a speeding ticket the entire time I lived there.
    Where I used to live, my Grandfather was a former town Judge. It got me out of tickets in that County.
  • I got a speeding ticket. Thankfully, I work for lawyers who should be able to get it plead down to a no point violation.
    Where I used to live, my dad and the judge were best friends. I didn't pay a speeding ticket the entire time I lived there.
    Where I used to live, my Grandfather was a former town Judge. It got me out of tickets in that County.
    Congratulations, respect for you has increased with -100 points. If you don't want to pay speeding tickets, don't speed. If you have to speed because everyone does so and you'd be a danger by driving the speed limit as Rym once did, freaking petition your government to raise the speed limit! Otherwise, just pay your speeding tickets. They're there to discourage you from driving like an idiot and putting others in danger. It would also help into lessening that debt the USA managed to collect.
  • If you have to speed because everyone does so and you'd be a danger by driving the speed limit as Rym once did, freaking petition your government to raise the speed limit!
    The government has a vested interest in keeping them down to raise revenue, and my fellow citizens are too dim to effect any real political change. Thus, I have no option but to fight speeding tickets in court after I am caught speeding.
    hey're there to discourage you from driving like an idiot and putting others in danger.
    No, they're there to raise revenue. There are many studies showing that these low limits are in no way safer.
  • edited February 2009
    Congratulations, respect for you has increased with -100 points. If you don't want to pay speeding tickets, don't speed. If you have to speed because everyone does so and you'd be a danger by driving the speed limit as Rym once did, freaking petition your government to raise the speed limit! Otherwise, just pay your speeding tickets. They're there to discourage you from driving like an idiot and putting others in danger. It would also help into lessening that debt the USA managed to collect.
    First of all, I rarely speed. I was going along with traffic, and there were over 4 speeding traps in my 15 minute ride to work today (which is very unusual). They keep the speed limit at 55 on a road that should be 65. There were at least three other people pulled over with me on this road. They set it up because it is the end of the first fiscal quarter and they are trying to fill municipal coffers that are crazy low due to the recession/depression. Way to judge someone's driving ability and person on little-to-no information and using erroneous justifications. Rather than detract some arbitrary number of respect points, I will assume you were human and let it go.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • hey're there to discourage you from driving like an idiot and putting others in danger.
    No, they're there to raise revenue. There are many studies showing that these low limits are in no way safer.
    Well, not ALL of them - part of the Australian government - I honestly can't remember which state, but I'm reasonably sure it was Queensland - did a study, and based on the results, lowed the residential street speed limit to 50 Kph - and they don't get tickets out of it that often (how many speed cameras or radar gun cops on residential Australian streets? Bugger all.) and it measurably reduced accidents in residential streets.
  • edited February 2009
    Back in Louisville, you could always get a moderate speeding ticket amended to "defective equipment", which is supposed to mean that your spedometer was broken and you've proven that you fixed it. However, no one in Louisville ever required that proof. If a lawyer asked for the amendment, it was given. The speeder got a moderately lower fine and no points on his license, but still had to pay the crazy high court costs.

    Louisville had a night arraignment court every weeknight for speeding tickets, and there were normally about 200 cases on the docket per night. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, they even had two separate locations for night arraignment court with the aforesaid normal docket of about 200 tickets each. At about $170.00 per ticket in court costs alone, Louisville was making some good pocket monies.

    In and around DC, there are lots of bizarre little streets and roads that fall under federal jurisdiction. They have no sense of leniency at all when it comes to speeding on some of these roads. It is not unusual for them to actually require a day or two in jail for what would otherwise be a minor ticket.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited February 2009
    I got a speeding ticket about 2 weeks ago (84 in a 65). Apparently, though I haven't gone to court yet, the way it works in this particular town is that after an initial "Not Guilty" plea, the DA will offer all the speeders on trial that day a reduced charge if they'll accept a guilty plea. There's no debate, it's just "We'll give you X if you plead guilty." I'm not sure how it works, but I think if it's resolved in town court, the town collects the fine. If you resolve it in county or state court, the county or state collects the fine. So the town has a vested interest in getting you to pay something. I know a lot of coworkers who've had 20+ over tickets reduced to Parking on Pavement tickets.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I got a speeding ticket about 2 weeks ago (84 in a 65). Apparently, though I haven't gone to court yet, the way it works in this particular town is that after an initial "Not Guilty" plea, the DA will offer all the speeders on trial that day a reduced charge if they'll accept a guilty plea. There's no debate, it's just "We'll give you X if you plead guilty." I'm not sure how it works, but I think if it's resolved in town court, the town collects the fine. If you resolve it in county or state court, the county or state collects the fine. So the town has a vested interest in getting you to pay something. I know a lot of coworkers who've had 20+ over tickets reduced to Parking on Pavement tickets.
    You can also write the D.A. and send them your driving record and they will offer you a plea without attending Court. I can draft it for you, if you like.
  • ......
    edited February 2009
    The government has a vested interest in keeping them down to raise revenue, and my fellow citizens are too dim to effect any real political change. Thus, I have no option but to fight speeding tickets in court after I am caught speeding.
    Your government might have said interest yes, but they're not there to rule over you. And wouldn't your fellow citizens understand the sentence: "Write your signature on here if you want to raise the speed limit." Have you even ever tried to do anything against the low speed limit with the backing of your fellow citizens? I find the idea of fighting speeding tickets in court to be ludicrous. You should gain nothing in a working society-oh... US, they don't know the verb 'to work'.
    No, they're there to raise revenue. There are many studies showing that these low limits are in no way safer.
    A question, how low is this 'low' you speak off? On how wide roads?
    the speed limit at 55 on a road that should be 65.
    A highway still with a 55mph speeding limit? I thought those were all raised to 65. With some even being 70 or even a normal 75mph.
    Way to judge someone's driving ability and person on little-to-no information and using erroneous justifications. Rather than detract some arbitrary number of respect points, I will assume you were human and let it go.
    I said nothing about your driving ability. I said I have less respect for those who complain when getting caught speeding yet don't do try to do a thing about it. There is never any good reason to speed. Especially on a freaking 15 minute commute, grab your bike for such a minimal distance btw. Either get your government to raise the speed limits, or fuck off.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Either get your government to raise the speed limits, or fuck off.
    Again, my fellow citizens are too dim to take action, and I can't take action without them. I have no recourse.

    There is never any good reason to speed.
    Speeding shaves a good hour off of my drive to Rochester each way. Two extra hours at my destinations off the roads is well worth the minimal extra cost in gas, and it's no more dangerous.
  • the speed limit at 55 on a road that should be 65.
    A highway still with a 55mph speeding limit? I thought those were all raised to 65. With some even being 70 or even a normal 75mph.
    Yeah, where I used to live, the main highway was 40 mph. Sorry, but that's downright ridiculous.
  • the speed limit at 55 on a road that should be 65.
    A highway still with a 55mph speeding limit? I thought those were all raised to 65. With some even being 70 or even a normal 75mph.
    Yeah, where I used to live, the main highway was 40 mph. Sorry, but that's downright ridiculous.
    You think that's bad? Most speed limits in Melbourne are 50 kilometres per hour with certain areas set at 40 kph, now thats just completely asinine
  • the speed limit at 55 on a road that should be 65.
    A highway still with a 55mph speeding limit? I thought those were all raised to 65. With some even being 70 or even a normal 75mph.
    Yeah, where I used to live, the main highway was 40 mph. Sorry, but that's downright ridiculous.
    You think that's bad? Most speed limits in Melbourne are 50 kilometres per hour with certain areas set at 40 kph, now thats just completely asinine
    Jesus, at least the lowest regular limit we get to in Queensland is 50. 40 is practically crawling.
  • the speed limit at 55 on a road that should be 65.
    A highway still with a 55mph speeding limit? I thought those were all raised to 65. With some even being 70 or even a normal 75mph.
    Yeah, where I used to live, the main highway was 40 mph. Sorry, but that's downright ridiculous.
    And now you live in a place where the speed limit is a loose guideline at best.

    Seriously, the highways around Dallas are crazy. The speed limit on the main highways is 60mph. The average driver goes somewhere between 60 and 75. Some people go around 50 - 60, and other people will drive at 80 or higher. People (myself included) slow down if there is a cop parked on the side of the highway, but I've been passed by cops (no lights or sirens) while going 5 - 10 over the speed limit. Raising the speed limit would seem like the logical thing to do, but it would probably only cause people to drive faster.
  • I went to an extracurric meeting today to ask this girl there out. She's pretty, funny, quirky, smart, and has a bit of geek to her name, and. Plus, I figure my chances are good because the first time she saw me she did a couple comic sketches about me, and we had a 30-45 minute talk. Anyway, I get there, wait 10 minutes, and finally I see her--Only to have her grab some papers from someone and leave to go somewhere else. All the confidence I had built was basically wasted, and I felt like a tool. Later, I produced a couple excellent improv scenes and a nice blues solo out of sheer frustration.
  • Hey, but it wasn't in rejection, right? Waiting ten minutes does not make you a tool. I've waited far longer just to say hello to a girl. That's when it gets sad.
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